He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 22, 2024

Preparing To Serve

     You may think me crazy, but one of my favorite things to do is study!  I went to college when my youngest son started and I was diligent about doing homework and studying for tests.  The idea of being a ‘perpetual student’ absolutely applies to me.  I’m in my happy place when I can open a book about something which interests me, but I know only a limited amount of information about.   There were times when I about drove my adult kids nuts with it and they have been known to literally remove my book from my lap and say, “Mom, it’s the weekend!  Take. A. Break!”

When I read about Daniel, I’m intrigued.  When our children leave home for college, they usually attend a college of their choice and often have a course of study in mind.  

When Daniel left home, it wasn’t to attend college in the sense we know it, but there are parallels.  He didn’t get to choose the college of his choice, he was taken by the Babylonians from his home.  He did however, have ‘fellow room mates’ who also were taken to this new environment, in a new land, away from everything they’d grown up with.  

He and the other ‘new’ students, were expected to learn a new language, a new culture, the literature of the area, different curriculum than he would have chosen and thus a new educational major and/or minor and was even given a new name over the next three years!  These ‘students’ were expected to completely adapt and accept their new station in life.

Daniel, who was considered a quick learner, did well.  He didn’t however forget where he came from or about the God he believed in!  Regardless of the struggles facing him, he was dedicated to a positive attitude and considered this event to be an opportunity to gain insight in ways he could use the new found information, to serve the Lord.  He believed God had a plan; a good plan!

His belief and faith in God drove him to set personal goals and resist those temptations Satan would hurl at him in this new environment.  He gently made a case for eating the correct food rather than being coerced into eating foods he believed would defile him before God.  He made commitments and decisions that were hard and went against the grain, yet kept the ‘powers that be’ at bay. 

There were those, however, who set out to ‘bring Daniel down’!  They convinced the king to make a decree that everyone would only bow before him and to no other God.  Daniel, prayed about this, and decided he wouldn’t change a thing regarding his devotion, to the one and only Living God.  

Ultimately he was thrown into the lion’s den, but the lions mouths were shut and did not harm him.  Daniel knew the consequences of disobedience to the king.  He had studied the culture and understood that hearts were not turned to his God, but knew God would take care of the matter.

In the years before this, (in what I would have considered a harrowing event), Daniel prepared to serve his God, regardless of the circumstances.  His preparation and confidence in God, got him through, because God had a plan.  He used this event to show us ‘nothing is impossible with God’.  Realistically Daniel should have immediately been viciously devoured by the lions, but wasn’t.

Do we study God’s Word so intently that we know it and have faith like Daniel had; to know that God is all powerful?  It’s so much easier to cower under the pressure.  Our world is upside down and inside out with evil lurking in every corner!  I want faith like Daniel had! 

To have this kind of faith, however, I need to be dedicated to study—- to the study of God’s word!  I heard a pastor say once, we aren’t only accountable for what we know in the Bible——but also for what we don’t know!  I want to be prepared for whatever comes my way.  Will you join me in study, as we prepare to serve?

Photo Credit: Studying God's Word

Monday, July 15, 2024

Treasure In Diversity

       The United States spans from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, and from Canada down to Mexico.  Additionally we have Alaska, well north next to Canada, and Hawaii miles away in the Pacific.  In the middle of the continuous borders we have 48 uniquely different states.  Some are tiny, like New Hampshire or Vermont.  Others are huge like Texas or California, but each is special!

Some of our states boast mountains, while others are brimming with lakes.  Others have prairies and dry desert areas.  Industry booms in some states, others are quiet with agriculture, or oil rigs in their landscape or breathe of deep coal mines.  Vegetation is also different as sequoia trees reach high for the sky, while low rising cactus flourish in others.

While English is the main language, many different languages mix in, as people from other countries have immigrated from foreign lands to make their home here.  Along with a different language, comes traditions in foods, dress and sometimes even in worship.   All these differences are knows as diversity; and melded together makes for a blended way of life, as we each learn a little from the other.

A friend shares the story about a discussion he and his family were having at the dinner table.  Not certain how the discussion veered from the original content, they ended up discussing how heritage often shapes some perspectives, given tradition and points of view.   One of his children suddenly interrupted and asked, “I’m part Scandinavian?”  It hadn’t occurred to him that he was anything other than American, and the parents apparently hadn’t shared their background with them.  Children are often the last to realize differences!  

But diversity is not a new idea.  When Jesus called the twelve disciples, many had similarities, but others were significantly different from their peers.  There were differences in social position, workplaces, personalities, and even abilities.  There were fisherman, a tax collector, a zealot, and a thief!  Some had hot tempers, while another was skeptical, and another impulsive.  Certainly all these different elements must have created some interesting conversations during the time they spent with Jesus.  

      Diversity boldly shows up in another place, as well.  Consider all the animals, plants and vegetation God created!  The different species on either side is mind boggling.  And while they co-exist, they each have separate dynamics, and ultimately even compliment each other.  

With all these differences going on all around us, it’s a bit peculiar that we as humans, have such a difficult time with the uniqueness of each person whether it be skin color, ethnic origins, languages, traditions and all the other variances we as people have.

Isn’t it interesting how even disability can be a barrier between classes of people and even within families?  God loves variety!  He made each of us just perfectly, and as different as you can imagine, even in the area of abilities.  These differences in many ways, creates a completeness we’d never have thought of, if God hadn’t created it.  

What a treasure each person brings to a friendship, a workplace, community, within a family and more if we are willing to accept God’s gift in them.  Perhaps you can see someone’s special-ness today, that you hadn’t noticed before.  Surely God knows it’s there.  We each might just have to look past our narrow vision, to see them more clearly!

Enjoy your differences, and embrace someone else’s.  You’ll both be glad you did!

Photo Credit: Diversity in humans 

Photo Credit: Diversity in plants 

Monday, July 8, 2024

In My Weakness

  I was reading recently about how the Holy Spirit will prompt us to do what is right, and guide us in the direction God has planned for our lives if we allow him.  The article said “Fear, yes; Obedience, always”.

I have been working on a new project and when I think about approaching those people necessary to bring it to fruition, I am terrified.  Yet, believing this project is from God , I want desperately to press onward so that I can be obedient to His “nudging”.   I am counting on God’s help through my weakness to help me through it, for while I enjoy chatting, I am “weak” when it concerns “promoting myself”.  

There are other areas in my life where I consider myself weak.  I tend to “overload” my working time frame and then have more to do than I can ever get accomplished.  I have a hard time saying “no”, detest any kind of confrontation and in that sense don’t speak up for myself, and much more!  How can I work through these weaknesses?  

My weaknesses leave me feeling inept.  I am convinced I am unable to complete certain tasks.  I cower in my total inability to finish (or do) something looming before me.  My instinct is to hide or minimize said weakness, and try in some way to skirt around it hoping no one notices my failure.  Am I alone here?  

It’s reassuring that even in Biblical times men of great faith, encountered their own weaknesses.  This was evident in the lives of Moses, Gideon, Jeremiah, Paul and others.  Each of these heroes of the Bible had a human weakness and felt inept to do the work God was giving them.  Moses was afraid.  He was not a great speaker.  Gideon was weak in physicality and believed he could not be a warrior.  Jeremiah didn’t believe he could speak well enough because he was too young.  And there was Paul who shares he has ‘a thorn in his flesh’.  We don’t know what that weakness was, but it must have been quite distinct.

Did Paul’s weakness actually make him stronger?  Suppose we (I) approached weaknesses as an asset instead of a liability? That would certainly change our approach.  Knowing that we are not strong in any given area should prompt us to do better research and be better prepared.  It should enable us to forge forward knowing despite our fears, we have done everything possible and we are totally ready to beat our ‘giant beasts’ down!

God is in our corner when we are doing his will.  He worked through all those he called and promised to enable them for the task ahead—-for the journey he was leading them on.  And that’s the point!  When we are given a purpose in life—a job of God’s choosing and plan, He is our ‘Leader’!  He goes before us and helps us through our journey whether we sit on the mountain top, breathing easy, or climbing up the mountain, running scared and out of breath!  Even when in the valley where we see so many uncertainties, obstacles, challenges and impossible situations; nothing but ‘doom and gloom’, God is there!  

Our weakness in used by God to do great things when we believe—when we use the gifts—and the extension of said gifts, as an asset not a liability. 


Photo Credit: Weakness

Monday, July 1, 2024

Burned Biscuits

        I heard the story about a woman who liked to make breakfast food for dinner on occasion.  I admit, I enjoy pancakes and eggs, along with any breakfast meat, any time of the day! The story, however, tells about an evening when the woman, after a long day, made “breakfast,” but had the unfortunate occurrence of burning the biscuits.  

Regardless, she served her meal. The husband picked up a badly burned biscuit, smiled at his wife, and spread a thick layer of jelly and butter on it, while making conversation with his son, also at the table. After dinner, the wife apologized for the burned food, but the husband assured her, everyone needs burned food occasionally.  Later the son asked his dad if he really enjoyed the burned biscuits like he implied.  The dad confirmed his earlier statement, explaining his wife had a long day, she was tired, and besides that, it really didn’t hurt to eat burned food now and then!

I loved the story and the lesson it gives.  People, like our lives, are not perfect.  It doesn’t seem to matter how much we try, there are days when things just don’t go right!  It’s when we can look past not only our own faults and shortcomings, but those of others, who, like ourselves, are also not perfect!

We all struggle in different areas.  It’s in this place we can celebrate our differences; because someone else’s weakness is another’s strength.  It keeps things balanced, proving that we are all human and occasionally “we burn the biscuits!”  

It takes some effort from time to time to look past the “imperfections” of others.  That, too, proves we are human!  But meaningful, lasting, relationships are forged in finding the best in those around us.  

Besides our “lives” filled with daily imperfections, there are those around us with special needs, who are considered “imperfect!”  These special needs can be dyslexia, ADHD, Down Syndrome, asthma, or Muscular Dystrophy, to dozens more.  Each of these special people, seem to some, to be a “burned biscuit.”  They are “left on the plate,” or pushed aside for others who seem perfect and balanced. Very often, it’s these very special people, who have the biggest heart and the ability to show us different, or “less than the accepted perfect” is just what the world needs.

Sadly, some people have a difficult time looking past these “special” people.  Recently in a department store, one young woman became impatient with a young man in a wheel chair, with crippled hands doing his job of greeting and placing the required stickers on returns.  He could completely do the required task, but he took a bit longer than she or another non-disabled might have.  She shook her head in frustration and walked away. 

Jesus loved everyone, so much so he died for each of us.  There are stories in the Bible where Jesus healed those with disabilities (the lame walked again, the deaf could hear, the mute could talk, and a crippled man’s hand was restored, and these are only a few!)  Clearly God loved those with special needs as much as anyone else. Aside from that, each of these amazing human beings were created just as He designed. Their healing wasn't a sign that they were imperfect; it was a sign of Jesus' power!  They have so much to teach us, if we’ll take a moment and be a humble student!

Perhaps this week you can be like Jesus and rather than excluding, rejecting or looking at a person with a special need as less than perfect, I encourage you to reach out, look beyond the “burned biscuit factor” and see them as a unique individual who has much to offer.  You will be amazed at the genuine affection, kindness and compassion with which you will be blessed.

Photo Credit