He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 12, 2020

Finding Solitude


          My husband and I travel a lot, and most often our destination, when away from the east coast, places us in the mountains.
 I am overjoyed when I can bask in the beauty of the Ponderosa Pines in South Dakota, or among all the deciduous trees in the Great Smoky Mountains.  There is something powerful in watching the sunrise over the peak of a mountain in the distance, and I stand in awe. 


            A discussion between friends recently went to early morning alone time, with God.  Jesus found it necessary to leave the busy-ness of the city, go to a lonely, quiet place to pray.  His prayer was all about communing with the Father. They must have had amazing conversations and helped keep them connected in thought and deed.  


            Jesus was a man but he was also God.  He had a unique bond with the Father.  Yet as humans, we are given the opportunity to have a relationship with God, much like Jesus and God must have had when Jesus was on the Earth. 


            Doesn’t that very thought make your heart race?  To have a conversation with the Creator of the Universe is an amazing blessing.  We have the opportunity to pour out our hearts, question where we are going and what we should do, offer thanks for aid received or answered prayers, and ask for help in upcoming events!  


            If Jesus, who was/is uniquely connected to the Father felt the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, doesn’t it just make good sense that we as humans, would also need to find a quiet place and take the time to commune with the Father?


            During our conversation, some said they met with the Lord first thing in the morning, either on their bed or even at their table.  The table idea makes me think of a Southern Gospel song that has a line, “there was church in the kitchen!”  Other people found their renewal would take them to the desert, during a morning run, their backyard listening to the birds serenading them, or resting on a rock during a climb up a mountain.


            Regardless of where we choose to meet with God, the point is, that we do indeed meet!  It is the place to become recharged, restored and renewed in the our spirit, body and our mind.  But that said, the COVID pandemic has thrown a new perspective in meeting with The Father.  We have been forced to ‘stay in place’ for many weeks.  Even as the opening of the country continues, there are still restrictions.  Due to the inability to ‘go to our favorite places’ in the busy-ness of life, we are afforded a unique opportunity to meet with God.


            What will happen when life does go back to ‘normal’?  Will those who began a daily time with God, because they were unable to ‘go out,’ but can now, remain dedicated to spending time with God every day?  Life has a way of turning our good intentions into something else, or stealing our intentions completely.


            As our lives become increasingly busy again, I suggest it’s vital to our Christian growth, to spend time with the Lord every day.  It’s in this place we will receive blessings that will enable us to follow the call and directives of God day by day.

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