He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Small But Great

  I saw a movie once where a young man was intimidated by the larger boys on the football team.  His stature was small, although he was quite agile.  His father told him to allow God to use his small size to do something great and wonderful to God’s glory.  At a critical time in the game the young man, relying completely on God since he alone could not humanly complete the task, kicked a field goal well beyond his means and the team won the game.

This same concept is demonstrated with David and Goliath.  He faced what seemed like insurmountable odds when he faced the giant, especially when the giant was holding weapons of war that minimized even more, the simple slingshot and stone, David held in his hand.  

David believed he was following the will of the Lord, however and God saw him through.  The giant, Goliath, was killed by a small, shepherd boy, who had not even yet, been in battle.  David used a small stone and slingshot and God’s strength to down Goliath who carried a sword, wore solid armor and was huge in size.  Yet, God’s plan included showing that if you depend on him, he will bring glory despite obstacles such as size and human strength.

Jesus came to touch the lives of the lowly, much like he touched the town of Bethlehem.  We are all unworthy of Christ’s redemptive power.  Yet, God in his infinite wisdom and love, provided a way for each of us to find grace.  It is through Christ we are born again.

Bethlehem is yet another symbol of the last being first (Matthew 19:30).  Bethlehem was a small town compared to those around it.  It seemed unlikely that a great King could come from such a place.  It didn’t house great politicians or anyone rich and famous.  It seemingly had nothing worthy to offer.  Yet God chose this unlikely place for the birth of Christ.  

Jesus told his disciples that there will be many who are first now but will be last in times to come and those who are last will be first.  Bethlehem was last in the minds of most, as a place of birth for the King of Israel.  It just didn’t seem possible.  Yet Micah many years before Jesus’ birth prophesied that it would be so.  So the question remains, “Why did so many people miss the event?”  Why are there still those who refuse to see Jesus as the Messiah?  

What “giant” are you facing today?  Is there conflict between you and another person, between your head and your heart, from pressures of your peers or desires of your heart that would not be acceptable?  How will you take that ‘giant’ down?  David used an unlikely slingshot and stone.  God used the tiny town of Bethlehem as the birthplace of his Son in the form of a tiny baby, to be a Living Sacrifice, not a full grown king, as many expected.to fight Satan, and the sins of the world. 

We are all given gifts, even if they seem small to us.  Perhaps you think it’s a gift that seems unimportant, unlikely and certainly unused.  Could you, if you dedicated it to God for his glory, use your 'small scaled' gift for something great?  God is just waiting to see what you will offer.  Don’t disappoint him.

Photo Credit: High School football

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