He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 5, 2023

An InvitationTo The Table

  I heard the story about a man who visited a family he was helping with a project, and was asked to join them for lunch.  The man declined, but noticed, as they continued chatting, another place had been set at the table.  With a little urging, the visitor joined the family for the meal. Before leaving he commented that he had eaten at many nice restaurants over they years, but he’d been longing for a ‘home-cooked meal’ since his wife had died.  This meal was especially wonderful!

The added element to this story is the man was a complete stranger to the family.  While he was there about a project they would be working on together, they’d not previously met.  Usually, he explained, he’d always said, ‘No thank you’ to those who’d asked him to join them within their home.  But this family offered a kindness he’d never received before.  They not only asked, but provided the means and prepared a place for him.

This story hit a chord with me.  I admit, when someone comes calling at dinner time, I panic. (Or even lunch since my husband and I often eat differently at this meal and at different times!)  Generally, I’ve prepared a meal for two people.  How can I stretch it to fill two, three or four more people?  And besides that, I’m mortified that my kitchen is a mess from my preparations, and the rest of the house needs cleaning and surely my repast isn’t nearly nice enough for company and likely a dozen more excuses run through my mind.   

God’s Word offers examples of Jesus’ kindness when he was still on earth.  Luke 14 offers the Parable of the man who invited many guests to his feast.  And all who have accepted Christ as Savior has been invited to the feast at the Marriage Supper of The Lamb.  He also invites us to give all our burdens to him.  We all have struggles every single day!  What a great kindness to give me peace!

Many other kindnesses are described all through the New Testament.  Each person who accepted his gift went away overjoyed.  The leper who was healed, the disciples when he calmed the waters, the lame who was made to walk again and the blind who was able to see, and dining with Zacchaeus the dreaded chief tax collector, was thrilled, and this is just barely scraping the top of the list!  None of those who were offered his kindness refused it!  

But another person who also heard the story about the visitor taking a meal with the family, had an interesting observation.  Isn’t it funny how we, even as Believers, are offered God’s kindness through time spent with Him in his Word and through prayer; and rather than jumping at the opportunity, hedge around the notion.  How often do we actually even just decline?  We rush away to do something else and put Christ on the shelf.

Yet our Lord waits, and sets the table for us. His invitation remains consistent.  He lets us know we are loved, and forgiven, regardless of our reply.  His greatest act of love was on the Cross.  That’s what made His invitation available for us.  We have the opportunity to visit and ‘sup’ with Him daily, one on one, person to person.  We just need to accept the invitation to the table!

#InvitationToTheTable  #Let'sEat  #MealsTogether  #EatingTogether  #SayYesToFood  #FoodIsKindness  #FeedANeighbor  #SupperTime

Photo Credit: free pictures of a table set with food

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