He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Final Say

         Nearly every day on the news there are new reports about our health and diet.  Depending on who you ask, a high carbohydrate diet is best while some say the high protein-low carbohydrate diet is best.  Others say balance!  We are advised on what to drink, how long to stay in the sun, what vegetables are best and what meats to eat or not eat.  The list is endless and changes, it seems, from moment to moment!

Not only are the noted questions raised when considering diet, but you also must consider past health issues, the size and weight of the person considering their options, family history and the nuances of the particular doctor you are seeing.  How then, are we to make good, sound judgments on what is best for us?  The issue gets increasingly complicated!

Diet and health are not the only area of our lives where we can have questions.  It can be on lifestyles, moving, job changes, political perspectives, parenting, education and an endless list of other possibilities.  We can feel overwhelmed with all the questions that arise from so many different directions.  Where do we find the best answers?  

Social media and television have lots to say on any subject, but is that the best place to find our answers, to sometimes, even life questions?  Everyone has an opinion!  And it seems the opinions run from one extreme to the other.  What are we to do?

Recently God has shown me several times over, a direction in my life he wants me to travel.  I assure you it is not what I had planned!  So as the messages came, I found myself asking “Why Lord?  You know that’s not what I wanted.”  Still the messages haunted me.  I found myself talking with God about it even in my sleep.  In my waking moments, I still considered our “conversations.”  

Finally, in one instance I was led to Amos 3.  This is not a book I’ve read often.  But since I was led so strongly, I reached for God’s Word and turned to the scripture.  Beginning with verse one, I read through verse eight.  While there was more in context, a line from that verse jumped out at me: “The Sovereign Lord has spoken.”  I knew my answer.

This isn’t the first time.  I’ve found when we are in God’s Word with sincerity, He will reveal himself in ways I didn’t imagine.  I’ve also learned, this is promised in His word.  He wants us to search him.  David asked God to reveal himself to him.  David had to rely on God speaking to him without the aid of the Written Word as we know it today.  God hasn’t changed.  He still holds the answers to our questions; but we have to ask and trust for an answer, even if it isn’t the answer we wanted!

It’s reassuring to search the Bible and know with absolute certainty that what is in there is from God.  He is unchanged; His word is unchanged and will remain so.  What he’s promised, he’s done.  If we haven’t seen the promise fulfilled, we can be sure it will be, in his time!

I know when I have a question about life, or if I need guidance on a particular issue I’m dealing with, if I look with diligence in His Word, the answer can be found there.  His Word is good and right for all who read it, not just a certain few with particular interests and needs.  It doesn’t depend on my height, weight, or skin color.  It is God’s word and that’s the final say!

I encourage you to dig deep into the wisdom of God.  He is available if you are willing!

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