He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Thankful Heart

            We are in Thanksgiving week and I see so much for which I am thankful.  I am exceedingly blessed with a strong faith, a fantastic family, wonderful grand children, an amazing church family, a home, and the ability to see, smell, touch, speak, think and so much more! 
            There is much in this world that would like to challenge my ability to be thankful.  There is anger, greed, hate, wars, violence, substance abuse and any myriad of awful things that convolute all that is good.   In addition to man made problems, there are those over which we have no control: natural disasters and sometimes even health, although some health issues can be averted by diet and lifestyle.  To all the negative in life, I would like to say “you will not thieve me of a grateful heart!”
            I read once that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.  Somehow that seems bizarre to me since smiling and a happy heart seems a more natural response than an unhappy countenance.  Yet, people find it surprising, or occasionally, even disconcerting when they are presented with a happy expression.  This is such a grand time of year.  There is much reason for expressions of joyfulness.  I have been told I have a “PollyAnna attitude.”  While to a point this may be true, since I abhor the alternative, I do know that life is not always kind and is sometimes hard and cruel. 
            Still…the reds and oranges of the remaining leaves on the trees, the crisp almost cold air that bites at your nose if you breathe deeply, the rustling of the leaves on the ground as you walk through them, or the frosty landscape that at first glance makes you wonder if snow has fallen, reminds me we are indeed a blessed people, regardless of any crisis around us. 
            All that being said, my heart still hurts for those who aren’t as fortunate as I.  There are many still without electric or even a place to call home in the Northeast, because of the recent hurricane.  I hope, even in their unsettling and sad situation, they will have a heart of gladness.  We have God who remains steadfast with an unfathomable love.  Even in bad times, He is there, ready to lift us up even as we feel like we’re on the bottom.
            We are all on a journey, although never alone.  There are those who would tear down all that is good.  Still we are told to pray and be thankful for all people, even those with whom we disagree.   Each (even those with whom we disagree) has personal conflicts and issues that place us in the valleys of life.    Likewise, we each have opportunities to be on the mountaintop, where it is wonderful, beautiful and filled with all the pleasant things of life.   That being said, if we never experienced the valleys would we appreciate the peaks? 
            I pray this week, you will find your heart filled with thanksgiving even if you feel life has been unkind.  Remember that despite your situation, there is a God who loves you; who will sustain you if you allow him.
            Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  1 Timothy 2:1-2

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