He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 18, 2017

The First Newsletter

I finally put all my Christmas cards in the mail!  I, like millions everywhere, updated my address list from last year, bought stamps, sorted the cards, signed them, stuffed them with a newsletter, sealed and stamped them!  Are you, like myself, one of the many people around the globe who sends newsletters with their Christmas cards each year?

Some detest the task since writing anything seems like a daunting chore, while others relish the idea of putting their last year’s events down on paper.  It’s exciting to re-visit the memories from places traveled, company received, new little ones born, accomplishments and awards, weddings and engagements, moves and career changes, or any other exciting news.  Some believe it’s an archaic idea with all the social media available to anyone who chooses to use it; while others love the tradition.

There are all kinds of ways to get the job done, from writing a simple note in a Christmas card, to sending detailed pages of text interspersed with photos capturing every moment.  Some write it newspaper column style, while others may omit paragraphs completely and just give the bare bones of the “happenings” in their family.  I’ve even received the “news” in poetry.  How fun!  Even if the poetry doesn’t rhyme there is something about giving the effort and having rhythm while reading.  There is no wrong way to share your news.  It’s a message of joy!    

Can you imagine the FIRST “newsletter” that was shared by the angels? It had a single theme.  Christ, the Messiah was born, followed by a simple statement, telling them where they would find him.  While I tagged this event as the “first newsletter,” there had been messages years before.  There was great expectation of the Messiah coming.  People had been waiting for generations.

People had waited and wondered about their new king, who would save them.  Most never expected a little babe in a manger.  They pictured, instead, a great warrior riding a magnificent steed purging the land of their enemies.  Because of their perceptions, many completely missed the “big event!”  They never saw their deliverance, despite the Word given to the prophets, years before!

That mentality, sadly, still remains.  People are so caught up in what they believe Christmas is, they miss the Joy that is The Christ.  Even when attending a worship service and hearing the message, singing the Christmas Carols, and hearing the prayers, they still don’t get it.  Instead they focus on the celebration of the tree and the glittering ornaments that adorn their landscape and home.  Extravagant gifts are purchased, parties are attended, Santa is visited, and foods prepared.  But the “Joy” that is Christmas remains fleeting.

True Christmas Joy can only be obtained by accepting the most extravagant, yet most humble gift ever given: The Christ Child.  He is the Messiah, the Savior of the World.  Just as the Angels proclaimed over 2000 years ago, this is the greatest news!  This is a message worth proclaiming.  But just as the Shepherds had to believe and “search” for the Child, we too, must believe and “search” our hearts to find Him.  He’s there, just waiting for your acceptance and worship!

 Merry Christmas, Everyone!

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