He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 28, 2023

In His Presence

  A friend shared the story about how he and his wife, before she passed away, would go for walks in the park, long drives, or even just sit together on the front porch swing, discussing any variety of subjects from their children, future plans and even about daily activities.  And then other times in the same scenarios, be together without ever saying a word.  He said even in silence, there was a connection neither one could likely describe, but it was comfortable and filled with a peace and unity that only comes from love.

I loved my friend’s story and must admit I’m more like the Biblical Martha in the scripture from Luke 10:41-42 when Jesus comes to visit her and her sister.  I am a terrible ‘sitter’!  I’m one who is up and down, over and around, always seemingly doing something.  I fret when there are dishes in the sink, when the floor isn’t swept or laundry folded.  These things drive me to keep at it, until the task is finished, regardless of the time or how tired I am.

Years ago, when my husband worked night shift, he would miss dinner with the children and me.  This was before the magical microwave invention!  At night when he’d arrive home, whether it be 10 p.m. or 1 a.m. I would get up, fix his food and then do dishes—without the added convenience of a dishwasher!  There were mornings I would wake, go to the kitchen, see the clean dishes in the sink, know that I’d washed them, but have no memory of having done it.  

I’m not sure what that says about my personality, except that, I’m somewhat of a stressor, which is why I feel more like Martha.   But the idea of sitting at Jesus' feet and ‘just being’ gives such an image of rest and peace.  

We don’t all have someone in our lives with whom we can share the kind of connection, my friend described.  And to complicate this in today’s world, are those devices that are designed to keep us ‘connected’ yet seem to be, on some levels, breaking us apart.

It's interesting, that I watch my own children grow in their families, and how quickly they reach for their phones for games or email, messages, etc when even a moment goes by without conversation. (And sometimes even during a conversation!)   It makes me wonder if they are afraid of their own thoughts.  I don't know, but it causes me pause.       

Peace and contentment are amazing gifts and sometimes we forfeit them for the most recent television show, movie, video game or other activity (even cleaning?).  Sitting still and ‘just being’ in God’s presence is amazing.

I’ve found the only way I can accomplish ‘being still’ for more than a moment is to have a planned time for God in my day.  This works best for me early in the morning and some days it’s an effort to get up early enough before the ‘busy-ness’ of the day overtakes me!  Yet, I find if I don’t do this, my day seems ‘off.’  It’s clear I’ve missed a valuable component of the day that sets my mind, my heart, desires ---my comfort, peace and contentment levels—where they need to be!


Monday, August 21, 2023

Anything Is Possible

I’ve heard it said (and totally believe) that you actually learn more when you teach!  And if you want to get the most out of a book, especially a “self-help” book or even a text book, when you can “teach” the information, and make life application with the material you have read, you will likely retain the information much longer.  In essence, creating a “learning relationship” with those around you!

When you add inspirational material to this concept, the rewards can be astronomical!  As you share what you believe, your faith in what you accept as true, while trusting and living out your values, will aid both you and those around you, to broaden your sense of “possibilities” in life.  It demonstrates that as you live your life in a positive manner, one person can make a difference.

We’ve all been given different personalities and abilities.  How we choose to use the gifts we’ve been given will determine the direction we take in life.  When we choose not to develop those qualities we’ve been gifted, we have squandered opportunities of success.  Sadly, our culture today enables this attitude.  We’ve become a society who is set on having what we want, when we want it---and often that was yesterday.  So, we take chances, go in debt, and rely on others to support us.  

Our mission in life should not be “let someone else do it!”  As part of a community, family, and even the human race, we have a responsibility to protect and be productive within whatever environment we find ourselves.  Our workplace offers opportunities to be productive, yet often we do the bare minimum to just get to the end of the workday and ultimately the weekend.

  Our homes and families are another area where relationships are contingent on what we put into them.  As adults, we need to teach our young people the importance of having a mission, of wanting to do something kind and productive for someone else, without the necessity of payment, gaining fame or fortune; just doing it because it’s the right thing to do.  

Children are quite capable of relationships with all ages.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to encourage young ones to figure out ways they can help someone else; whether it’s the elderly in their community, family members, or friends?  As they become productive, they can teach others, as they share their enthusiasm with “work well done.”

It’s sad to witness, however, the amount of adults who have stopped “teaching” in any form—except to remain focused solely on what is happening on television, or video games.   Our children have become a generation of “I don’t need to go outside and socialize, or be helpful in any way” because this is what they have learned!

 It doesn’t take a degree to teach in an area in which you are interested and knowledgeable.  The idea is to share ideas; to share gifts; and ultimately our faith in what is right and good.   Consider your life and what it is “teaching” those around you.  How do you demonstrate the positive mission of “teaching,” especially if it’s using those gifts you’ve been given, just because it’s the right thing to do?  When you do, anything is possible, and one person can absolutely make a difference!

Photo Credit:  free pics of children helping someone 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Conversation With God

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a chatter.  I love conversation and if you ask my husband it doesn’t have to be about anything important.  I just enjoy engaging conversation.  I was asked recently, “If you could sit on a bench for one afternoon and talk to anybody you wanted, who would it be?”  

I thought about it a while and came up with a list of people that I’d love to talk with.  Joanna Gaines and Mr. Fred Rogers are on the top of that list.  Thomas Jefferson would be another mention, as is Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Earl Hamner and Richard Thomas, Sally Fields, Dolly Parton, Dr. Seuss, C.S. Lewis, King David, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.  (And yes, that's a lot, but like I said, I like to chat!) But the one who sits on very top of this list is Jesus.  

Just think; he was a real-live human man.  He knows knows what every emotion -- grief, sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, ---and celebration of joy, excitement, happiness, love, compassion-- I’ve ever had, feels like.  He was the perfect man, yet the perfect God.  I know I can (and do) have daily conversation with him every single day, and I cherish these times. 

When I have conversation with someone, I like to look him in the eyes.  I remember even during high school and college; I much preferred sitting in the front, so I could see the instructor.  Even when I attend church, I choose to sit up front because I want to see the speaker, because expressions are so important.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be sitting next to Jesus on a bench on a perfect, warm, sunny afternoon, and be able to see into his eyes, watch his facial expressions as they change during conversation?  That would be beyond awesome!

While we don’t have the current ability to do that in our human frames, there will come a day when, as Believers, we will be able to do just that!  My heart races even as I think about it!  What an amazing gift!  In the meantime, it’s so important to have daily (or more often than just once a day) conversation with the King of Glory.  

We are to have a relationship with the Father!  Relationships require quality time together to grow.  As we spend time with Him in prayer, our souls sour and our spirits grow in love and adoration with our Creator.  

The next time you bow your head and heart in prayer, visualize, if you can, what it’d be like to just be having a heart to heart conversation with your best friend.  Make it real.  Pour out your soul, share the good things (praises and victories) and thank Him!  Then share the sad and your requests and be assured He hears you.  Ask questions and wait for an answer!   Isn’t that what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit wants from all of us?  Personal, quality time spent together.

Photo Credit:  free pictures of a park bench

Monday, August 7, 2023

Cultivating Joy Over Happiness

        Some years ago, my husband and I were traveling across country.  We stopped at a resort we planned to stay for the week, and of course there were planners and hospitality folks (Concierges) who love to help you do the most with your time while you are staying with them. 

We obliged and sat with a very nice young lady, who advised us, based on our interests.  As the conversation continued, for whatever reason, near the end of our conversation (and I can’t remember now), I handed her one of my business cards.  She picked it up, studied it for a moment and then said, “I knew there was something.”  

She already knew I was a writer. The only thing that she wouldn’t have known about me when I handed her the card was, I was a Believer.  I’ve had other people make similar comments.  I’m always astounded.  It’s not me, in that case, whom they see.  It’s Jesus!  It’s the joy I claim from the relationship I have with Christ.

I am certainly not always happy.  There have been major trials in my life, just like everyone else.  I cry, and have on some levels, dealt with depression during difficult seasons.  That sounds like a contradiction, but even David dealt with a large range of emotions, including anguish.  But even in the depths of his despair, he could (and did) still praise God, which can be difficult to do when your brain is yelling at your heart about the circumstances around you!

                                            Circumstances Dictate Emotions

Our circumstances often dictate our emotions.  We all occasionally feel like a leaf in a wind storm, not knowing if we will ever land, and that causes us to be anxious and unhappy.  That’s different than having joy. Life can be incredibly challenging.  

        Some use the expression, “fake it until you make it.”  I don’t know if I’m totally on board with that idea, but perhaps.  When we can smile, regardless of our circumstances we change our immediate mood, because our bodies respond positively due to tiny molecules being released from the brain to fight off stress.

                                                     Joy Comes From Christ

But even heartbreak or sadness cannot steal our joy if we are in Christ.  Even in the depths of sorrow we can cling to the knowledge that we have a God bigger than any trouble we may have.  He knows the beginning from the end and carries us when we can no longer walk!

Cultivating joy is all about nurturing the relationship with the Savior.  It means digging into the Word and knowing who He is.  It requires quiet time in prayer so we can hear his voice.  During this next week, as you deal with circumstances that are unpleasant, stressful, or downright ugly, remember the joy we have in Christ can be what brings us to the top of the turmoil we are under.  It’s greater than any human happiness.  It’s the unique love and inexpressible joy of Jesus, that can get us through!

#joy  #Christ'sJoy  #FakeItTillYouMakeIt   #circumstances  #life'sChallenges  #NotAlwaysHappy   #travel  #KnowJesus   #writer   #believer

Photo Credit:  free pics of joy