He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 22, 2024

Preparing To Serve

     You may think me crazy, but one of my favorite things to do is study!  I went to college when my youngest son started and I was diligent about doing homework and studying for tests.  The idea of being a ‘perpetual student’ absolutely applies to me.  I’m in my happy place when I can open a book about something which interests me, but I know only a limited amount of information about.   There were times when I about drove my adult kids nuts with it and they have been known to literally remove my book from my lap and say, “Mom, it’s the weekend!  Take. A. Break!”

When I read about Daniel, I’m intrigued.  When our children leave home for college, they usually attend a college of their choice and often have a course of study in mind.  

When Daniel left home, it wasn’t to attend college in the sense we know it, but there are parallels.  He didn’t get to choose the college of his choice, he was taken by the Babylonians from his home.  He did however, have ‘fellow room mates’ who also were taken to this new environment, in a new land, away from everything they’d grown up with.  

He and the other ‘new’ students, were expected to learn a new language, a new culture, the literature of the area, different curriculum than he would have chosen and thus a new educational major and/or minor and was even given a new name over the next three years!  These ‘students’ were expected to completely adapt and accept their new station in life.

Daniel, who was considered a quick learner, did well.  He didn’t however forget where he came from or about the God he believed in!  Regardless of the struggles facing him, he was dedicated to a positive attitude and considered this event to be an opportunity to gain insight in ways he could use the new found information, to serve the Lord.  He believed God had a plan; a good plan!

His belief and faith in God drove him to set personal goals and resist those temptations Satan would hurl at him in this new environment.  He gently made a case for eating the correct food rather than being coerced into eating foods he believed would defile him before God.  He made commitments and decisions that were hard and went against the grain, yet kept the ‘powers that be’ at bay. 

There were those, however, who set out to ‘bring Daniel down’!  They convinced the king to make a decree that everyone would only bow before him and to no other God.  Daniel, prayed about this, and decided he wouldn’t change a thing regarding his devotion, to the one and only Living God.  

Ultimately he was thrown into the lion’s den, but the lions mouths were shut and did not harm him.  Daniel knew the consequences of disobedience to the king.  He had studied the culture and understood that hearts were not turned to his God, but knew God would take care of the matter.

In the years before this, (in what I would have considered a harrowing event), Daniel prepared to serve his God, regardless of the circumstances.  His preparation and confidence in God, got him through, because God had a plan.  He used this event to show us ‘nothing is impossible with God’.  Realistically Daniel should have immediately been viciously devoured by the lions, but wasn’t.

Do we study God’s Word so intently that we know it and have faith like Daniel had; to know that God is all powerful?  It’s so much easier to cower under the pressure.  Our world is upside down and inside out with evil lurking in every corner!  I want faith like Daniel had! 

To have this kind of faith, however, I need to be dedicated to study—- to the study of God’s word!  I heard a pastor say once, we aren’t only accountable for what we know in the Bible——but also for what we don’t know!  I want to be prepared for whatever comes my way.  Will you join me in study, as we prepare to serve?

Photo Credit: Studying God's Word

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