He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 24, 2013

Worshiping With A Whole Heart

A beautiful morning before boarding the boat.

            My husband and I are forever changed after our recent trip to Israel.  When we share about the events of our fifth day there, we get emotionally charged.  Our morning started out sunny, with clear, blue skies.  We boarded the boat, “Faith,” for a ride to the center of the Sea of Galilee.  It was smooth and enjoyable.  We sang the Star Spangled Banner followed by the Israel National Anthem: HaTikvah ("The Hope") with the raising of both flags.   
Clouds in this direction, but nothing threatening!
           Once anchored, we participated in an amazing worship service.  Our Captain, Daniel, a Messianic Jew, shared his testimony and music!  The youth of our group led in more singing, inviting the Spirit of the Lord to reach down and touch us.  One of the songs we sang included, “Let It Rain,” a request for spiritual rain from God.   Pastor Kevin gave the message from Mark 4, where Jesus calmed the raging waters by simply speaking the words when the disciples feared for their lives.  When Pastor Kevin was nearly finished, raising his hands he said something to the effect of, “Lord, let it rain!”
Raising of the flags

From the boat ..looking at the shore
Near the center of the Sea of Galilee
                                                                                                                                                                                             Moments later, drops of rain fell from the sky.  Before long it wasn't just raining, it was pouring.  There was little space on the boat in which to stay dry, which meant every person there got soaked.  It was wonderful!  It rained so hard, the contents in my husband’s wallet were wet!  Everyone rejoiced.  Understand, this is not normal!  As I mentioned in my first blog, this was a miracle.  It does not rain in mid-May in Israel!  Rain is nearly finished the end of February with a stray shower or so in early March.  What a wonder! What a gift!                                                                                              

Actual restored boat from the time of Jesus
                                                                                   Once we got off the boat on the other side of the Sea of Galilee from where we boarded, we were treated to seeing a restored boat from the time of Jesus in the museum.  It’s amazing to know we actually saw a boat Jesus probably would have been familiar with while he walked the shores of the Sea of Galilee!  After this, since everyone needed dry clothes from the rainstorm, we retreated back to our hotel to change and then we were off again!



              Our emotions were again raised a level when we visited Capernaum.  This is the city where Jesus lived, called his first disciples and began preaching.  It was here he healed the Centurion’s daughter, and the paralytic that was lowered through the roof of one of the houses.  It was also here, in the synagogue, that Jesus drove out an evil spirit and where he declared he was the “Bread of Life.”  Standing in the synagogue where Jesus taught gives rise to goose                                                                                                       bumps….or better known as “Jesus  or                                                                                                     Holy Spirit bumps!”  
Synagogue where Jesus taught



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We continued our journey to Bethsaida which is near Capernaum.  It is here where Philip, Andrew and Peter were probably born.  It was here, Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was healed from a fever. We again had Bible study time and then had time to reflect on where we were, who changed the course of history in this place, and commune with our Savior one on one in private time.

Area of Bethsaida

            Our minister asked not long ago, “How do you worship?”   I suggest how we worship is directly related to the condition of our heart, dictating our response and what we are able to receive in return.

           Our worship service on the Sea of Galilee was incredible!  God gave us an amazing miracle of rain; a storm, no less!  In Capernaum Jesus performed miracles of healing and provided demonstrations that he was the true Son of God while the Centurion showed faith beyond what Jesus had been witnessing among the people.  And in Bethsaida, Jesus again, healed the sick. 
Do we enter worship with the expectation of a miracle?  Or, do we “perform” worship out of habit or tradition?  Do we feel the spirit “rain” and flood into our souls?  God wants us to know the real, vibrant God he is.  That can only happen, however, when we come to Him with a heart full of love, expectation, celebration and joy.


  1. Hi Margie, This was a day I am sure we all will never forget. Thanks for chronicling the journey.

  2. Thank you for reading and responding! I agree. Our lives are forever changed. I still get incredibly excited when I think about the extraordinary circumstances! I love, love, love sharing the story! It was amazing!
