He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 31, 2022

Searching For God


        Viewing the star-studded sky without artificial light given off by developed areas can be challenging, unless you view this breathtaking gift from somewhere where there is complete (or at least almost complete) darkness, which allows the depths of the terrestrial world to unfold.  

While doing some research to view Mercury I became transfixed on the idea of how the planet Mercury could be easily missed, if not actively searched for in the night time sky, at just the right time of twilight.  It seems the light can be too bright, if the search is early or lost in the horizon if searched for too late.   There is only a ten to twenty minute time frame with which to pursue the sighting of this planet.

I suggest our search for God can be such an adventure.  If we don’t actively search for the Lord in our life through His Word, we will miss the Light that would offer guidance in our life.  His Word is there on the shelf, on the seat beside us, on the table, in the drawer or other place nearby, “twinkling” ready to be used for all areas of our life.  But often we get so busy with life, we lose the time frame we’ve planned to spend with our Lord.

Unlike Mercury, God isn’t tricky, requiring a certain time of day to get a glimpse of Him.  He’s there, always steady, shining brightly for those who would choose to see.  We don’t need a telescope, a night sky, a specific separation from the sun or the right time of twilight.  He’s ready and willing to make himself clearly visible through a variety of means if we are actively searching for Him.

I had a conversation with a young man recently who said he just didn’t understand.   He believes as a human he does not really have free will at all and feels God is biased in his love.  Further he believed God does not have any enemies, so as humans how can we?  I tried to explain that God loves everyone and wants none to be lost, but those who choose to reject him then become enemies, in the sense they choose to live life apart from him.  

There does come a time when the Lord cannot be found because we have hardened our hearts to Him.  He makes himself available and draws us to himself, but we can only say “no” so many times.  He will stop knocking and wooing.  But that is not what He wants.  The Lord wants us to call on him, repent of sin and allow Him to be Savior of our lives.  He has compassion on those who harken to His voice and wants to abundantly pardon.

Given the state of affairs in our country and throughout our world, as a Believer it’s easy to see the end is near. Biblical prophesy is being fulfilled even as we breathe!  Even the scripture which challenged many even fifty years ago, about the Witnesses who are eventually slain and left dead in the streets and the whole world could see, is now completely fathomable!  We have instant access to ALL news across the globe via the internet!  

Take a moment, breathe deep and then and look up at the vast, beautiful stars above you tonight.  God is the creator of every single one; and of each person who walks the earth; all that has come before and all that will ever come.  Do you hear him calling you?  He isn’t hiding; He’s not being tricky; He’s right next to you…waiting.  Waiting for you to call His name and welcome you into the Family of God.

Photo credit: https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/mercury-planet

Monday, October 24, 2022

Trivialities of Life


       I was thinking this morning about all the things we obsess over, in the sense that in the whole scope of things, they are unimportant or insignificant.  

      For example, I am one of those women who insists on making the bed as soon as my husband and I are out of it.  Does it really matter if it’s done then, --or done at all?  I could close the door and no one would see it and it’d still be ready for me to climb into that night!

Or what about watching specific television shows?  My husband loves Westerns.  I’m more of a Hallmark kind of person, but does it really matter?  Couldn’t I just as easily pull out a book to read, sew, paint (by number!), try to learn a musical instrument, garden or do a hundred other things!  Do I need to not ‘enjoy the time’ because I’m not crazy about Westerns?  

Yet, don’t we all (and I could be wrong, but I don’t think so), have ‘stuff’ that just annoys us to no end, that ultimately doesn’t matter?  Some things we can’t change, and worrying about things from the past or what the future holds, does no one any good!  Gossip and insults are hurtful, but does it help to agonize over it?  

Some people are purely tormented about what other people think of them, whether it be how they dress, their hair style, or in some way they believe they don’t fit the standard.

I read somewhere that in our world, we live in a ‘great disease of triviality.” We focus on sports outcomes, the stock market ups and downs, and the economy.  We fret about the politicians who may (or may not be) making decisions we may (or may not) agree with.  We center our lives on the latest trends and soak up anything technological, spending hours upon hours on our electronic devices.

When is the last time you saw someone obsessed with Jesus?  Even our regular church attendees often display only a limited amount of excitement as they enter the sanctuary on Sunday morning; but can be found checking their phone if it vibrates during the service, or if they find themselves needing a diversion.

What’s happened to God’s people?  The story of Ruth is an amazing account of living for a divine purpose.  She gave up everything and then found more than she ever imagined by connecting herself with something far greater than herself.  

Her story is a great example of living for a ‘magnificent cause.’  Her life was given to God and her reward was going down in history for fulfilling her destiny for eternity.  She became part of the genealogy of Christ!  What an amazing gift for stepping out in faith!  Can we do less?  

Stepping out of our comfort zone can be tough.  But when we focus on our Redeemer, how can we not?  Our lives should not be consumed with trivial matters that have nothing to do with our eternal destination!  Our lives should be engrossed, captivated, and preoccupied with the will of the Father for our lives.

Ruth was an unlikely candidate, seemingly just another woman by worldly standards, having no unique qualities to set her apart.  But God knew different.  He knew her heart and used her for an unbelievable purpose.  It leaves me in awe of just how awesome our God is.

He can use you and me for his purpose, just as he used Ruth.  But we need to shove aside all those trivial matters that overwhelm our lives that make us less mindful of God, and instead, soak in the wonder of our Creator and then be open to God's divine purpose.

Photo Credit:  https://bigthink.com/plus/decision-making-two-major-tricks-your-brain-can-play-on-you/ 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Prayers Over Judgement


       My husband reads the news almost every morning via his computer.  As he reads I often hear him say.  “You’ve got to be kidding!”  His breathing a little heavier with anger, he reads on or goes to another article, which ultimately makes him bristle that much more.  

How does this stuff happen?  Why are we seeing the wicked moving on and upward, while many of us seem to be spinning our wheels waiting for the next ‘shoe to drop’? The elite and merciless are seeing more and more profit while many are fighting tooth and nail just to make ends meet. We grumble and wish things would get better.  We wonder about the justice which seems to be lacking all around us.  

We may even rail against God, even if only in our thoughts.  The emotional anxiety we inflict on ourselves through our anger only intensifies our emotions.  We’ve forgotten God’s grace because our minds are clouded with disillusionment about who deserves punishment and who doesn’t.

God has a plan.  It’s not ours to see, but we can know it’s there, just by reading the back of the Book!  We know God wins and ultimately Satan and all his minions will be defeated!  It isn’t our job to ‘fix things.’  It is our duty however, to be on our knees asking God to let their eyes to be opened; and forgiveness for our own arrogance against a God, who knows all.

What has made us so angry?  Are our personal emotions of feeling cheated driving us to envy and a desire to live lives like the elite who are successful, prosperous, have wealth and are in control?  Perhaps it’s a sub-conscience thing we hadn’t even realized.  It’s perhaps a little like Adam and Eve in the Garden.  They didn’t realize they were being tempted by Satan until after they ate the apple.  Do we not realize in our deep seated desires for something that isn’t ours, we are being tempted?

How do we stay faithful?  Our marriages and even friendships require faithfulness in order to grow and stay strong.  We have to work at it, and sometimes it doesn’t come easy, especially when we face trials.  We all have shortcomings, both with our families and with friends.  No one is perfect; we can’t be everything to everybody.  

But God is perfect.  And he accepts us just the way we are.  I suspect when we rail against him, he must feel pain; maybe even anger?  Just as we must work to keep relationships strong and growing in our physical lives, we also must work to keep our spiritual lives strong.  It requires one on one time with God in prayer and in His Word.  We can’t just sit back and expect God to do all the work.

We want miracles, but do we ask for them; do we even expect them?  I suggest many believe we live in an era where miracles don’t happen.  I disagree.  Miracles happen every day.  Just waking up in the morning is a great example!  Or the birth of a new baby.  Consider everything that had to happen to create that new little person!  And beyond that, God is still in the healing business; which completely baffles doctors!  

And then, the simple word ‘salvation.’  Now there’s a miracle for you!  Jesus was raised from the dead after three days.  When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, our sins are taken away and we are promised a home in heaven.  We can know we will be raised again when this body breathes its last on this earth.  And should Christ return for the Rapture of His church while we yet live, there is such joy in knowing we will be lifted to Him through the air!  What a thrilling time that will be!

So while those around us continue to behave badly, perhaps even wickedly, it’s not our job to judge them, but to pray for them.  Because if they aren’t ready, they will be lost forever in a place of horror and pain for eternity.  They need our prayers, not our judgement.

Photo Credit: https://www.dreamstime.com/man-reading-news-tablet-home-man-reading-news-tablet-home-imaginary-online-mobile-news-website-application-image103769971 

Monday, October 10, 2022

God Knows Me


  I’ve had five children: three daughters and two sons.  Although they share the same parents, they are all unique.  I’m closer to some than others, but even those I am closest to, have parts of them I know little or nothing about.  It’s kind of interesting as I consider they were all raised the same (they might refute that, depending on birth order, but at least similarly), yet each has their own interpretation of events that happened, or things they even remember.

I’d like to say I know my children well; and perhaps to a great degree I did when they were children; although they certainly left me perplexed more than once!  But as they became adults, each has their own way of thinking and interpreting life, belief system, likes and dislikes, dreams and desires, plans and specific ways of carrying out their plans.  There are days it seems I don’t know them at all.

What’s even more remarkable than this, is how God knows each of his children through and through.  There is nothing hidden from him.  He knows our thoughts, --even our secret ones, motives, successes and failures, deepest desires and perspectives  of what we believe is truth!  This idea absolutely blows my mind.  God knows me better than I know myself--as well as, every other person who calls him Lord and Savior!  

And beyond this, even while knowing all the “stuff” about me, I might not want to believe, God still loves me!  His mercy and goodness looks beyond what I can’t even see!  It is through faith I am able to come to Him and ask for mercy, because I know I’m not all “good!”  I’m human, and susceptible to great failure!

      I can't help but think about Abraham.  God used this man who had great faith,  faults and weaknesses, just like every other human.  But, like you and me, he was given gifts and talents and used them for God's glory.  His faith took him to a foreign land to be the father of many nations with descendants that would outnumber the stars.  He was tested, even to the point of being asked to sacrifice his only heir, Isaac.  Still Abraham had faith---faith that God would provide and God did!

The question becomes, ‘What will I do with this knowledge?’  I can come to Him daily to be fed the Bread of Life, trusting the ‘feeding’ God will give me.  It takes faith to believe, but God provides the faith when we trust his ability to do so, just the way Abraham believed.  

I encourage you to reach out, with both hands, to a God who loves you, regardless of gender, race, creed, social background, mistakes made, or any other possible hindrance.  God will welcome you, because he knows you much better than you know yourself, and loves you.  Grab on and get loved!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Success And Our Destiny


  When we work in an area that encompasses our talents, and fuels our passion we are more likely to enjoy what we are doing, and do whatever we are doing, that much better!  Some call this ‘our calling,’ or even according to Stephen Covey who wrote the “8th Habit”, ‘our soul’s code.’

It’s hard sometimes to know what our talent is and certainly what our calling is.  We struggle as we look in the mirror and see a person who feels inadequate, uneducated, (even when we have a degree), unprepared, and even to some degree-- a failure.

But what is failure?  Is it not having failed, but rather not having tried?  How can we grow if we don’t try, even if it leaves us feeling less than a ‘winner?’  I know.  I’ve been there.  I suspect we all have.  We have things we want to try, to accomplish, places to go, dreams not yet fulfilled and we wonder if any of those things we want to happen, will!

But when we don’t put forth a true effort, who is really responsible for not having acquired success?  God granted each of us gifts from birth!  Some discover those gifts early on.  Others, like myself, take what seems a lifetime to find.  

I wasn’t a young writer.  I have only a vague memory in fifth grade when writing a story for an assignment, excited me.  In truth, I lack any other glimpses of writing during my entire school experience—aside from once in 9th grade, wishing I could write like the girl who sat behind me.  I’m not sure the desire came from really wanting to write, so much as the desire to get a better grade! 

I was wife and the mother of five little ones before I started writing!  Life was challenging while raising my children, being a good wife and all the other struggles of life!  Still I was compelled to write.

And sometimes even now I wonder if I qualify!  Yet, there’s a deep sense within my soul that reminds me God has given me the gift of putting words on paper that will make a difference in the lives of those who read them.  It may not be scores of people, but just one who needs to see what message He has for them.  I am simply the instrument He is using.

Do I still get discouraged?  Absolutely!  I have written much over the years and it always feels good when I see a completed project; and sometimes that is the extent of what I see, in regard to being productive and helpful!  That isn’t a bad thing and most of the time, seeing the work completed is enough.  But there are days when Satan attacks and destroys my ‘working energy’ so I begin to ponder my worth and the value of what I’ve written.

Should I quit?  Nope.  Sometimes it requires taking a ‘rest’ but quitting is not an option.  I read somewhere that God’s callings are irrevocable.  They just are.  Our talents or gifts we’ve been blessed with are to be used for His glory, not our own and therein is what I forget sometimes, as Satan feeds me seeds of doubt.  

I may not be destined to become a well-known author, but I am destined to write.  It’s my ‘duty’ to be unrelenting in striving to be the best I can be, despite the doubts which threaten to overwhelm me every now and then.

How about you?  What is your calling?  What blessings are your destined to share with others?

Photo Credit: free pictures of birth-gifts