He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Crystal Clear Sign

My husband and I, some years ago, made the decision to rent the home we were living in, to another family.  That meant literally moving 35 years of “stuff” into a smaller home which we purchased several years earlier.  We had struggled for months trying to decide which home we wanted to live in.    

      Our first residence was built largely by my husband over 25 years ago.  We had central air and heat, an above ground swimming pool, plenty of room, an oversized two car garage, a beautiful yard and virtually everything we had dreamed of.   The home we bought about ten years ago was purchased to help a family member who was struggling in their marriage and was having financial issues.  The home did not have central air or heat, had no pool or garage and in fact wasn’t even “finished” on the inside.  

We had prayed for guidance that would be so clear we couldn’t miss it.  The answer came when we learned of a family needing a large home for five, of their nine children.  We raised five in ours and knew room wouldn’t be an issue.  My husband and I had the exact same idea simultaneously, within just seconds of each other.  We knew God had given us each the idea and knew conclusively we would move, and allow this other family to use our home.  This was the sign we had prayed for.

Signs from God can come in a variety of ways.  The biggest road block can come from not being open to his voice in whatever form it comes.  It may be a still small voice, a verse from the Bible that speaks clearly to the problem, a talk with a friend or Pastor, and sometimes you might even find the answer through a dream.  

Years before Christ was born, people wanted a sign so they would know when the Messiah would come.  They were testing Isaiah’s patience with doubt and unbelief.  Further they tested God’s patience by asking for a sign that would be unmistakably clear.  Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come by way of Virgin Birth.  The child would be a son and be Immanuel meaning “God with us.”  Yet many missed his coming.  Their perception of a “king” to save them was different from what God promised.  The sign was crystal clear, yet clearly fuzzy to those waiting for him at the time of his birth.

That is true no less today.  Many people want to be saved from their miseries.  They long for peace and understanding.  They desire love and fulfillment.  Yet they are missing the signs.  As the end of this age creeps ever closer, those who are distressing, search for relief in drugs, alcohol, immoral acts, adultery, pornography and other types of sinful behaviors that brings them no closer to what they really long for; and can only receive from Jesus.  They don’t recognize the gift before them: Jesus the Christ.  It is only through him we can find peace, fulfillment, understanding and unconditional love.  

Have you been searching for an answer in your life?  Have you given the problem to God?  Do you agree that God cares about all areas of our lives, both big and small?  Write down the biggest personal problem you are facing right now.  Document in writing a problem that seems unimportant to most people, but important to you.  

Look at each area of your life.  Consider personal, financial, spiritual, emotional and social.  Record challenges in each area which requires more than you can do alone.  Turn those problems, issues, requests, desires and anything else you’ve written down, over to God.  Lay them at His feet and allow him to work out the details.

Then Isaiah said, "Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God also?   Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.  Isaiah 7:13-14  

Photo Credit: God Given Sign 

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