He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 15, 2024

Treasure In Diversity

       The United States spans from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, and from Canada down to Mexico.  Additionally we have Alaska, well north next to Canada, and Hawaii miles away in the Pacific.  In the middle of the continuous borders we have 48 uniquely different states.  Some are tiny, like New Hampshire or Vermont.  Others are huge like Texas or California, but each is special!

Some of our states boast mountains, while others are brimming with lakes.  Others have prairies and dry desert areas.  Industry booms in some states, others are quiet with agriculture, or oil rigs in their landscape or breathe of deep coal mines.  Vegetation is also different as sequoia trees reach high for the sky, while low rising cactus flourish in others.

While English is the main language, many different languages mix in, as people from other countries have immigrated from foreign lands to make their home here.  Along with a different language, comes traditions in foods, dress and sometimes even in worship.   All these differences are knows as diversity; and melded together makes for a blended way of life, as we each learn a little from the other.

A friend shares the story about a discussion he and his family were having at the dinner table.  Not certain how the discussion veered from the original content, they ended up discussing how heritage often shapes some perspectives, given tradition and points of view.   One of his children suddenly interrupted and asked, “I’m part Scandinavian?”  It hadn’t occurred to him that he was anything other than American, and the parents apparently hadn’t shared their background with them.  Children are often the last to realize differences!  

But diversity is not a new idea.  When Jesus called the twelve disciples, many had similarities, but others were significantly different from their peers.  There were differences in social position, workplaces, personalities, and even abilities.  There were fisherman, a tax collector, a zealot, and a thief!  Some had hot tempers, while another was skeptical, and another impulsive.  Certainly all these different elements must have created some interesting conversations during the time they spent with Jesus.  

      Diversity boldly shows up in another place, as well.  Consider all the animals, plants and vegetation God created!  The different species on either side is mind boggling.  And while they co-exist, they each have separate dynamics, and ultimately even compliment each other.  

With all these differences going on all around us, it’s a bit peculiar that we as humans, have such a difficult time with the uniqueness of each person whether it be skin color, ethnic origins, languages, traditions and all the other variances we as people have.

Isn’t it interesting how even disability can be a barrier between classes of people and even within families?  God loves variety!  He made each of us just perfectly, and as different as you can imagine, even in the area of abilities.  These differences in many ways, creates a completeness we’d never have thought of, if God hadn’t created it.  

What a treasure each person brings to a friendship, a workplace, community, within a family and more if we are willing to accept God’s gift in them.  Perhaps you can see someone’s special-ness today, that you hadn’t noticed before.  Surely God knows it’s there.  We each might just have to look past our narrow vision, to see them more clearly!

Enjoy your differences, and embrace someone else’s.  You’ll both be glad you did!

Photo Credit: Diversity in humans 

Photo Credit: Diversity in plants 

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