He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, November 28, 2022

Have A Christmas Heart


      We just celebrated Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday officially begins in earnest! Sometimes it’s so hard to stay focused on the meaning of Christmas when there is so much else going on.  
      With the shopping, decorating, entertaining, mailings, cooking and baking and all the other “must dos” on the list, we often feel overwhelmed and lost in the wonder of it all.  We lose sight of the “why” we are doing all that we are trying to get done.  We put off communicating—and put on hold talking with our families and friends because there just isn’t time in our already overloaded schedule to just stop and “be!”  

And there certainly isn’t time for me to take the time for "me"! Yet, I wonder if this isn’t exactly what I must do!  It’s the time of year when stress limits spike, as life gets beyond hectic!  So as I think about my “favorite things” this time of year, I find a Christmas catalogue, a warm cup of tea, lights blinking merrily on the tree, Christmas music playing on the radio and a solid rocker in front of the fireplace to make it just about right!

So as you place the last ornament on your tree, toss the last bit of tinsel in the one neglected spot, turn on the lights and finally sit down in front of your masterful job with a warm cup of coffee (or tea, etc.) remember that Christmas is all about the heart.  It’s about giving and connecting with loved ones.  It’s about sharing with someone who has less than you or with someone who needs encouragement.  It’s about remembering those who are going through a bad time or are lonely and feel forgotten.  

Christmas is about family in whatever form family comes.  Wrap your heart around another.  Be heart healing medicine.  Offer love that seems to transform even the “grinchiest” person this time of year.   Sing a song of joy and promise that warms the coldest heart.  Unless you can feel the spirit of Christmas in your very being, you are only play-acting.  Your outward demonstrations will be meaningless unless you feel the joy you are exhibiting, that is Christmas, with others. 

Let your eyes be dazzled like a child’s.  Open your soul to hear the ringing of bells and your eyes to the softly falling snow. Feel the excitement of the two-year-old in front of the Christmas tree.  Smell the scent of cookies or brownies in the oven intermingled with the fresh scent of pine.  Taste with anticipation all the flavors of the celebration: eggnog, turkey or ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, fruit cake, pies and sweet potatoes.  Listen with pleasure and appreciation to the Christmas carols playing softly in the background as you drink in the Spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is not about a single day on the calendar to be celebrated.  It’s about the heart all year long.  It’s an occasion to be honored, enjoyed, relished and delighted in, but not for a mere 24 hours!  It’s a season that should be celebrated every day, as we cherish the moments that give us a Christmas heart!

Merry beginning of the Christmas season, my friend!  Enjoy this time with family and friends,--- and take a moment to just be alone, in the quiet with The Lord, and experience His love.

Photo Credit:  free Christmas pics   

Monday, November 21, 2022

A Thankful Heart


      “So much has gone wrong”, my friend said.  “It’s almost Thanksgiving and I just found out my husband is very ill; my daughter miscarried a couple weeks ago; another daughter isn’t even speaking to us; and the list just seems to be growing. 

“I know it’s the time to be thankful.  I even know we are supposed to be thankful in all things and in every circumstance, but what do I tell my head when it won’t let me sleep at night or my heart that wants to break, or my emotions that are just all over the place?”

I understand my friend’s concerns.  Life has a way of ‘kicking us when we’re down’ sometimes.  But in truth, we are supposed to be thankful, in all things.  I can’t help but think of Paul’s accounts of his life in God’s Word.  Here was a man who was beaten, imprisoned and even facing death.  Yet, even in this ‘dark’ place he could find the strength to sing songs—while in a horrible prison cell!  His circumstances were much worse than mine, or even my friends, who from our perspective was a lot to handle at one time.

God is a God of miracles.  He’s a God of love who promises to see us through no matter what is happening.  He knows the beginning from the end; he can see the whole picture.  Our view is so narrow and our vision is blurred.  God has a clear stake in the lives of his children.  He doesn’t want to see us suffer.  But how would we know joy if we never experienced sorrow?

Heaven knows I do not enjoy suffering.  It wears me out physically and emotionally.  But I find when I’m down in the valley of sadness, very often that’s when I can feel God closest.  He’s not going to leave me alone.  I am never alone!  God promises that, as well.

I encourage you to believe that statement.  Even repeat it aloud to yourself several times.  Sometimes your ears need to hear what your mind is thinking!  “I AM NEVER ALONE.”  Second reflect on the positive things that have happened over the course of your life.  Can you see God’s hand in how things turned out?  

When we remember what God has done, from where he has brought us, and situations he’s brought us through, it’s easier to recall that God does indeed, care about every facet of our lives.  Then try to rejoice and see a silver lining in whatever circumstance you are currently in.  It may be just a tiny glimmer and may have nothing to do directly with your problem.

God may (or already has) provided a need you didn’t realize you had; he may send someone (more than once) to your rescue just at the perfect time; or just given you his peace and assurance that regardless of what’s going on, let you see He will see you through.

I wish you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.  Times are tough all around.  No one is spared, regardless of age, race, gender, political preferences, or religious beliefs.  But to know we have a Savior who loves us regardless the state of our lives, is enough to give us a thankful heart!  

Photo Credit: free pics of thanksgiving 

Monday, November 14, 2022

An Active Prayer Life


  I love my early morning Bible and prayer time, as well as, the time I spend with God before I go to bed.  But there are times when I just don’t feel like I’m doing it right!  Have you ever felt this way?

When attending church Business meetings or a Bible study class, there is usually a prayer before beginning.  Sometimes different people are called on to pray and I panic, afraid I will be asked to pray out loud.  There are those who pray amazing prayers.  It sounds so perfect and so natural; yet because of its total cohesiveness, no grammar errors, or the use of the words umm, or even ‘and’ at the wrong place, it almost sounds rehearsed!

Prayers like this inspire me, yet intimidate me at the same time.  I don’t believe God wants ‘cookie cutter’ prayers.  He wants a ‘conversation’ with us, just as naturally as your spouse, parent or child would.  Because of this I admit, I tend to ramble, until I remember he knows all this anyway!  Then for just about half a heartbeat, I feel a little silly.  But I don’t believe God wants me to feel like that!  

Someone commented once on what a prayer ‘conversation’ between Jesus and God must have sounded like.  They said something like, “Can’t you just see/hear Jesus say, ‘Did you catch Samuel’s reaction when I told him…..?’”  I don’t know.  I’d love to think it was just this way.  Conversational!  Couldn't that be what God wants from us?  

Now I admit, there is a line between being conversational and disrespectful.  I kind of see the same line I might have had with my children when they were young, (and still follow to this day.)  God is God, yet wants to be a part of every area of our lives.  I’d think he’d want us to share our joys and yes, even our disappointments, and perhaps even our surprises.  I also know we are supposed to pray for each other!

My guess is, he probably laughs (at least giggles sometimes) at me, because often my prayers are just like I talk to anyone else (and people laugh at me all the time!)  I tend to be animated and honestly I do that even in prayer—my hands are not always still!  I don’t know if it’s right, but if God is my “Abba Papa” shouldn’t I just be ‘me’ even when I am praying?

There are ideas available to help with our prayer life.  Some write out their prayers (I’d never get that done) but the idea of making lists does help me.  Praying Bible verses sometimes is also very helpful, especially when I am distressed, or even using the ACTS method:  Adoration, Confession, Thankfulness and Supplication.  I’ve even tried using the ‘Our Father who art in heaven’ scriptures to walk me through.  This is after all how Jesus told the disciples to pray when they asked his advice on prayer.

So, I wonder, what are your methods of prayer?  Do you use different methods to keep you on track or have you found a single way that works perfectly?  Are you a little intimidated about praying out loud in front of others?  How do you handle it?  I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject!  Please share!

Monday, November 7, 2022

When I Am Afraid


        I was reading an article recently about a blind man who walked the Appalachian Trail.  The story tells how during his journey with his German Shepherd dog, Orient, he fell thousands of times, cracking ribs and suffering from hypothermia as he forged rivers and raging waters.  He hiked the entire 2,100 miles, from Georgia to Maine.

He wasn’t always blind, but had eye surgery, as an adult, after a misdiagnosis of malignant melanoma.  As a sighted person, he drank a lot and smoked up to five packs of cigarettes a day, used drugs and was nearing despair!  But one day on top of Mount Katahdin, Maine he fell to his knees to pray.  His life was changed, and he made the decision to walk the Appalachian Trail as a testament to his living faith.  He shared his faith as he stopped for food at grocery stores or did laundry at the laundry mat.  He also shared the Gospel with children he passed along the way.  With dedication to his faith, determination and mind set, despite his handicap, he chose to not use maps or a compass, but relied entirely on his dog and his faith in God, for guidance.1

Having a set mind with determination and grit can take a person a long way.  I suggest however, that in our day to day lives, sometimes it takes more than resolve, purpose, fortitude or even grit.  Circumstances like health conditions, trauma, homesickness, grief, abuse, stressful events, and exhaustion can all be catalysts in the progression of depression.  When any kind of substance abuse is added, whether it be illegal drug use, alcohol or even prescribed pain medication, the “cup” is tilted and running over into a sinking chasm of despair. This is what happened to Mr. Irwin in his early life.

Our lives are a journey which cannot be done alone.  It takes human companionship with those who will encourage, build up-or hold up, advise, share trials, and good times.  It’s a connection that must not be ignored, because the lack of it will cause an almost unbearable loneliness.

Something greater than human companionship is the relationship with Christ.  This relationship is so important, to spend a single day without this communion, is nothing less than critical!  We have an innate desire for friendship and fellowship and this desire is greatest for Christ.  He demonstrates His wonder in the world around us, and His love through the gift of His sacrifice of life on the cross.  Once we come to know Him, there is no greater joy than communion with Him.  Bill Irwin learned this as a blind man, but could see clearer than many of us!

Great peace and a heart that is full to overflowing, fills our being when we stop to talk with the Father.  And when we also listen, He speaks to our hearts in ways beyond description, yet so real there can be no doubt.  

So I challenge you to consider what it is you would most like to accomplish.  Have a set mind, with determination and grit, but also an inexpressible love for the God of the Universe. He is the Great Creator who can open doors humans cannot.  He is our source of strength, encouragement, wonder, power, guidance and so much more when we ask Him to be.  


Photo Credit: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/appalachian-trail