He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 8, 2024

In My Weakness

  I was reading recently about how the Holy Spirit will prompt us to do what is right, and guide us in the direction God has planned for our lives if we allow him.  The article said “Fear, yes; Obedience, always”.

I have been working on a new project and when I think about approaching those people necessary to bring it to fruition, I am terrified.  Yet, believing this project is from God , I want desperately to press onward so that I can be obedient to His “nudging”.   I am counting on God’s help through my weakness to help me through it, for while I enjoy chatting, I am “weak” when it concerns “promoting myself”.  

There are other areas in my life where I consider myself weak.  I tend to “overload” my working time frame and then have more to do than I can ever get accomplished.  I have a hard time saying “no”, detest any kind of confrontation and in that sense don’t speak up for myself, and much more!  How can I work through these weaknesses?  

My weaknesses leave me feeling inept.  I am convinced I am unable to complete certain tasks.  I cower in my total inability to finish (or do) something looming before me.  My instinct is to hide or minimize said weakness, and try in some way to skirt around it hoping no one notices my failure.  Am I alone here?  

It’s reassuring that even in Biblical times men of great faith, encountered their own weaknesses.  This was evident in the lives of Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah, Paul and others.  Each of these heroes of the Bible had a human weakness and felt inept to do the work God was giving them.  Moses was afraid.  He was not a great speaker.  Gideon was weak in physicality and believed he could not be a warrior.  Jeremiah didn’t believe he could speak well enough because he was too young.  And there was Paul who shares he has ‘a thorn in his flesh’.  We don’t know what that weakness was, but it must have been quite distinct.

Did Paul’s weakness actually make him stronger?  Suppose we (I) approached weaknesses as an asset instead of a liability? That would certainly change our approach.  Knowing that we are not strong in any given area should prompt us to do better research and be better prepared.  It should enable us to forge forward knowing despite our fears, we have done everything possible and we are totally ready to beat our ‘giant beasts’ down!

God is in our corner when we are doing his will.  He worked through all those he called and promised to enable them for the task ahead—-for the journey he was leading them on.  And that’s the point!  When we are given a purpose in life—a job of God’s choosing and plan, He is our ‘Leader’!  He goes before us and helps us through our journey whether we sit on the mountain top, breathing easy, or climbing up the mountain, running scared and out of breath!  Even when in the valley where we see so many uncertainties, obstacles, challenges and impossible situations; nothing but ‘doom and gloom’, God is there!  

Our weakness in used by God to do great things when we believe—when we use the gifts—and the extension of said gifts, as an asset not a liability. 


Photo Credit: Weakness

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