He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 29, 2018

Checkbooks and Calendars

        On the first of each month, I pull out my checkbook and pay my bills.  It’s what I do.  The date on the calendar demands it.  

            It’s interesting as I think about the ritual of paying bills.  I loathe the process even though I’m glad there are funds enough to cover them.  I am painfully aware there are many people who live pay check to pay check, trying to decide which bill they should put off in any given month.  It’s after all a very important decision.  When we are unable to pay our bill(s), interest builds so fast it doubles the basic amount in no time.  

            Jesus found it important to pray before making important decisions.  That blows my mind in a way.  He was God…..yet…..  he was a man. He deferred decision making to his Father.  I wonder how often we even consider consulting God for advice for making decisions….even paying (or not paying) any particular bill.

            Our culture has created the mindset that we can buy anything we want and have it now.  It’s how we live.  Many families have two, three or even more credit cards and each of these cards are maxed to the limit.  That’s a scary thing---well it would be for me, anyway.  I’m terrified of being in debt.  Don’t misunderstand.  We do have debt.  We have a mortgage payment and a truck payment and then there are all the monthly utility, internet, satellite TV, insurance bills, and others that keep reminding me I have much to be thankful for!

            All this focus on our checkbook has a way of cluttering our calendars, as well.  When we pray about God’s will, which is one thing Jesus was careful to pray about, we become afraid that to do anything constructive will require more funds. Even if the funds include paying for gas or food items for a Christian gathering.  Could giving to a missionary fund even be possible given our current financial situation?

            Even if we could donate a little extra funds to a worthy church project, what in the world are we to do with the giving of our time? Our time (or lack of it) is often running neck and neck with our finances.  There is little of it to share with anyone, especially if you have young ones who are in sports events or other extracurricular school activities.

            Still, there’s a “catch 22” in this scenario. While funds are stretched to the very last limit for paying those credit cards we’ve maxed out, we seem to be able to find enough money to attend sports events, or buy extra sports equipment. (An extra fishing pole, bowling ball, golf club or even running shoes are absolutely essential.) Right?  Then when you add the monies spent on the snack foods (or meals) purchased at these events, or the coffee or other beverages while there, we’ve suddenly found funds for those “things” we really find important.  ….Or even the manicure, pedicure, hair cut or coloring.  It’s what we do!

            My point to all this rambling is to bring into focus how skewed our perspective can be when you place our checkbooks and calendars side by side.  They really are “best buddies.”  But should they be?  Should we put on our calendars those events and purchases, our checkbooks can’t handle?  Is it time we place both our checkbooks and our calendars at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to give us wisdom on how we manage both?  

Monday, October 15, 2018

Picking Up Habits

         It’s interesting to listen to my now grown daughters talk about “me” when they were younger.  They would grow impatient with me when they were young, because I constantly cleaned the counter in the kitchen or my “obsession” with dusting or worse vacuuming!  More dreadful still, was they were expected to help.  What makes such comments even more interesting is my daughters have “picked up” my habits!  It is what they learned, and now they find themselves doing the very things they found annoying as children.

            Habits become comfortable for us; sometimes even bad ones!  But the routine settles our nerves and fears, causes us to relax and feel secure with what we are doing, learning and sometimes even who we are with.  Habits give us identity and provide a route for commitment in our lives, while creating a template of our daily schedule.

            Routine, consistent behaviors and patterns are even true for animals. There are programs, throughout the US which uses animals for visitation in hospitals, homesick college students and senior citizens.  The programs have different names, such as Pet VIP therapy, PAWS for People and even HABIT, but generally have the same desired result. 

Studies show animals (primarily dogs, but some cats and even rabbits) have a way of offering unconditional love and a positive presence, even to strangers. They can calm and soothe just by the very nature of their presence and allowing the stroking motion along their fur.  While they need to be taught certain behaviors in addition to having a gentle demeanor, these animals have learned habits of people, enabling them to be of service in ways no human can.  

This ‘habit’ idea is much the same when applied to our Christian lives.  As God’s children, even though we may become impatient with his teachings and not fully understand them, we find ourselves doing what He commands, just as my daughters would follow my directions in their youth.  Following God’s commands, which over time eventually become habits, we grow in Christ.

We learn by doing, just as my girls, who modeled my behaviors.  As we read and search scripture, remain in fellowship with other believers, we are learning the “habits” God wants us to know. We become more and more comfortable with what we are doing or saying, as we practice what we are learning.  These “feedings from Him” build our understanding. We find ourselves, sometimes years later saying, “I remember when I first began reading my Bible every day and having prayer time.  I didn’t always have the time to do those things, yet now I can’t imagine not taking the time.”   

            I encourage you to reflect on what God has taught you. We learn by doing, often even before we understand.  We are His children; His heirs.  He will teach us if we allow him.  Can you recognize the lessons that have become ‘habits’ you have acquired, even if inadvertently?  Do your habits offer calmness and a positive presence, without even having to think about it?

Monday, October 8, 2018

Pushing The Envelope

          Friends of ours have a large family like my husband and I. Both families made sure their children went to church, had the nurturing of both parents, were given guidelines and boundaries, love and respect, and generally tried to raise their children to be honest, God fearing adults. 

            It’s been fascinating and frustrating, as well, as our children have grown, to see how very different they are.  Different is certainly not a bad thing.  Everyone wants their children to have individuality. But when one (or more) of the children goes so far “out of the bounds” set for them in their youth, you wonder how, if all the children were raised the same, did one miss it?  Yet in each family (ours and our friend’s), there was one child who “pushed the envelope!”

            God must wonder the same thing about the human race. “How can they miss it?”  We all have been given His Word to live by, teach, guide and comfort us.  It has all the rules and directives outlined.  How can some hear this and yet never really “hear” it?  How can a person read His Word and not see the value in it?  How is it possible to know about God, yet not believe?  Yet, God says in his Word eyes will not see, ears will not hear and hearts will not understand.  We can witness this all the time, all around us.  

            As our world continues to splinter in so many different directions, it’s easy to see how individuals are often not even interested in the values and traditions long believed to be sacred throughout our land. Authority is being defied, as are the ethics, beliefs and morals on which this country was founded.

            The consequences of bad behavior affect everyone, as the idea of uniformity in “going against the grain” and “remaining in tune with peers” becomes more and more important.  Unity in defiance is growing.  It seems the world has taken a spin, which turns so fast, we are beyond the ability to slow down.  We are spiraling out of control, much like the single child who chose to go their own way, regardless of the teachings set before them in their home and church, in their youth.

            There are programs available nationwide to help those parents struggling with raising children set on rebellion and disobedience. There are professionals who work toward meaningful solutions rather than necessitating court interaction to resolve problems and conflicts.  The purpose is designed to provide “road maps” with alternatives, that allow both parents and children to see the need of peaceful resolutions to situations that can become a major problem, not only for the family, but for others, even indirectly involved.

            It becomes our burden, as those who love God, to reach out to those who won’t or don’t listen, with the love of Christ, so that their hearts will be opened and their faith born.  It becomes our responsibility to pray that the seed of Christ will be sown and grow into what God wants that person to be.  I encourage you, as a Believer to not just “witness” this decline our world displays.  Instead with a godly heart and motive…..reach out to others and share your faith.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Displays Of Love

          It’s fascinating to watch my small grandchildren react with pure delight when their mother walks into the room, or the opposite, agony and fear when she leaves.  There is no doubt that these little ones, despite who else is around they may know, rely on their mother.  She is the focal point of all they do.  Their greatest effort is to please her, to win her approval in all their activities. 

            We see displays of love all around us if we are observant.  A couple will hold hands while walking; gifts given at special times of year – or – a gift given ‘just because;’ other times a child will love on a sibling; flowers are picked by a child; or any variety of options.  

          There are all kinds of ways to display love to those you care about…..  and perhaps even to strangers.  Love can be demonstrated here by taking someone to a theater, a fair or festival, to ballroom dancing or a botanical garden, enjoying a food fair or river boat rides, as well as taking in an art museum or visiting a park!   

            For a stranger, a demonstration of God’s love may be buying a ticket or a lunch; paying for someone’s purchase of groceries, or load groceries into someone’s car; offer to cut someone’s lawn, fix a car (if you have the skill), offer food from a garden and whatever creative idea you can conjure in your mind!  

            A friend of mine recently lost two grandchildren in a house fire.  She is devastated and still reeling from the event.  Another friend, in this same week lost his son to suicide.  Our world is hurting!  Loving on these people who are suffering is yet another way to demonstrate God’s love.  We can’t take their pain, but we can be there for a shoulder to cry on, an ear for venting anger without being judgmental, a hug to soften the tears and someone to just be with them in their hour of need.

            God’s love for us parallel’s a mother’s to her children. God’s love reaches beyond what we can do for a friend in pain or a stranger who feels lost.  But when our love is sincere to someone else, it can have much the same effect as my small grandchildren to their mother.  Our greatest goal should be to please Him. Our greatest efforts toward reaching that goal should be placed in the forefront of all we do.   

When we obey his word by sharing our love, we are displaying our love for Him. When we fail, we should react like the small child: with agony and fear until we have made things right.   Our agony and fear may not be demonstrated with tears or other demonstrative behavior, but our hearts will be heavy with contrition with the great need to remedy the wrong.

Displays of love for our Father, who loves us beyond anything we can compare, are what we will carry within us when we are made complete in him.  I encourage you to demonstrate His love with everyone you meet, through your actions, words…..and even your thoughts!