He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 13, 2015

Attitude Is Your Paintbrush

            Spring is amazing, full of color with new birth all around! I heard the line in a song once, about our Earth or nature described as, “God’s coloring book.”  That’s an awesome visual since beauty is all around us, especially Spring….  well ....and Fall!  Both seasons have vibrant colors that can take your breath away.  Spring has the added allure of “newness” since we can watch flowers poke their heads out of the ground producing this magical, petaled gem! When God created the Earth, He said it was “good,” and I’ll add, shows He appreciated beauty, vivid color, creativity, joy, generosity, and a kind attitude toward His creation!

            There's an expression, “attitude is your paintbrush,” and I contend it doesn’t just describe our God, it also describes us!  It describes our relationship to other people, to our environment and even our relationship to the Father.  The truth is we have the capability to have a real relationship with God and his son, Jesus, as well as the Holy Spirit.  As believers in a risen Christ, we are all heirs of God.  We are accepted, redeemed and forgiven!  We have the Holy Spirit within us and are sealed in Christ.  Why shouldn’t we have a GREAT attitude?

            That’s not to suggest things can't go wrong, or seem upside down and inside out!  We live in a fallen world full of people who are “trying hard,” but are experts at making mistakes!  (I'm one of these!)

            I had a friend who visited me often for many years and it seemed every time I saw her she was in a sour, depressed mood.   It seemed her negativity affected all areas of her life and finding happiness in anything was extremely difficult!  The conversation always went to how hard and awful life was.  There were excuses for illnesses, financial woes, children problems and relationship issues with her husband.  It was a rare day when she smiled and said “life is good!”  It came to a point where after visits I felt so drained I just wanted to cry! (literally not figuratively!)  I felt like I was being sucked dry and after a while I didn’t have anything more to give.  That is an awful feeling!

            Instead of focusing on all the negative in our world, we need to focus on what is good and right, despite how we feel!  How we feel will then be transformed!  When we are in this mind frame we can create positive solutions, which may include removing ourselves from those people who refuse to be positive about anything!  That’s not always easy, but for our own well-being sometimes there is not an alternative! 

            It is said, “You are known by the company you keep.”  This is very often true.  When we spend much of our time with people who are continually negative or cynical, we tend to adopt this perspective.  On the other hand, when you place yourself in the company of those who are happy, positive, you admire and respect, and a reflection of the person you would like to be, then it is likely it is this kind of attitude you will adopt.  

            I challenge you to take these thoughts one step further.  Along with keeping company with happy people, wrap yourself in Christian companionship while serving others, God will bless your efforts of servant hood.  It is what God wants of us, after all; to joyfully serve others.  This attitude, when done with a pure heart will emanate from all that you are and people are drawn to you. So, smile through your tears this week!  God will bless you!

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