He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 21, 2020

Replacing My Fear For Faith


        As I sit here, penning my thoughts, what is left of Hurricane Sally, is dumping rain on our area.  It’s not a big deal for us, just lots of steady rain.  While we don’t need it, (we are otherwise already saturated) we will likely experience some minor flooding; hardly worth getting upset over.

            There are those in the South who are reeling from all the devastation; and not only from Hurricane Sally but from Hurricane Laura, and Marco and others, starting even before hurricane season began.  When you add the hurricanes to all the horrific fires ravaging the West, it seems a little eerie!  Then, when you add the hate, and violence, protestors have inflicted on our cities, it’s a little like a mirror image of the weather!

            Who would have thought even ten years ago that our nation would be in such turmoil?  Or sure, there was dissension and even conflict, but the viciousness of people now multiplied by their hate, is downright scary!   

            I was reading about how Africa went through a military overthrow of the government four decades ago. The writer of this article and her family were terrified for their lives.  She remembered forty years earlier when she was a child how she and her family were spared death because of their faith in God and the prayers they raised up to Him.

            Yet, there are those Believers who minister in other countries and face death from a non-welcoming government daily.  Even citizens who live there are under this kind of threat, should they believe in Jesus Christ.

            I am convinced the turmoil we are facing today is directly related to the second coming of Christ.  As a human, it’s natural to have fear.  Just this morning there was a headline on the news which said, “War is coming!”  I can’t even imagine what format that would take, or even how you would know who your enemy is since it would be based (I believe) on your political views!

            During the Civil War, it was North against South and there were those who left their homes from one side or the other, given their conviction, and physically went to that geographic location!  How on earth would we find a dividing line now?  Again, I have no answers, but it’s certain fodder for fear and lots more questions!

            Despite what we are facing, there is another certainty.  Jesus will return and we, even as Believers will not be spared suffering.  It is the End Times.  We must face that, but I suggest not with fear, which is what the enemy would prefer, but with a level of joy they could not begin to understand.  It is here my faith must be greater than my fear!

            As Believers, we know when our time on this Earth –our temporary home—is done, we will come face to face with the Father.  I can’t wait to see Jesus!  Oh, my goodness, can you even imagine the joy?  Now that said, don’t think that I want war, violence or any other kind of ugliness to precipitate my going!  But knowing this absolutely can, if not totally take away the fear, it can lessen the fear.  One day I’m gonna see Jesus face to face, and that my friend, is reason for joy!

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