He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 28, 2020

A New Name


           It’s almost New Year's; a time for resolutions and, in theory, change.  Many plan for such events, but some consider it just a waste of time, since after all the thought and planning that goes into it, it’s so hard to make it work, for longer than a week or two! 

Making New Year’s Resolutions is something I did for years.  My intentions were sound, but like for most, follow through was tough.  What usually happened, was out of the eight to ten ‘resolutions’ written, I’d settle into one or two that I’d carry out through the year.  That’s a horrible ratio, but honestly, it was still better than not having any at all!


When making these resolutions, the idea is to create a better ‘you.’  It’s what our mind’s eye sees as working toward ---the 'something better,' within ourselves.  Scripture tells us we are to work toward ‘perfection’ while acknowledging the truth that none of us can be perfect.  We are human and humans fail. 


Sometimes during this yearly ritual of ‘trying to improve myself,’ I wondered about my name.  Perhaps that sounds odd, but names are important.  Even when Jesus was calling his Apostles, he gave some new names.  Bible names often reflected the character of the bearer.  Consider first in the Old Testament where Abram’s name meaning ‘high father’ was changed to Abraham, meaning he was to be ‘father of many nations’; Sarai meaning ‘princess’ was changed to Sarah, as a ‘woman of high rank’  and Jacob meaning ‘supplanter’—which means having the desire to take over someone else’ place -- to Israel meaning ‘he strives with God,’ from when he wrestled with God. 


In the New Testament Simon was called Peter, meaning ‘rock’ because he was to be the ‘rock of the church, sent to help build its foundation.’   Another significant name change in the New Testament is Saul which means ‘to question', and was changed to Paul meaning 'humble, small or little.' 


One other name that stands out in the Bible as changed, is Lucifer.  He was one of God’s chief angels known as the 'morning star', but he rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven.  His name changed to Satan, meaning 'adversary'—and even in today’s world, this adversary remains vigilant.


If you could change your name, what would it be?  If God were to change your name, what do you think (or hope) it would be?  Have you ever thought about your specific, given name?  What does it represent?  Does it fit your character or life?


The Bible references at least five times, the fact that one day in Heaven, we will get a new name. Rev. 2:17;  Rev. 3:12;  Isa. 56:5;  Isa. 62:2;  Isa. 65:15

 Revelation 2:17 is my favorite:  Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.


            I’d love to know your favorite scripture on this topic---and if there is another reference other than the five I’ve noted, share!  And I’d also like to know the meaning of YOUR name and what you’d like it to be when you reach heaven.  What would you want it to represent--or say about you?


Photo credit:  https://unsplash.com/s/photos/writing-bubbles 

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Mother's Prayer


           We are in Christmas week and I can’t help but think about Mary, the mother of Jesus.  My first thought goes to when she was approached by the angel, and her response to the message, “Be it unto me according to your word.” (From Luke 1:38)  I stand in awe of this reaction.  I wonder if I would have responded in the same way!

           I then think of her holding him in her arms after he was born and the idea that when she kissed him, “she kissed the face of God.”  (I love this line from the song “Mary Did You Know?”)  As he grew, she knew things would change; that he’d come for a purpose; and she’d heard the warnings that pain would pierce her heart.  How would she have prayed about this?

            A mother’s prayer can have a profound effect on her children’s lives, perhaps because of the depth of love she holds for her child.  Mary would have been no exception, yet she knew God already had a plan.

            God has a plan for each of us, as well, and his grace sustains us.  There are accounts of people who have had cancer, a disability, weakened immune systems, substance abuse situations, marital or financial issues, all of which many people encounter, yet sometimes are totally healed.  This comes because people pray with humble hearts for a miracle.  Yet, a mother’s prayer is unique.  It comes from deep within her soul, as all our prayer should, but the connection between mother and child is truly distinctive and matchless.

            As we continue our journey toward Christmas over the following days, I suggest you look at each of your children, or even grandchildren and choose a specific ‘cause’ to pray for over them, with a fervency beyond what is normal.  Think of yourself praying as Mary might have over Jesus, knowing that God is in control, but that he would pour out his blessings on this child, or for healing or anything else specific. 

            I think if we all did this over the people we love, there would be even greater miracles than we witness on those very special occasions when it does happen.  Prayer is a powerful thing.  Yet if we ‘recite’ a prayer out of duty or just in passing, are we really expecting something to happen?  I encourage you to pray with expectation!  It’s the season of miracles.  Perhaps….just perhaps you could witness one during this amazing time of year!



photo credit: free nativity pictures 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Where Is Our Hope?


            Our world is changing.  The COVID pandemic has affected everyone of nearly every age.  I’ve read several different accounts of elementary students, middle and high schoolers who have reached the extreme level of ‘no hope,’ due to the inability to cope with all the changes in their young lives.  

          These young people are taking their own lives, and sadly, sometimes in front of other students via their zoom class or other internet connection.  This is beyond horrifying!   It is more than my tiny brain can fathom, that young people would become so distraught, they’d take their own lives.  


            My husband has this ‘moan thing’ he does when he’s messing with the grandchildren that often makes us laugh.  After a while, it finally dawned on me what it sounded like.  Depending on your age, you might remember the show from the 70’s, “Hee Haw.”  It was a country music, variety show and totally fun.  There was one musical skit where two guys sing a song with the lines, “Gloom, despair, and agony on me; deep dark depression, excessive misery…..”  At the end of the song they do this moan thing my husband has adopted.  In a bizarre kind of way, it must be what our young people are feeling, and ultimately unable to work through.  


            The despair isn’t just confined to our children.  There are adults in various stages of life throughout the country---and likely the world, who are also reaching the depths of desolation and despondency, to the point of suicide.  Their hope is completely gone—like it never existed.   It’s tragic! 


Our culture has conditioned us to reach for a place where our hope is placed in something which is unable to sustain us.  It can’t be found in world travel, nor in money, our friends or family, material goods or even in education, our work, alcohol, or drug use.  Hope doesn’t exist here.  People are searching for ‘hope’ in all the wrong places.  


We have entered the Christmas season and with the COVID pandemic, everything has changed.  Shopping is different, as are traditions, meals and even the celebration gatherings that are generations old.  We are told to remain sequestered in our homes, with only those family members with whom we live.  While the intention may be in our best interest, according to ‘the powers that be,’ this environment creates stress, loneliness, loss, fear, and hopelessness. 


These feelings are very real, but despite this, it’s necessary to realize the true hope that can counter this, can only come from God.  He has the power to give us HIS strength and HIS joy, even when our world is turned upside down and inside out!  With God, we have the power to overcome the fears that would tear our minds and souls to shreds, leaving us with the need to just escape all the evil surrounding us on all sides!


Is there an ‘on off switch’ we can use to quickly make this happen?  Perhaps not.  It takes a genuine heart, which completely trusts in a God, who is alive and well to make the difference.  Our problems may not instantly go away, but through HIS power, we have the means to work through whatever we are facing.  We don’t have to do it alone and we certainly don’t have to lose hope!  


Where there is hope, there is life!  Breathe on, smile a little, perhaps even laugh!  God’s got this, even when we are shaking in our boots!  

Monday, November 30, 2020

Living Our Faith


           In our travels across the country, one place  that stands out is the Devil’s Tower Monument in Wyoming.  It’s a massive natural igneous rock (created from cooling and solidification of lava) rising into the air, inviting visitors to walk around the huge structure and also to catch a glimpse of those brave souls who choose to scale the nearly upright sides.  

            The climbers look like tiny specks against the mammoth rock, as they hang tenuously, tethered to the ropes and other equipment, that holds them close to the sides as they make their climb.  They completely trust their ability through a training process, and the ropes that hold them securely.  I would not be so trusting!  In fact, the very idea terrifies me!


            Ice climbing is another area where trust in the specific tools of their trade is necessary. They, like the mountaineers who choose to scale the side of Devil’s Tower, are those who choose to scale the sides of frozen waterfalls or glaciers.  While both kinds of climbing are dangerous, ice climbing has a greater risk given the continually changing ice, which causes different grading patterns, requiring changing routes during the climb.  This also, while amazing to watch, requires absolute trust in the equipment used, and trained skills to reach the summit.


            There are days in our lives, when circumstances make us wonder what we even want trust in!  Our world is spinning with all kinds of negativity.  The COVID Pandemic, weather related disasters and fire tragedies, among the regular day to day living, can upend us.  We feel like the rope we are supposed to hang on to, to steady us, and hold us firm, is nothing but a thin piece of thread, which at any moment could snap!


            It’s times like these where, as Believers reach for the constant rope, we call faith, to cling to, enabling us to take a breath and know we are sustained through Christ. Even when we have faith, it seems we are continually finding ways to overcome the challenges we face.  


            The Bible tells us faith overcomes defeat and demonstrates this idea through Moses and others.  Moses died and did not make it into the Promised Land, as he had planned. Even though he was God’s chosen leader for the Israelites, there were instances where he wasn’t faithful and obedient to what God asked of him, so God would only let him see the Promised Land before his death.


            Joshua, another great man of God, also had a faith issue from time to time.  Once he sent a small group of men into Ai believing the threat didn’t require a larger one, feeling confident they had this battle won!  But Joshua forgot to pray first to get God’s direction, and did not win his battle.  At first he blamed God because he believed God didn’t send enough help for the fight and then learned there was ‘sin in the camp,’ furthering a weakened ‘rope.’


            Yet, once Joshua dealt with the sin in the camp, and turned his focus back on God, he discovered he had the right tools through faith, to continue with his God given talents and purpose.  His faith was back on track and the quality of life and love grew exponentially! 


            This can be the same in our life too.  We can scale those rock mountains and ice sculptures that seem way too intimidating, when we tether ourselves in God’s grace, and tie the knots of faith in our ropes, as we climb higher and higher, up and above those massive negatives that threaten to plummet us to the ground!


            God wants us to live life positively, through trust and faith in Him.  When put this belief into practice, we can see changes all around us, and scale the mountains with confidence! 

Monday, November 23, 2020

It's The Small Changes


          Changes!  There have been so many changes over the past year!  2020 has proven to be challenging for most every person on the planet!  There have been devastating fires, earthquakes, damaging flooding, catastrophic hurricanes, ravaging tornadoes, wrecking hail storms and even huge snow storms that have rocked our world.  On top of this, we have a disastrous Pandemic which is a huge game changer.   And we have a stressful election, which again, tends to unsettle one side or the other!

            Regardless of where our lives fit in the equation, there have been changes.  Some have had to rebuild or move, others have had to replace vehicles (hail), restore businesses, lost everything, dealing with broken relationships, and some have lost lives.  These, from my perspective are large changes.  

But what about the seemingly smaller ones?  Replacing a roof or windshield, replanting a landscaped yard, wearing a mask every time we venture out, our shopping norms or educational routines or even our workplace routines?  And I’m sure you could name a whole lot more!

When negative changes come, our stress levels rise, health issues increase, and our emotional state is often rocked.  Sometimes even our spiritual health is shaken.  We tend to say “When is it going to stop, Lord?”  Or “Why does my family have to deal with this loss?”  “I can’t handle any more, God.  Where are you?”

Our days feel dark and lonely without a sliver of sunshine to see us through.  There is no light at the end of the tunnel; just this grey cloud suffocating the life out of us!

But when we look closely, we can see God creating small changes in our lives, that are for his good.  Sometimes it causes us to muster up courage to break out of our comfort zone and try something new.  Other times it requires us looking for the tiny shoots of green, beneath the snow that are peeking their tiny heads up looking for the warmth of the sunshine that is sure to come.  While still more often, as Believers, we are drawn to His Word to search out the golden nuggets found there, that will give us His strength and wisdom to carry on.

When we look inside ourselves we can see tiny grains of growth, regardless of the pain and difficulty we’ve suffered.  Spring is coming, even within our souls.  We’ve just got to look for the small changes that God gives us every day.  These small gifts allow us to grow in love and understanding when our hearts are open.  It may require taking a risk of some kind, but within the confines of God’s love we can’t possibly go wrong.  He’s always with us!  

As Thanksgiving is this week, I’d like to wish each of you an amazing day!  The COVID changes have altered our lives, and many of those changes aren’t necessarily small!  Take heart!  God is with us regardless of our circumstances, and I pray you are each safe as you may or may not be gathering with your family, as you normally would.  We still have much for which to be thankful and I am thankful for YOU!


Monday, November 9, 2020

Upside Down World


          Most of us had high hopes when this year started out, but our world changed radically in mid-March when our world was described as being in a Pandemic.  Many of us have been upended in our work environment, which has always been face-to-face, to zoom meetings with our work computer set up in our homes, or even settling for telephone conversations.  Even doctor’s appointments have been relegated to meetings in our living room via computer chats.  Education had taken a hard right as classes came to a screeching halt, until computers could again become the medium for which teaching could be accomplished.

            The dynamics of visiting with family and friends has also been changed.  We have been encouraged to not come together in each other’s homes at all or at best, limit the meetings and if it was necessary to come in one place together, to keep a six foot distance and by all means absolutely no touching!  Even Thanksgiving is being threatened as a ‘non-connected’ event, while traveling has been discouraged and even many airlines have shut down.


            Marriages—even apparently strong ones--- have been strained as couples who both work outside the home, have allowed the pandemic to pry them apart, to the extent of sleeping in different bedrooms to eliminate the need to touch each other.  Some will tell you the effort of staying ‘strong’ has instead left them emotionally drained and mentally exhausted.  


            When we are brave enough to venture into the outdoors to do some necessary shopping, we are forced to place a mask across our face, smothering air intake, weighing heavier and heavier with each breath we take.  Churches are faced with social-distancing; and worship through song, in some congregations is denied; and instead of sitting near a favorite friend, we have to have a pew in between us.


            Lay-offs have happened and people are on the verge of losing everything they own and fear creeps in, as the threat of job loss loom.  Between health care problems, as well as shopping changes, and life style changes in general, each of us at different levels have felt those fears niggle at the back of our neck.  There is so much uncertainty.  How are we to move on, to even move forward in small increments?  It seems an impossibility given the current political arena.  There is corruption, deceit, and manipulation it seems, in all sectors.  


The passions of many regarding the election, have caused friends, family and colleagues, to be torn apart.  The racist card has multiplied the emotion and storm that swirls around us, no matter where we are physically.  Many of us grit our teeth, even when we hear something with which we entirely disagree; yet we are intimidated by the evil force that seems to be sweeping our nation and squelch the urge to voice our opinion.


David, as the Psalmist, knew fear, anguish, abandonment, exhaustion and vulnerability. Yet he knew he could call on the Lord, and he did, repeatedly, to give him the peace and understanding he desperately needed.  He expected the Lord to deliver him and God did.  Shouldn’t we be driven, like David, to call upon the Lord when life closes in and suffocates us with rules and regulations we don’t understand, changes in our lifestyle, the brokenness of relationships that leave our hearts split in two?


Sadly, the roughest days are still ahead of us.  It’s going to be a long journey.  As Believers, we need to unite in prayer that God’s will is done throughout the land, even if we don’t understand or agree, and pray for his imminent return.  It will be at that time, we will be able to say, “I ran the race and fought the good fight.  I’m going home!” 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Where To Lord?


              I read about a seventy-four-year-old widowed, woman who decided, after much prayer and nudging from God to move from her home in Pennsylvania to Texas due to an invitation from her daughter.  The woman was horribly nervous about the move.  She’d lived in Pennsylvania half her life, married and raised her children there, and couldn’t imagine herself uprooting all she’d known for such a drastic move.  She was comfortable in her church family, her town and friends, and held back in fear of making a big mistake.

            Praying about the situation she asked herself, “Is there a valid reason to even consider the move?”  She said she heard the most distinct whisper, ‘to flourish.’  Yet the ‘ghost of fear’ invaded her thoughts, feeding her mind with doubts and nagging questions with a vice grip.

            Still she remained in prayer, asking God to lead her. The whisper of the words, ‘to flourish’ continued to also creep in and ultimately would override the negative vibrations haunting her. Matthew 19:26 also planted itself in her mind, “With God, all things are possible.” She felt her fears melt away, and also recognized how many other blessings she might have missed over the years, because fear kept her one step away from doing the ‘unlikely!’

            Fear has a way of crippling and tripping us up on those decisions we aren’t sure we should make, when we look at the picture we can see.  Our vision is narrow.  We can’t see the whole painting. I can recall times in my own life where fear kept me from moving forward.  There is the fear of failure --- or success, the fear of disappointing those who counted on me, the fear of rejection, of being inadequate and just not good enough, of being judged unfairly, embarrassment or being shamed, and even the fear of expressing my true opinions.  

            That’s a lot of fear right there!  It’s easy to see why people hesitate to start a new career, change jobs, start relationships and even do something which simply brings them joy—like taking a long hike by themselves, painting or playing music (or singing in the choir!).  There are so many ways we hamper our God given gifts and tie our hands behind our backs in a defeatist attitude!  I’m guilty!  I have done this!  

Is it not sinful to allow this to happen?  If you don’t want to go so far as to call it a sin, isn’t it sad that we’ve allowed fear to cause us to miss so many blessings, had we just tried and allowed God to manifest himself in us so we could touch another person’s life in a very positive way?

            What, then, are we to do? Some would say confronting our fears is the first thing to fight the battle.  While I agree that’s important, I believe claiming God’s promises should be first and giving these fears to God, much like the widow spoken of above.  The Bible is filled with them!  As we claim these promises, we will find our faith growing.

            In our growth, we will likely see, we are able to reach out to others in need.  This ‘look beyond ourselves’ is a way to be an ambassador of God’s love and generates a balm for misery of almost any kind!  This ‘touch’ of ministry can grow us into where God wants us to be!  What a gift! 

            I urge you to call of the Creator of the Universe to help you turn your fears into victories and watch the unlikely places God will take you.  Enjoy the journey!

Monday, October 26, 2020

I Am A Child Of God


            I know I am a wife, mom, grandmother, friend, student, quilter, writer and what seems like twenty other hats I wear.  I have no problem identifying my very human characteristics which define me.  Yet to say, “I am a child of God” seems surreal.  It is something so profound when I say it, it doesn’t seem possible, especially when I consider the cost Christ had to give to make this happen. 

            There are scriptures, which I’ve tried to memorize, which validates this truth because long ago I accepted Christ as my Savior.  It’s something I’ve believed for as long as I can remember, yet the idea that God calls me as one of his, and specifically his child, is amazing. 


            I reflect on my human parents.  My mom took care of me as an infant and my dad was wonderful in situations where my mom wasn’t strong.  My siblings and I were close while we were children, and I’m grateful.  It isn’t much different with my Heavenly Father.  God absolutely takes care of me, Jesus gave his life, that, that might become truth for me.  The Holy Spirit is always also close by for comfort and direction.  Each member of the Trinity ‘grows' me like my earthly family.  And add to this my ‘church family’ and other Believers, I have a huge family on which to rely and take counsel from, should I need it---and ask for it!


Once this reality totally sinks in, I can acknowledge God cares about my tears, my questions and frustrations.  He finds joy in my successes and will reprimand me when I sin, through conviction.  His gentle arms surround me when I need a hug and his heart breaks when mine does.  He knows my weaknesses and my strengths and knows how to use my flaws for his good.  He cares about the little things just as much as he cares about the big ones. 


He teaches me through his Word, through experiences, and other Believers.  He not only cares about my questions, but will lead me to the answer if I’m willing to look for it.   God cares about the coronavirus.  God cares about our economic status, death, disease and sin, and yes, even me.


Even knowing all this, as I face days that seem overwhelming in their struggles, I cower.  I want to escape and just hide.  How self-centered of me!  I should instead be standing strong and face my struggles like Paul did when he was imprisoned.  He would sing!  I often can’t sing when I’m sad!  Songs seem to accentuate the element or level of my despondency and I literally just cry. 


Still, when I physically pick up His Word or cry out to him, I am overcome with a calmness that is almost indescribable.  I feel washed in His Stillness.  Then I am able to rest, physically and emotionally; and more than that, accept all the spiritual rest that His comfort brings.


As humans, we sometimes find it difficult to rely on the comfort of a God we cannot see with our eyes.  Yet, when we look around at all his provisions every day, even moment by moment, we can accept this truth for what it is, because we can 'see' Him.  We are a family and I am a child of God, and one day I will be with him in Paradise.

Monday, October 19, 2020

God Is Faithful


          My husband and I just made a return trip to the East, from South Dakota.  We have an older motor home, which several years ago, on the way out West, about an hour from our destination, konked out and we had to be towed.  There it sat for the next two years, while Charles fiddled with it and got it working again!

            This past Friday morning we headed back in that same motor home, towing my little car.  It was wonderful.  It ran fine, smoothly and gave us great traveling access to our own bed for sleeping, kitchen and meals.  Life was good!  


            Just before we reached the other side of South Dakota, the motor home stopped running.  Literally!  After a few moments, it started up again and we went the remaining mile to the next exit and re-fueled.  Again, it had issues, but it finally started and we were off!  The goal at this point, was to get to Sioux Falls and find an auto store for what Charles now thought might be wrong with it, given the code to his ‘auto tester’ he now carries.


            Without any problems, we made it to Sioux Falls, and the Auto Zone and got the part, but of course by now, it’s dark.  But we take off again and drive all the way to Waterloo, Iowa.  In the morning, after re-fueling we again, leave; the motor home purring like a kitten!  Then we reach the end of Route 380 getting ready to get on 80 East.  Just before we did (literally on the exit ramp) the rig again konks out! After a few moments, we again get going, until just before we enter the highway.   This time, the RV refused to start.  


            I had been praying about this, from the time the rig first gave us a warning it was going to be difficult.  God provided the means for us to go a bit farther toward our destination; without leaving us completely stranded.  As we sat on the shoulder of Route 80 I’m asking the Lord for another miracle, but also praying that He would send someone to help and give Charles the ability to fix whatever the problem is.  


            Recognizing he had the part that was likely giving us the issue (a crank shaft sensor- I know nothing more than that!  I am not auto literate!)  his biggest concern at this time, is being out on an Interstate, under the rig, with vehicles passing by (not all can or will get over as they near us) at 70 miles an hour!  


            Within moments an Iowa DOT truck pulled up behind us.  After having conversation with the driver, it was determined he would put out cones (forcing traffic over) so Charles could replace the part.  He commented on the fact that if this had to happen, this was the best place for it to occur, given the shoulder of Route 80 for many miles ahead!  So, true to Charles’ nature, under the rig he went and replaced the sensor, in less than fifteen minutes!  The Iowa DOT stayed with us until he finished, with lights flashing warning, to other drivers.


            When Charles came back into the cab of the RV, he turned the key and it started perfectly, and really was ‘purring like a contented kitten’ – much better than before!  Thanking the DOT for his help, we drove away and continued all the way back to Maryland!


            I share this story, because God is truly faithful.  As silly as it may sound, I became hugely emotional after all this happened.  God literally answered my prayers each time I asked.  Do my prayers always get answered in this fashion?  No, probably not, but God knows what I need and when I need it!  This was a clear demonstration of God’s provision for our lives and I am beyond grateful!  


            I serve a living God, and during this time of political tension, I know that God will be with me, regardless of what goes on around me.  And that gives me a peace which passes all understanding, and for that, I will praise Him!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Finding Solitude


          My husband and I travel a lot, and most often our destination, when away from the east coast, places us in the mountains.
 I am overjoyed when I can bask in the beauty of the Ponderosa Pines in South Dakota, or among all the deciduous trees in the Great Smoky Mountains.  There is something powerful in watching the sunrise over the peak of a mountain in the distance, and I stand in awe. 


            A discussion between friends recently went to early morning alone time, with God.  Jesus found it necessary to leave the busy-ness of the city, go to a lonely, quiet place to pray.  His prayer was all about communing with the Father. They must have had amazing conversations and helped keep them connected in thought and deed.  


            Jesus was a man but he was also God.  He had a unique bond with the Father.  Yet as humans, we are given the opportunity to have a relationship with God, much like Jesus and God must have had when Jesus was on the Earth. 


            Doesn’t that very thought make your heart race?  To have a conversation with the Creator of the Universe is an amazing blessing.  We have the opportunity to pour out our hearts, question where we are going and what we should do, offer thanks for aid received or answered prayers, and ask for help in upcoming events!  


            If Jesus, who was/is uniquely connected to the Father felt the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, doesn’t it just make good sense that we as humans, would also need to find a quiet place and take the time to commune with the Father?


            During our conversation, some said they met with the Lord first thing in the morning, either on their bed or even at their table.  The table idea makes me think of a Southern Gospel song that has a line, “there was church in the kitchen!”  Other people found their renewal would take them to the desert, during a morning run, their backyard listening to the birds serenading them, or resting on a rock during a climb up a mountain.


            Regardless of where we choose to meet with God, the point is, that we do indeed meet!  It is the place to become recharged, restored and renewed in the our spirit, body and our mind.  But that said, the COVID pandemic has thrown a new perspective in meeting with The Father.  We have been forced to ‘stay in place’ for many weeks.  Even as the opening of the country continues, there are still restrictions.  Due to the inability to ‘go to our favorite places’ in the busy-ness of life, we are afforded a unique opportunity to meet with God.


            What will happen when life does go back to ‘normal’?  Will those who began a daily time with God, because they were unable to ‘go out,’ but can now, remain dedicated to spending time with God every day?  Life has a way of turning our good intentions into something else, or stealing our intentions completely.


            As our lives become increasingly busy again, I suggest it’s vital to our Christian growth, to spend time with the Lord every day.  It’s in this place we will receive blessings that will enable us to follow the call and directives of God day by day.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Hard Decisions


        It is hard with young children to explain why Mom and Dad fight all the time and end in separation or divorce.  My own daughter had an experience with a friend of hers while in elementary school.  

          After returning to school following the holidays my daughter asked her friend, “Did you have a nice Christmas?”  Her friend replied, “No.”  “Why?” My daughter responded.  “Cause of Mom,” her friend answered.  Bewildered, my daughter asked, “What did your Mom do?”  Her friend’s response, “She didn’t spend Christmas with Daddy.”   My daughter was horrified and had no clue how to respond!

As adults, we accept this kind pain, despite how difficult, try to deal with it and move on.  It’s different with children.  It is beyond their understanding.  All they understand is their love for both their parents, and their fear of losing one or both.  They often feel responsible, filling them with guilt that isn’t theirs.  


It's always interesting, especially over the holidays, watching the Hallmark Christmas movies, which are set to begin again soon.  Several of the movies will deal with the loss of a spouse, but others deal with separation and divorce and the problems it creates for the children.  Obviously, on TV, eventually everything turns out all right, especially with the backdrop of 'Christmas'.  Life isn’t necessarily quite as kind, and it takes some hard decisions to get everything in order.


God wants order.  He doesn’t want our lives all mixed up and sad.  The holidays seem to accentuate whatever it is we are going through --- especially when it’s sadness.  God promised to give us guidance, if we ask him.  As adults, when things get tough, we need to seek God’s will in our lives and remember that our decisions not only affect our lives but those around us, including our children, and extended family.  


This doesn’t mean that hard decisions won’t still come.  Whether it’s divorce, moving, changing jobs, financial problems, health issues or any number of situations, we need to seek God’s face so that we can handle unpleasant situations not only from an adult perspective, but enable us to guide our children through it, as well.


It’s encouraging to know God is “in the house!”  He is our source of strength, every single day, with just a whispered breath crying out to Him.  He is our support who holds us in the palm of His hand.  Life is a continuing cycle and every person is affected in some way by circumstances they hadn’t planned for.  But Christ knows our needs even better than we do.  He knows the beginning from the end and just how things will work out.


So, if you are experiencing any kind of change or hardship--regardless of the time of year, give the problem to God.  Begin now; this year, month, week, day and even moment to moment.  Listen for His will and allow him to work out the details.  Do your best in all things, and let Him do the rest!


Monday, September 21, 2020

Replacing My Fear For Faith


        As I sit here, penning my thoughts, what is left of Hurricane Sally, is dumping rain on our area.  It’s not a big deal for us, just lots of steady rain.  While we don’t need it, (we are otherwise already saturated) we will likely experience some minor flooding; hardly worth getting upset over.

            There are those in the South who are reeling from all the devastation; and not only from Hurricane Sally but from Hurricane Laura, and Marco and others, starting even before hurricane season began.  When you add the hurricanes to all the horrific fires ravaging the West, it seems a little eerie!  Then, when you add the hate, and violence, protestors have inflicted on our cities, it’s a little like a mirror image of the weather!

            Who would have thought even ten years ago that our nation would be in such turmoil?  Or sure, there was dissension and even conflict, but the viciousness of people now multiplied by their hate, is downright scary!   

            I was reading about how Africa went through a military overthrow of the government four decades ago. The writer of this article and her family were terrified for their lives.  She remembered forty years earlier when she was a child how she and her family were spared death because of their faith in God and the prayers they raised up to Him.

            Yet, there are those Believers who minister in other countries and face death from a non-welcoming government daily.  Even citizens who live there are under this kind of threat, should they believe in Jesus Christ.

            I am convinced the turmoil we are facing today is directly related to the second coming of Christ.  As a human, it’s natural to have fear.  Just this morning there was a headline on the news which said, “War is coming!”  I can’t even imagine what format that would take, or even how you would know who your enemy is since it would be based (I believe) on your political views!

            During the Civil War, it was North against South and there were those who left their homes from one side or the other, given their conviction, and physically went to that geographic location!  How on earth would we find a dividing line now?  Again, I have no answers, but it’s certain fodder for fear and lots more questions!

            Despite what we are facing, there is another certainty.  Jesus will return and we, even as Believers will not be spared suffering.  It is the End Times.  We must face that, but I suggest not with fear, which is what the enemy would prefer, but with a level of joy they could not begin to understand.  It is here my faith must be greater than my fear!

            As Believers, we know when our time on this Earth –our temporary home—is done, we will come face to face with the Father.  I can’t wait to see Jesus!  Oh, my goodness, can you even imagine the joy?  Now that said, don’t think that I want war, violence or any other kind of ugliness to precipitate my going!  But knowing this absolutely can, if not totally take away the fear, it can lessen the fear.  One day I’m gonna see Jesus face to face, and that my friend, is reason for joy!

Monday, September 14, 2020

It's In A Safe Place


           I am notorious for putting something away in a safe place so I know just where to look for it when I need it!  At the time, it makes perfect sense, but when I’m searching for it, I’m totally at wits end trying to think of what I was ‘thinking’ when I put it away.  

            When I was a child, my parents would laugh when they lost something and then found it, saying, “There it is!  I always find it in the last place I look!”  I suspect my folks weren’t the only ones who made this observation.  But for a child, it seems a bit confusing.  After asking why they’d say that, with a slight giggle, answer, “Well, because once I find it, I don’t have to keep looking!”

            That made sense, and as an adult, those words enter my thought process as I’m searching for my lost item!  Yet all the while, I’m also thinking, “Where’s the last place I’d look?” Hoping that it would indeed be my last place---at the very beginning.  It’s a great approach for items like sunglasses, keys (always the keys!), an important piece of paper, a book, or anything that is a ‘concrete’ item. 

            But what about those intangible items?  Why is it so difficult to find love, faith, happiness, courage, hope, guidance, or even the path we should take?  These ‘abstract items’ can be lost when life throws us ‘under the bus.’  Circumstances such as divorce, the loss of a child, debilitating diseases like cancer, financial difficulties, natural disasters that takes everything they own, those struggling with depression and more can wrack a person’s self-confidence and self-worth to the point of wanting to give up!

Life seems to be spiraling out of control.  We feel totally lost and unable to find our way back to what is right and good.  Where do we look for these non-tangibles?  How can they be found, especially when we can’t even ‘see’ them with our eyes!?

            Often, we search, but just like looking ‘in all the wrong places’ for the tangible, concrete items, we do the same for the intangible ones.  People, frequently become so depressed and filled with despair, they just want to run away and forget.  That can lead to substance abuse, alcohol, or other behaviors that are at first glance the ‘perfect escape,’ but end up in only destruction and disillusionment.  

            God promised he would not give us more than we can bear.  Some would say, given the circumstance, it is more than they can bear and while dealing with other ‘escapes’ believe the best way out is suicide.

            We all have struggles, but we each must choose how we will handle them. Satan and his minions use our choices of free-will to pave the way for some of our difficulties.  Someone else added “the Laws of Physics” are also players in this journey.  Falls that break bones, or accidents that cripple our bodies also create circumstances which cause distress and despair! 

            God promised to be with us through whatever we face.  His grace is what gets us through.  We must claim that promise however, for it to be effective.  When we live in a way that demonstrates anger and hostility at God, forward progression can be difficult.  Negativity has a way of pulling us further under and Satan will jump on the opportunity to hold us down when we give in!

            When we look into God’s Word, we can find the perfect solution for all that is going on in our lives, (even in the current state of affairs of hate, and division).  God can make any bleak situation turn bright and good, when we allow His Spirit to change ours!

(The significance of the photo is, if you look closely, near the first sentence of the second paragraph, to the right of the picture, you'll see an apple a squirrel 'hid' for a later time!)

Monday, September 7, 2020



           I watched a movie last year and a second one this year that used the expression “God-winks.”  I had never heard such a phrase, but I have the concept!  A ‘God-Wink,’ in a nutshell means that God works out things, that couldn’t have otherwise happened.  I’ve always called them ‘God-Incidents” rather than a 'coincident'!

            There have been all kinds of horrific natural disasters.  One friend posted a picture of three crosses, where both of the ‘outside’ crosses were down, but not the center one.  Another picture shows a Bible that was untouched despite all the other devastation around it; sometimes it’s an entire church that is spared when the rest of the community is completely obliterated.


            In our lives, God can use uncommon occurrences or meetings with people that can only be a ‘God-wink.’  It might be taking a wrong turn and causing us to miss a horrific traffic accident, had we been able to take our regular route.  Occasionally it’s a card or letter in the mail that comes at a most crucial time.  Some people will even share money has arrived in their mail box from an anonymous person just on the day when everything would be lost if they didn’t have the exact amount of funds they found.  How does this happen?


            We serve a God who knows our every need--- in fact he knows everything there is to know about us.  The Bible even says he knows the number of hairs on our heads.  (This one makes me giggle since when I brush my hair in the morning, I lose so many, it must require a recount!---sorry, bunny trail!)  The point is, God isn’t a bystander in our lives. He is active in the lives of those who believe in him (and even those who do not.  Remember Pharoah?  God used him and he wasn’t a believer!)


            Our world is in a state of confusion and in some cases, even panic and fear over the pandemic, financial woes, rioting, political dissension—(even among friends), and the natural disasters that seem to be filling our days, and more.  It makes you ask yourself, ‘When does it stop?’


            I don’t believe it’s going to stop.  God told us in His Word that these things would happen as a prelude to his return.  There’s a song that has a line in it, that says something like, “It’s 11:59.”  The implication here is, God’s return is imminent.  I tend to agree.  God’s time is not our time and I won’t even consider projecting a literal time frame, but I do think the signs tell us that we are indeed reaching the last moments before his return.


            In the meantime, when we look, we can see God working all around us, even as it disgruntles Satan.  It makes him work harder to create more havoc in our world.  Satan knows how the story ends too, and knows his time is limited!


            How do you feel about that?  Can you see the signs?  Do you even believe there will be a rapture of God’s children?  Do you believe in Jesus’ return?  While to Believers that may seem an unusual question, I know a Pastor who did not believe this.  That too, is a sign of the end times.  It’s worth thinking about!