He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 20, 2019

Spiritually Fit


           My son, while in the Marine Corps, was required to be physically fit, at all times.  It is the responsibility of every Marine, to be able to pass the fitness test when called on to do so.  This requires constant training of one kind or another.  My son found pleasure in working out and took the challenge well beyond what was required. 

Since leaving the service, his “passion” to remain in the best physical shape possible, remains.  His constant body building and fitness routine enables him to push his body beyond the limits.  One of his latest personal achievements includes being able to do 100 chin ups in 4 minutes and 47 seconds!  (I admit doing one chin up would be an accomplishment for me!)  But it makes my point.  He works very hard, every day to reach a new goal.  And he succeeds!  (Obviously, my perspective on physical fitness is not the same as his!)

Anywhere you live across the globe, there are classes for functional fitness focusing on balance, strength and tone.  There are exercises that encourage movement from a general sedentary life style by concentrating on walking; to yoga of all capabilities, along with strength training.  The goal in each case is to promote physical activity that will improve health and quality of life.  You can even climb to great heights in places like Devil's Tower!  (Wyoming)  If you look closely there is a person nearly in the center of the second photo.  You can be sure this person was physically fit before attempting such a climb!

            As Christians, we should have the same “passion” for building our spirit in faith and prayer as my son and others do in physical fitness.  If each Christian took it upon himself to study, pray and “work” at understanding God’s word, we would find ourselves “spiritually fit” beyond what we might imagine!

            A Pastor said once we are responsible to know all that is written in God’s Word.  I was astounded.  I hadn’t ever considered that possibility.  To be responsible and accountable for what I haven’t yet read and know yet?  Responsible!  ……and Accountable!  That means a lot more study time than is often given---through daily searching the Word, to gain discernment and understanding.  

            How many times have we studied a subject matter that interests us, which really has no other advantage except that we “know” it or enjoy it?  If we applied ourselves to His Word with the same diligence we study other material, we would be better equipped to tackle whatever trials we faced.  

            I read an article some years ago about a godly man who was asked by a non-believer some advice on a specific subject.  His reply, “I’ll see what God has to say about it.” He went home and searched the scripture (probably with a Concordance) specifically on that subject and was able to scripturally answer the man’s question!  This man was “spiritually fit” before he answered!  

 If we “worked out with God every day,” the world would be considerably better. We, as a Christian people group, would be able to pass the “spiritual fitness test” whenever we were called on to do so.  Our faith would be strong enough to carry us through whatever we might encounter and be sturdy and resilient enough to carry our neighbor, as well!

I encourage you to evaluate those subjects you study, even casually.  Where does your interests take you?  Do you take time in your busy schedule to reach for the best Book on the planet?  Can you say with sincerity you know the contents…..for which one day we will each be accountable?

Monday, May 13, 2019

Unwanted Phone Calls


            Walking into the store, we were surprised when we didn’t see “Liz” anywhere. She was almost always working when we visited!  So we inquired about our friend.  “She doesn’t work here anymore,” said the cashier tersely, without any other emotion. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” we said. “Any idea where she works now?” I asked. “No,” said the woman.  

            So, we shopped for a few moments, made our purchases and left.

            “Did you notice that lady never smiled the entire time we were in there?” I queried from my husband.

            “Yup!” he answered.  “I don’t see us shopping there anymore!”

            Have you ever been in a store where everyone seemed unhappy or even mad?  It might not have anything to do with the work environment, but rather it "seems" everyone is having a bad day!  It makes for an unhappy shopping experience, for both sides!  It’s hard to enjoy anything –even shopping -- when those around you are unpleasant!
            I read recently that a person can “hear” you smiling over the telephone.  What a pleasant idea!  I don’t know how true it is, but you can tell from a person’s voice if they feel bad, had been crying or if they are eating, so why not be able to "hear" when a person is smiling?  It’s the sounds in their voice or the inflections in their words.

            Smiling is a good way to answer the phone, but telephone solicitors can test the best personalities when solicitors become so involved in what they are selling, you can’t get a word in to even make a comment.  I’m no different!  While usually fairly pleasant, it can be hard to smile, when you just want to scream, “I’m not interested!”

           When I answer the phone and realize a solicitor is on the other end, I try hard to be patient until they are finished with their promotion and then say, “no thank you” as politely as possible.  Sometimes, however, they don’t give up and continue to pressure about their product, regardless of how many times I say, “excuse me”….  By the time I convince them I’m not interested in their sales pitch, my “smile” isn’t so apparent!  (My husband tells me to just hang up—but somehow that just seems rude, although there have been times, when I’m left with no choice.)

            I could not be a phone solicitor.  How frustrating it must be to be “turned down” so often—or even have someone hang up on you.  A friend of mine, whose daughter attempted this line of work said, “A person can only handle so much rejection!”   The solicitor eventually must lose their share of joy, kindness and self-control with so many people opposing their call.  And the person being called often loses their composure because they feel imposed upon.

            Yet the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Is there ever a time when these fruits aren’t supposed to be apparent?   We are human and likely we don’t feel this way all the time.  But surely in all circumstances God expects us to try – even when we receive the unwanted phone call!

Monday, May 6, 2019

Another Sign

         The news some time ago related a story of a couple who had several daughters and wanted a son.  Through technology and science the couple was able to significantly enhance their chances of having the son they so badly wanted.  The process included dealing with sperm and In Vetro Fertilization. They received not only one son, but two when the woman delivered twins. 

This incident is just one more sign that Jesus is returning soon.  Changing the natural process of birth is one in a long list of changes we are seeing in our world.  Homosexuality and marriage of the same has become legal and accepted in several states.  Wars continue to rage around us.  Evil abounds. Our society becomes less and less moral daily.  Things and behaviors that were once totally unacceptable are becoming the norm.  

We can see changes everywhere!   Food processing and even the “creation” of foods seem plentiful in any grocery market.   Our food is becoming so filled with steroids and chemicals, when bought at the grocery market they hardly resemble (or taste) the way God created them!  

Technology has created a world where we can instantly see events happen live around the world, as well as, having conversations with people we know (or may not know given how businesses conference call) face to face via our cell phones.   We can even use video games to re-create our connections with our environment without ever needing to actually go outside!  We’ve had a literal knowledge explosion that touches nearly all humanity!

Our environment is changing due to how we “plan” our cities and re-route water supplies and remove trees from the landscape, as well as, deal with gases and contaminates that are put into our air; while satellites are sent into space which look like twinkling stars in the night sky.  And more and more weather related disasters are happening around the world, along with plagues, pestilence and famines; all predicted in God’s Word.

            Add to all these, the rise of violence, terrorism, crime and corruption that riddles our nation through politics and even some businesses, is it any wonder people have the “need” to escape through a variety of means on the weekend after the overwhelming work week?  Some turn to alcohol, other drugs, sex or even something as benign as just leaving the city for the weekend for somewhere quiet.

Yet, even with all these signs do we accept the fact that the end really is near? Many do not.  Many don’t believe that God created this great universe and follow this with the belief that this world is in “our” hands not in our Creator’s. What will make them believe?   

The disciples had difficulty believing Jesus’ resurrection and they had been taught this first hand from Jesus, himself.  We have God’s written word, not the “luxury” of being with Jesus as a human.  Yet this doesn’t change anything.  All that the prophets wrote remains true.  The Bible tells us that Jesus will return.  It defines many of the signs we see today.  All we must do is believe, just as Jesus taught his disciples.

I encourage you to reflect on your perspective of the end times.  Can you see the signs?