He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 26, 2023

Hallmark of Identity

  Food.  It’s a topic that will bring discussion with most anyone!  There are items we love, some we hate, others we tolerate!  There is dialog about what is good for you and what is not.  Sometimes there is even huge disagreements, and over decades, ideas are proven or questioned and information changes.  It’s always interesting when we are told a given food (eggs are an example) should be eaten with great moderation, only to find out years later, they are actually good for you and it’s okay to include them in your diet!

Depending on where you live and time of year, foods take on a specific identity.  Down in Louisiana in Cajun Country you might find crawfish or alligator meat being served at the table, while a Californian might serve up sourdough bread and cobb salad.  In Hawaii you could be served poi or laulau, while in Chicago you may find Jibarito or Italian beef. 

In Tennessee, Catfish and hushpuppies, fry bread and hominy, are sure to please the palate in the western side of the state, while the center and east side of the state share chitlins, cornbread and beans as important staples of the diet; sometimes even to the point of making these foods part of their holiday meals! And for dessert who could pass up Tennessee Banana Cream pie, Mountain Stack cake, and the all-time favorite Tennessee dessert: Moon Pie!

At Maryland tables, soft shelled crabs are likely on the menu or steamed crabs or crab soup, (do you notice the crab theme?) Thrashers French Fries, Pit Beef, Berger Cookies, with some Utz 'The Crab Chip' Potato Chips on the side.  Dessert follows with ‘Smith Island Cake’.  In the upper mid-west buffalo, elk or deer are served! And in the deep south jambalaya or gumbo, fried green tomatoes and peach cobbler for dessert grace many plates!

God knew, we as a people, would enjoy food and saw we are blessed with variety.  That variety is enhanced by the influx of people around the world of different cultures! Each country adds its own “flavor” to a Thanksgiving or even Christmas meal, even when celebrated a little differently!  

God never intended the people of the world to be carbon copies of another.  Geography, social levels, values, economic situations and tradition differences make each culture unique.  Areas are designed to produce different products that when melded together create unique experiences, even with food!

Each group of people, however, have commonalities that binds us all together.  We are all His creation, yet we are uniquely different!  It’s when our minds and hearts come together to worship him as Creator that we can have this incredible relationship with each other.  This is by design.  Our God has an amazing imagination!  I am so grateful He’s seen fit to include us, as humans, as part of his remarkable creation.

As I see our world in turmoil, I encourage you to deflect hate and discord with love and understanding.  This can be incredibly difficult given the unique status many specific people groups demand.  While they want their identity recognized, it seems impossible for these same folks to allow those with different values, ideas and traditions to have their own.

This mindset is so double minded and creates divisions in friends, family and even in our churches.  Perhaps we each need to take a moment and reflect on what is important. We have a responsibility to break the chains of division.  

Part of this responsibility is described in Genesis, in the Creation story.  But further instructions are given throughout His Word.  It’s up to us, however, to search for answers and guidance.  One of the greatest gifts we are given is the task to love one another-- and then make that love, mercy and consideration of others, the hallmark of our identity.

#food  #FoodSpecialties  #MarylandFavorite  FoodAndGeography  #FoodAndCulture  #WeAreNotCarbonCopies  #divisionsInFriendsAndFamilies  #DifferentValues  #OurIdentity

Photo Credit: free pictures of crabs 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Doing God's Work

        A friend shares the story of being asked by some Christian leaders in her church to help with the children in a ‘fellowship group’ atmosphere.  She was very reluctant as it had been years since she’d worked with small children and as a child herself, had not attended church, so wasn’t familiar with how those classes were designed.  She was finally convinced, to at least try.  To her amazement she discovered she enjoyed the children!  As she served with ‘all her heart’ she said, she found serving children didn’t warrant nearly the fear she had possessed.

Her fear of the unknown resonated with me. I have always been reluctant to pray aloud in group settings.  It always seemed to me there were others who could (and did) pray beautiful prayers that would make mine look (or sound) so pitiful!

Recently my husband and I were at a dental appointment for him and I was waiting in the designated waiting area, and was alone.   Eventually a lady came and sat near me and we began chatting.  She was there because she needed a wisdom tooth extracted.  She was completely dreading the procedure. 

Out of nowhere I asked, “Could I pray with you?”  I have never, ever done that before!  She said, “Yes!” and I followed up with prayer.  I can’t even recall what I said in that prayer, but she said it was just what she needed!

Doing the Lord’s work can seem intimidating.  Our lack of experience or inhibitions because of self-doubt dim in the majesty of God’s Power!  It was totally the Holy Spirit that spoke that day in the doctor’s office.  I was as surprised as she was, yet God used me.

When God gives us a ministry —any ministry—he will equip us to serve him as long as we serve with all our heart!  I recall the story of Mary, when the angel told her she was going to serve as the Mother of the Son of God—yet she’d never been with a man.  The ramifications in that day for an unwed woman to become pregnant was stoning!  Yet she believed the angel, when he said this was God’s will and she’d been chosen for this assignment.  Her reaction was: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

I want to say the words Mary did and serve with my whole heart to whatever task the Lord gives me!  It is my prayer that He teach me and then use me.  This is why we are on this Earth.  We are not supposed to let our light stay hidden under a bush.  We are supposed to shine!  God is totally able, and promises to provide the skills and strength we need for whatever is before us.  

We shine with His Light when we serve  with our whole heart!  We might be called to serve little children in a church, or a group of adults in a nursing home or rehab center.  We may be called to minister with music, or writing words others can read, or even occasionally praying with someone in public when we least expect it!  The opportunities are boundless.  But if God calls us to it and we listen to the call, we can answer as Samuel and say, “Here I am, Lord” and then be obedient to the task.

#serve   #ServeWithOurWholeHeart   #HisLight  #ServingGod  #ServingOthers

#GodCanUseUs   #HeWillEquipUs   #FollowHisPlan  #HeWillEmpower

Photo Credit:Free pics of serving

Monday, June 12, 2023

Your Will Be Done

       A friend shared the story of a woman from his church who was in the hospital.  He said that while he saw her most every Sunday service, he didn’t know her.  So while visiting her one afternoon, he offered to pray with her and asked if there was something specific she’d like to ask the Lord for.  

He explained he expected her to say something about healing, being free from the obvious pain she was in, or even to go home soon.  So he was surprised with her answer of “That God’s will and purpose for me, even now, is fulfilled.”

His friend died a short two weeks later.  Her response to his question changed his perspective on his prayer life.  His friend could have asked for better health, leaving the hospital, to just go home, a chance to enjoy her children and grandchildren longer and more.  But instead she asked for ‘God’s Will.’  She wanted to be aligned with the God she worshiped and loved with all her heart.

It’s hard to ask for God’s will when we are praying for someone close to us who is chronically ill.  We often think selfishly about what we want to see happen.  While we don’t want our loved one to suffer, surely we don’t want them to leave us!  If only God would take away the pain and difficulty of what they are going through!  God’s will is all powerful and when we recognize that, we understand that our asking for His will, includes taking them home.  

Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt in the Garden of Gethsemane when he looked at his Father, knowing the pain and agony of the cross was his destiny, and asking God if he could to take it away, yet finishing his request with, ‘Not my will but yours!’

We aren’t alone in our feeling of despair when things are leading to a permanent separation.  Jesus has been there.  Yet he knew God had a purpose and plan for his life.

The woman mentioned at the beginning of this post knew it too.  She understood, that trusting and believing that His perfect will is going to be just the right answer to fulfill His destiny for her life.  She couldn’t have known the impact her choice of words would have on so many people!

It doesn’t mean we won’t experience pain and tears, but we can absolutely know that God does not make mistakes and all actions taken by Him are not from an impulsive or careless judgement call.  He’s got a very specific plan for each of us.  As Believers we also have the added element of his perfect peace and joy when we abide in Him, and that makes the trial all the easier, even when we don’t understand, whether it be for ourselves or someone we love.

Praying for God’s will and purpose in our lives isn’t always an easy choice.  Sometimes it takes us down roads we hadn’t planned, and sometimes it means a trial we had no idea would come.  Yet, we can know with certainty, that if it’s His will, then there is a specific purpose why God has chosen that for us.  When we surrender our will to His, he will surprise us in ways we hadn’t imagined, too!

#surrenderOurWill   #YourWillBeDone  #surrenderAll  #WeAren'tAlone  #PurposeAndPlan  #God'sWillInOurLives   #God'sWill   #God'sWillNotOurs


Monday, June 5, 2023

An InvitationTo The Table

  I heard the story about a man who visited a family he was helping with a project, and was asked to join them for lunch.  The man declined, but noticed, as they continued chatting, another place had been set at the table.  With a little urging, the visitor joined the family for the meal. Before leaving he commented that he had eaten at many nice restaurants over they years, but he’d been longing for a ‘home-cooked meal’ since his wife had died.  This meal was especially wonderful!

The added element to this story is the man was a complete stranger to the family.  While he was there about a project they would be working on together, they’d not previously met.  Usually, he explained, he’d always said, ‘No thank you’ to those who’d asked him to join them within their home.  But this family offered a kindness he’d never received before.  They not only asked, but provided the means and prepared a place for him.

This story hit a chord with me.  I admit, when someone comes calling at dinner time, I panic. (Or even lunch since my husband and I often eat differently at this meal and at different times!)  Generally, I’ve prepared a meal for two people.  How can I stretch it to fill two, three or four more people?  And besides that, I’m mortified that my kitchen is a mess from my preparations, and the rest of the house needs cleaning and surely my repast isn’t nearly nice enough for company and likely a dozen more excuses run through my mind.   

God’s Word offers examples of Jesus’ kindness when he was still on earth.  Luke 14 offers the Parable of the man who invited many guests to his feast.  And all who have accepted Christ as Savior has been invited to the feast at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb.  He also invites us to give all our burdens to him.  We all have struggles every single day!  What a great kindness to give me peace!

Many other kindnesses are described all through the New Testament.  Each person who accepted his gift went away overjoyed.  The leper who was healed, the disciples when he calmed the waters, the lame who was made to walk again and the blind who was able to see, and dining with Zacchaeus the dreaded chief tax collector, was thrilled, and this is just barely scraping the top of the list!  None of those who were offered his kindness refused it!  

But another person who also heard the story about the visitor taking a meal with the family, had an interesting observation.  Isn’t it funny how we, even as Believers, are offered God’s kindness through time spent with Him in his Word and through prayer; and rather than jumping at the opportunity, hedge around the notion.  How often do we actually even just decline?  We rush away to do something else and put Christ on the shelf.

Yet our Lord waits, and sets the table for us. His invitation remains consistent.  He lets us know we are loved, and forgiven, regardless of our reply.  His greatest act of love was on the Cross.  That’s what made His invitation available for us.  We have the opportunity to visit and ‘sup’ with Him daily, one on one, person to person.  We just need to accept the invitation to the table!

#InvitationToTheTable  #Let'sEat  #MealsTogether  #EatingTogether  #SayYesToFood  #FoodIsKindness  #FeedANeighbor  #SupperTime

Photo Credit: free pictures of a table set with food