He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 14, 2023

Conversation With God

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a chatter.  I love conversation and if you ask my husband it doesn’t have to be about anything important.  I just enjoy engaging conversation.  I was asked recently, “If you could sit on a bench for one afternoon and talk to anybody you wanted, who would it be?”  

I thought about it a while and came up with a list of people that I’d love to talk with.  Joanna Gaines and Mr. Fred Rogers are on the top of that list.  Thomas Jefferson would be another mention, as is Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Earl Hamner and Richard Thomas, Sally Fields, Dolly Parton, Dr. Seuss, C.S. Lewis, King David, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.  (And yes, that's a lot, but like I said, I like to chat!) But the one who sits on very top of this list is Jesus.  

Just think; he was a real-live human man.  He knows knows what every emotion -- grief, sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, ---and celebration of joy, excitement, happiness, love, compassion-- I’ve ever had, feels like.  He was the perfect man, yet the perfect God.  I know I can (and do) have daily conversation with him every single day, and I cherish these times. 

When I have conversation with someone, I like to look him in the eyes.  I remember even during high school and college; I much preferred sitting in the front, so I could see the instructor.  Even when I attend church, I choose to sit up front because I want to see the speaker, because expressions are so important.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be sitting next to Jesus on a bench on a perfect, warm, sunny afternoon, and be able to see into his eyes, watch his facial expressions as they change during conversation?  That would be beyond awesome!

While we don’t have the current ability to do that in our human frames, there will come a day when, as Believers, we will be able to do just that!  My heart races even as I think about it!  What an amazing gift!  In the meantime, it’s so important to have daily (or more often than just once a day) conversation with the King of Glory.  

We are to have a relationship with the Father!  Relationships require quality time together to grow.  As we spend time with Him in prayer, our souls sour and our spirits grow in love and adoration with our Creator.  

The next time you bow your head and heart in prayer, visualize, if you can, what it’d be like to just be having a heart to heart conversation with your best friend.  Make it real.  Pour out your soul, share the good things (praises and victories) and thank Him!  Then share the sad and your requests and be assured He hears you.  Ask questions and wait for an answer!   Isn’t that what God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit wants from all of us?  Personal, quality time spent together.

Photo Credit:  free pictures of a park bench

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