He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 29, 2019

I Am The Daughter Of A King

           There are days when I wonder who I am! I know I am wife to Charles, mother to five grown children and grandmother to 16 grandchildren.  I know I am friend to many, an aunt, sister, and even writer.  But what is most important?  Are these identities what defines me?   Even though I’ve been a follower of Christ for many years, I thought it did.  
            People were confused about who Jesus was too, as he walked among them as a human.  Some believed he was a Prophet; others wondered if he was the Promised Messiah, yet couldn’t get a handle on this idea because of his birth geography!  Further, many believed the Messiah would come as a great king to overthrow Rome; a great conqueror!  Instead they are seeing a Man who claimed to be God; who offered living water.  Who was this man, Jesus?
            He changed lives, forgave sins, raised men from the dead, and healed many.  He knew the scriptures and taught, even at the tender age of twelve.  His identity was confusing to those who didn’t believe it was possible he was the Messiah, even after he told them, using scriptures, that it was so! 
            As I look at my list of “who I am” it occurs to me there’s something much greater than these earthly identities.  It’s who I am in Christ!  It’s been a joy discovering this!  There are countless scriptures that defines this.  I’m trying my best to memorize them, so when days are going badly (and even when they aren’t) I can pull on them to strengthen my heart and soul to continue to move forward.
            There is quite the list, but I’m going to focus on just a few. First I am the daughter of the King. (1 John 3:1) Secondly, I am loved. (Jeremiah 31:3) I am delighted in. (Zephaniah 3:17) I am a masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10) I am forgiven.  (1 Peter 2:24) I am washed clean. (Isaiah 1:18) I am free. (Galatians 5:1)
            Each of these verses are solid Biblical truths and therefore I know I can believe they are relevant to me.  God’s Word is filled with these truths and more to build us up and draw us to Him.  He wants an intimate relationship with us.  As I focus on these statements, it makes me realize I have something important to give---not only back to the Father, but to those around me.  
            As I live out these beliefs, Christ will be seen in me (or in spite of me!).  How can He not be? Our lives mirror what we believe; and what we believe in our hearts, we live, speak through our words and project to others.  
            We have completed the first quarter of a new year.  Still, there are more opportunities for new adventures.  I encourage you to think about “who you are;” not just as a person navigating this earthly life, but as a child of God.  Let it give you comfort, encouragement and empower you as you continue to move onward and forward in 2019.  

Monday, April 22, 2019

Created To Further The Kingdom

         It has been taught and believed by some, that we can get into heaven by being good people, going to church regularly, and by doing good works. How inaccurate!  Ephesians 2:8-9 says clearly by grace you have been saved through faith not by works.

            Yet verse ten of that same chapter, says God created us to do good works. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  This is not a contradiction.  The responsibility of being a Christian prepares us to do the good works necessary to strengthen our walk with God.

            Not only are we readied to do good works, we are expected to do good works; but our works are not what gives us salvation.  Our works are a direct result of being saved.  Our mindset changes and we become driven to “work for the Lord.”  We leave those labors which go against our newfound faith, and turn toward those that would demonstrate this.

            We have joy we can’t contain.  We have an outpouring of doing what is right, and sharing the gospel.  This is “good works.”  Further, whatever our occupation, God can use us in that circumstance, to turn other lives around.  We walk away from sin and darkness and walk into the Light—Into God’s Light.

God in his work in us, equips us to undertake tasks we never thought possible.  We do this out of our joy and love for our risen Savior.   What is our work?  God in his infinite wisdom gave all of us gifts and it’s up to us to search for our gifts and then discover ways to use them for The Lord.  

            Just like flowers bloom and trees explode in a burst of color in the Spring, so we burst with an undeniable reflection of the love we now feel from our Savior.  We become “driven to make a difference;” to let others see the change in us.  We want to do whatever it takes to further the Kingdom.  This explains why we search for ways to use the gifts and talents we’ve been given; we want to give back to God because of the salvation he has given us!   
The gifts we had before we became a child of God can perhaps be used for God’s work by changing direction or even simply by changing our motives.   Sometimes we discover gifts we never knew we had!  It may be as easy as telephoning someone who needs a listening ear or as demanding as being a missionary in another land.  It could be much more complicated, requiring us to take college classes as we are “readied” to carry out the plan God has for us.  It may be training in any variety of areas, but God will provide the means necessary, if we are willing to following his guidance for our lives and “our work.”

Whatever it may be, God can use our gifts to his glory because we accepted his gift of grace by faith.  Through our “work” we demonstrate how we are created to further God’s Kingdom.  What an amazing way to honor him with our lives.  

Monday, April 8, 2019

Not Equal To God

           Recently during a conversation, my daughter was told by a friend, “I am sinless.  I am equal to God.” 

            We are given the story of Saul who thought he knew better than God. Rather than destroying what God told him to destroy, he kept.  He spared Agag, the best sheep, cattle, and all that was good.  It failed, because all that Saul kept was despised and weak, anyway.  But Samuel ask the question in 1 Samuel 15:22 “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” 

Saul was given specific instructions and he deliberately disobeyed God because he thought God’s instructions were faulty. It wasn’t that he misunderstood.  He knew better.  Because of this disobedience God had to punish him like any loving father would do. 

As parents, we are sometimes faced with a similar situation.  We instruct our children with specific directions and they choose an alternative.  We then, are obligated to serve them the consequences of disobedience.  It can vary from a “time out” chair, to no television, loss of use of computer or cell phone, or a visit to a friend’s home.  It usually depends on the significance of the disobedience.

            Saul’s punishment was to be great.  Samuel, who was the bearer of the news from God, was deeply saddened by Saul’s behavior and grieved that God needed to punish him. Saul was meant to be king and now God was going to withhold that honor. Because Samuel was so saddened by the whole situation, he petitioned God on Saul’s behalf in prayer, that this punishment might be spared.

            No one is equal to God.  We all make mistakes and are sinful, even as Believers.  It is the nature of being human.  As Believers, we are forgiven by the blood of Christ when we repent.  Sometimes, it’s even a sin we didn’t realize we’d committed, until later.  It’s those actions we choose to take, when we know we are in the wrong, that really creates an issue, much like what happened to Saul.  

What will the punishment be for my daughter’s friend for her arrogance?  I can’t know that, but I am certain God will deal with it. My job, at this point is to petition God, on this person’s behalf that she repents of this belief and that God’s judgment is not greater than she can bear.

God loves us more than we could ever imagine.  Yet God’s tolerance toward his people is limited to rules he has given us.  It’s up to us not to cross over the line. This was true when His word was written and no less true today. 

We will still make mistakes; it’s how we handle those mistakes and whether it was a deliberate act of disobedience that makes the difference. I encourage you to reflect on your behaviors.  Sometimes it’s a bad habit we haven’t yet turned over to God.  This can be described as deliberate disobedience.  We are choosing to continue with something we know is wrong.  How, as a parent, if it was your child, would you handle this behavior?  How do you think God should respond?

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Final Say

         Nearly every day on the news there are new reports about our health and diet.  Depending on who you ask, a high carbohydrate diet is best while some say the high protein-low carbohydrate diet is best.  Others say balance!  We are advised on what to drink, how long to stay in the sun, what vegetables are best and what meats to eat or not eat.  The list is endless and changes, it seems, from moment to moment!

Not only are the noted questions raised when considering diet, but you also must consider past health issues, the size and weight of the person considering their options, family history and the nuances of the particular doctor you are seeing.  How then, are we to make good, sound judgments on what is best for us?  The issue gets increasingly complicated!

Diet and health are not the only area of our lives where we can have questions.  It can be on lifestyles, moving, job changes, political perspectives, parenting, education and an endless list of other possibilities.  We can feel overwhelmed with all the questions that arise from so many different directions.  Where do we find the best answers?  

Social media and television have lots to say on any subject, but is that the best place to find our answers, to sometimes, even life questions?  Everyone has an opinion!  And it seems the opinions run from one extreme to the other.  What are we to do?

Recently God has shown me several times over, a direction in my life he wants me to travel.  I assure you it is not what I had planned!  So as the messages came, I found myself asking “Why Lord?  You know that’s not what I wanted.”  Still the messages haunted me.  I found myself talking with God about it even in my sleep.  In my waking moments, I still considered our “conversations.”  

Finally, in one instance I was led to Amos 3.  This is not a book I’ve read often.  But since I was led so strongly, I reached for God’s Word and turned to the scripture.  Beginning with verse one, I read through verse eight.  While there was more in context, a line from that verse jumped out at me: “The Sovereign Lord has spoken.”  I knew my answer.

This isn’t the first time.  I’ve found when we are in God’s Word with sincerity, He will reveal himself in ways I didn’t imagine.  I’ve also learned, this is promised in His word.  He wants us to search him.  David asked God to reveal himself to him.  David had to rely on God speaking to him without the aid of the Written Word as we know it today.  God hasn’t changed.  He still holds the answers to our questions; but we have to ask and trust for an answer, even if it isn’t the answer we wanted!

It’s reassuring to search the Bible and know with absolute certainty that what is in there is from God.  He is unchanged; His word is unchanged and will remain so.  What he’s promised, he’s done.  If we haven’t seen the promise fulfilled, we can be sure it will be, in his time!

I know when I have a question about life, or if I need guidance on a particular issue I’m dealing with, if I look with diligence in His Word, the answer can be found there.  His Word is good and right for all who read it, not just a certain few with particular interests and needs.  It doesn’t depend on my height, weight, or skin color.  It is God’s word and that’s the final say!

I encourage you to dig deep into the wisdom of God.  He is available if you are willing!