He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 4, 2013

What Principles?

Let me begin by saying I am not particularly political, but I do vote and feel strongly that as a citizen we all have that responsibility. But generally speaking, I don’t usually discuss political candidates, although I do have some strong feelings regarding some of the issues; in fact some very strong feelings!  All that being said, I believe our current administration in Washington, DC has some real issues going on and seem bent on making matters worse! 
            As I reflect on Biblical principles of doing what is right and good, it can be hard to keep a positive, upbeat attitude when thinking about all the ills of our world right now.   Yet, we are to be obedient to authority.  At what point however, do you decide to not be obedient to what you believe is wrong? Ultimately, every person has to make a personal decision about what is right and wrong and how far to follow the bad choices, even when it comes from our government.  It’s important, however, when we disagree to do so respectfully, and with a solid foundation. 
            It is here I am reminded of Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego in Daniel, Chapter three, when Nebuchadnezzar made the decree that every person must bow before his huge, golden statue.  These three friends chose not to bow and were thrown into the fiery furnace just as promised as punishment for failing to do so…..yet, God did not forsake them.  In fact He went with them into the furnace and they were not harmed by the fire.  Do you or I have that kind of faith and principle?  They must have been faced with peer pressure from the other Hebrew men that were there.  Surely there were others saying, “Come on, it’s just this one time.  If you don’t bow down, surely someone will see!  Do you want to end up in the furnace?  Is it worth your life?”  Yet, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego didn’t go against God and what was right.
            I know a little about the Hobby Lobby situation where the Obama administration ordered them to comply with a contraceptive mandate.  Based on religious differences and principles, they had clear reason for going against the law and held their ground, although it cost them plenty!  Hobby Lobby’s goals are to honor God, which includes taking a stand against the ruling.  They are certainly not the only ones who have made decisions based on Bible principles.  Chic Fil A was recently in the news for being a Christian based business and opposed same sex marriages.  In effect each person makes decisions in some form almost every day…..and often these are “life or death” decisions, even if we don’t perceive them so. 
            When a person says “life or death” we immediately think in physical terms.  What about the “spiritual realm?”  There is a definite “life or death” scenario to be considered with every decision you make throughout your day even if immediate consequences seem irrelevant.  Is the response, behavior, or action regarding the circumstance God centered, or world based?
With so many controversial issues facing us, we must ask: how does a God fearing, Christian respond?  This is where every single one of us must search our hearts and God’s word.  I want to stress these thoughts are not meant to condemn or be judgmental.  But I believe, as a Christian, it’s something worth thinking about.  Would you be a “Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego, if faced with choices regarding a controversial issue?  I would suggest the only clear answer can come from God’s word.  I challenge you to search His word if you aren’t sure how you feel regarding some of the issues in our world today.  The time is coming when we each must be accountable for our decisions: eternal “life or death” decisions.

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good.   Titus 3:1


  1. And as soon as you compromise once it becomes that much easier to compromise the next time. You end up compromising on the compromise until you've crossed the line of being different, and set apart to being just as worldly as the unsaved. Especially in the times that we are in you have to be in the Word and living for Jesus or you're going to be crushed.

  2. Amen, and Amen! :) I completely agree! Thanks for the comment!
