He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Who Is This Jesus?


      I watched a TV show some years ago where a young man learned through an obituary that a friend he hadn’t seen in years, died.  When he learned of his demise the young man stole his friend’s identity because he believed his friend had “had it all.”  His friend had a doctor’s career, wealth, notoriety, confidence and everything good in life.  This person had everything the young man in the show didn’t have, but wanted.

He learned years later that his “friend” whom he thought he knew, died from an overdose of pills because he couldn’t handle the pressure of his lifestyle.  The young man through a variety of circumstances eventually took his own identity and again, lived his own life.  Often the people we think we know, surprise us with characteristics we have never seen.

    I heard once that who you are in private is who you really are.  In public, when there are people around, we usually display our very best traits.  The last thing we want is someone to see us losing patience, yelling out in anger, being spiteful, envious of others, belittling someone else, being the least bit dishonest, speaking unkind words and the list goes on and on.  We 'perform' at our best so people don't know our worst!

Jesus tells us in the scripture three specific things about himself.  He is the Way; He is the Truth and He is the Life.  Jesus is the only way to get into heaven.  It cannot be through any other means than Him.  He is the only living God.  All other claimants are either dead or non-existent.  

Jesus is the truth.  Everything about him is true.  His Word is true as guidance we can live by; it is true regarding our soul’s eternal life; it is true that he provides for our needs.  There is no falsehood.  

Jesus is the life.  We are alive spiritually because He is alive.  Christ died a physical death, but he rose again, as shall we, if we are born-again through Him.  He is our advocate before his Father.  He is the only one who campaigns on our behalf.  He can do this because he lives.

Our meager lives on earth will be nothing compared to the lifetime of worship and praise we can look forward to when we see Jesus for an eternity!  There can be no falseness in our relationship because he knows each of us personally, unlike the relationships we have with other people.  He knows us even better than we know ourselves.  

Our lives are dictated by the choices we make regarding relationships, careers, political feelings and especially our faith—or lack thereof.  Jesus wants a relationship with each of us.  He has made himself available by sacrificing himself on a cruel cross.  It is up to us however, to choose to know him, just as we choose our partner, career path and those we choose to lead our government.  

       We can be easily deceived by what we perceive others have.  Sometimes those who seem to have much, really have little, since material things are only superficial.  Money, fame, and material goods do nothing to comfort the soul.  That can only come through Jesus.  

Consider your lifestyle and how others may perceive you.  Make a list of what you think people see.  Ask a good friend near your own age to be honest with you and perhaps other age groups, as well, who you encounter often, to create a list of how they 'see' you.  Compare their lists with your own.  What do you see?

 How do you see your life guided?  How did you decide what career path to follow?  Are your choices for daily living yours alone, or do you find other people influence the way you think, feel or even act?

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."  John 14:6-7

Photo Credit: Who Is Jesus