He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 25, 2013

Dreaming With A Passion

While in college I had a professor that asked each student in his class to give a presentation demonstrating and sharing about his or her passion.  He believes our passions are what drive us in life.  Some of the married students shared pictures and stories about their families, others about their jobs or interests.  The guys shared sports, cars and one young man even brought in his pet snake, (scaring the wits out of some in the room, including me!)  I shared my writing and my love of quilting by sharing some of the published work I had, and several quilts.
            We had a pastor visit our church back in December who spoke on having a passion for God and the church.  I was struck by both the simplicity of the statement, yet the distance we often have for both subjects!  If passions, like my professor believes, drive our lives, then most of us are way off base, if we don’t include God and the church! 
            We are instructed to put God first, but do we?  This pastor continued by saying, whatever we put first in our lives, before God and the church, has in essence become an idol.  That’s a tough thing.  I don’t believe we set out to put something else first.  It’s just what comes easy.  It’s what we enjoy….It is often our passion!
I want desperately to put God as my number one passion, along with the church, then my family and then all the rest of the “stuff” I enjoy.  One of the Bible studies I am working in asked recently what my dream is of who and where I want to be spiritually in one year.  Then it asked for my dreams spiritually ten years from now.  This is very personal, but this is part of what I came up with! 
My dream for the next year:  Participate DAILY in a Bible study ….  Finish writing a Bible study book, write my newest novel; Learn 52 Bible verses (one a week); Read two Christian books, begin another blog.
My dream for ten years:   Participate DAILY in Bible study. Have written eight more books;  Take a Bible course…(college)?    Learn a verse a week (52 x 10 years= 520)…maybe memorize an entire book…  James?  Be active in another ministry? 

Be the best servant I can be to God.  Be the best wife I can be to Charles. Be the best mother/grandmother I can be to my children and grand children, be a good friend…..  and there is so very much more! 

Is my list intimidating?  A little.  Is it doable?  I think yes, if I keep my spiritual fervor for God!  I believe God will take me as far and as fast as I want to go----as long as I stay in His will!  It will take much focus, perseverance and determination.  

Jesus stayed focused on his Father’s will to the point of death on the cross.  He was so passionate about his love for me that he was willing to sacrifice his life for me.  Considering His sacrifice, certainly, I can be passionate enough about the gifts he’s given me to serve him as I work toward becoming the person and woman he wants me to be. 

 I challenge you to consider your gifts, your passions.  Do they include Christ, as Lord and Savior?  What are your dreams for the next year…..or ten years?  Will you be led by the Holy Spirit’s counsel to “dream” for Jesus?

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Romans 12:11

Monday, March 18, 2013

Show Me Some Patience!

             “Patience!  Show me some patience,” I have thought countless times when people are in a hurry.  Sometimes this happens while waiting at the checkout when there are six people in front of you and one or two people are complaining loudly, that there are not enough cash registers open.  Or, when we are traveling down the road in pouring rain on a double line, and some guy from well behind you, passes you and the next three cars in front of you.  Another instance could be while sitting at a red light, at least the eighth in line and the folks in front of you are taking so long to go, by the time you get to the light, it is red again.  It is here, I am saying to myself, ‘Patience! Show me some patience!’
            I suspect God must say the same thing, when I persist with my requests that I really want answered now!  I can almost hear him say it!  “Patience!  Show me some patience!”  I know that he is sovereign and His time line is not mine.  Yet like the driver who passes too many cars in bad weather, I want to forge ahead even though I haven’t a clue what details need yet to be worked out!
            It’s hard to be patient when you desperately want something to happen, whether it’s health issues that need to be addressed, behavior issues with a child that seem horribly out of control, marital issues that are bombarding, financial problems that grow exponentially, or any other of the myriad kinds of problems any one person can have!  Yet, we are instructed to “Wait on the LORD; be strong and take heart.”  That kind of waiting can take a lot of courage and more often than not, that kind of courage comes through choice.  We must choose to be strong and steadfast in the Lord, knowing he will see to our needs when the time is perfect, and not a moment sooner!
            It’s hard, though, to have patience when it seems like nothing is happening.  In a frantic stupor sometimes we try to take matters into our own hands.  It’s a human thing, and as humans we will ultimately fail. 
            I heard once that “wait” and “weight,” while being spelled completely different and with different meanings, can be closely tied to each other when you look at them through spiritual glasses.  When we “wait” on the Lord, we give him the “weight” of the problem.  When we do this, the waiting is so much less painful because we can know He will tend to the matter at hand in the best possible way, and in the best possible time, with the least possible bad consequences. 
            When we get impatient, like the driver who pulls out to pass several vehicles, oblivious to the solid yellow line or threatening weather, the consequences can be deadly.  The same is true when we attack matters through human means.  We can’t know the outcome of our choices like God.  When we trust him, while waiting on him, we can know he will under-gird us with His power and strength.  And while the answer may not be exactly as we wanted, or planned and the timing may not be just when we wanted, we can know we have a God who is in control of our lives and wants nothing more than to fill our lives with all that is good, as we grow in Him.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.   Psalm 27:14

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blocking the Attacks

            I’ve been working on several different Bible studies and each offers awesome insights.  One is all about breaking the ties of bondage, while another is about being a woman after God’s own heart and still another is on James, the brother of Jesus.
            To be a woman after God’s own heart is intriguing.  I’ve known for years that David was called “a man after God’s own heart” so it struck me as odd, that as a woman, I could have the same relationship.  I don’t know why “odd,” it just didn’t occur to me (who knows why?) that God would offer that relationship to someone like me!  So here I have been learning about drawing near to a God that loves me and cares about me, knows me better than I know myself, and desires the best for me.
            The study on bondage has been revealing because I wasn’t aware of the many ways a person could be held prisoner and the various ways Satan deceives us.  He attacks in our comfort zones and beguiles us with trickery and clever deceptions, so much so, we don’t recognize it for what it is.
            I won’t go into the James study just now, since that one is only beginning, but these two studies have taught me that it is in my best interest to stay away from anything that contaminates my relationship with God, while purposely setting a time every day to spend with Him.  How can I draw near to God if I don’t discipline myself to walk in His way or follow His leading?  How can I grow if I don’t feed myself daily on his Word and commune with him in prayer?  And how can I know that Satan is attacking me if I’m not aware of his vicious ploys and recognize my own weaknesses, thereby opening the door of vulnerability? 
            Satan has been attacking the family since the dawn of time, when he first offered the apple to Eve.  Even now, if there are any small chinks in the relationship of husband and wife, you can be sure Satan is going to jump on it with both feet and all the energy he can muster!  He attacks our identity by asking if we are certain we know who we are in God and how we are to function, as well as, pushing the boundary lines farther and farther out within our culture and often even within the church.  He uses our minds and thought processes to lie and deceive us about right and wrong and creates desires in us that have the potential to become idols, while being so subtle we don’t realize it.  
            Satan’s goal is not only get satisfaction from watching us struggle, but for us to become so confused we finally turn our back on God and everything we know that is right.  Therefore, it is imperative every single day to study, pray and stay strong in the faith if we are going to be able to block successfully, in every area of our lives, all the destruction Satan has for us. 

Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.                       2 Corinthians 7:1

Monday, March 4, 2013

What Principles?

Let me begin by saying I am not particularly political, but I do vote and feel strongly that as a citizen we all have that responsibility. But generally speaking, I don’t usually discuss political candidates, although I do have some strong feelings regarding some of the issues; in fact some very strong feelings!  All that being said, I believe our current administration in Washington, DC has some real issues going on and seem bent on making matters worse! 
            As I reflect on Biblical principles of doing what is right and good, it can be hard to keep a positive, upbeat attitude when thinking about all the ills of our world right now.   Yet, we are to be obedient to authority.  At what point however, do you decide to not be obedient to what you believe is wrong? Ultimately, every person has to make a personal decision about what is right and wrong and how far to follow the bad choices, even when it comes from our government.  It’s important, however, when we disagree to do so respectfully, and with a solid foundation. 
            It is here I am reminded of Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego in Daniel, Chapter three, when Nebuchadnezzar made the decree that every person must bow before his huge, golden statue.  These three friends chose not to bow and were thrown into the fiery furnace just as promised as punishment for failing to do so…..yet, God did not forsake them.  In fact He went with them into the furnace and they were not harmed by the fire.  Do you or I have that kind of faith and principle?  They must have been faced with peer pressure from the other Hebrew men that were there.  Surely there were others saying, “Come on, it’s just this one time.  If you don’t bow down, surely someone will see!  Do you want to end up in the furnace?  Is it worth your life?”  Yet, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego didn’t go against God and what was right.
            I know a little about the Hobby Lobby situation where the Obama administration ordered them to comply with a contraceptive mandate.  Based on religious differences and principles, they had clear reason for going against the law and held their ground, although it cost them plenty!  Hobby Lobby’s goals are to honor God, which includes taking a stand against the ruling.  They are certainly not the only ones who have made decisions based on Bible principles.  Chic Fil A was recently in the news for being a Christian based business and opposed same sex marriages.  In effect each person makes decisions in some form almost every day…..and often these are “life or death” decisions, even if we don’t perceive them so. 
            When a person says “life or death” we immediately think in physical terms.  What about the “spiritual realm?”  There is a definite “life or death” scenario to be considered with every decision you make throughout your day even if immediate consequences seem irrelevant.  Is the response, behavior, or action regarding the circumstance God centered, or world based?
With so many controversial issues facing us, we must ask: how does a God fearing, Christian respond?  This is where every single one of us must search our hearts and God’s word.  I want to stress these thoughts are not meant to condemn or be judgmental.  But I believe, as a Christian, it’s something worth thinking about.  Would you be a “Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, if faced with choices regarding a controversial issue?  I would suggest the only clear answer can come from God’s word.  I challenge you to search His word if you aren’t sure how you feel regarding some of the issues in our world today.  The time is coming when we each must be accountable for our decisions: eternal “life or death” decisions.

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good.   Titus 3:1