He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, November 5, 2018

Face Book and Church

           I find it interesting to see those folks post on Face Book that they are taking “leave” of the social media platform just to “refresh” and leave the “drama” behind.  I mean, let’s face it, people put their lives “out there” for everyone to read or see, via pictures.  We know when people take vacations, have family disruptions, children’s sicknesses (or their own), potty challenges, and a host of other personal circumstances.  This is our world!

            I admit, I too, have a Face Book account (there are actually two: my “regular one” and —my author page: Author Margie Harding – which is where I usually post 5+ times a week!)  I don’t spend a lot of time on the “regular one”, but I enjoy seeing (and responding) to the various comments from family and friends.  But what piqued my thought process this week was something I read (I haven’t a clue where) that compared Face Book to church.

            The article commented on how when you “join” church or Face Book you are welcomed, people are kind with the greetings and encouragement.  There are those within the body of people----- those you’ve known for a long time, and others who are new but want to be “friends” as well.  It’s up to you to choose.  

            There are those who seem to have all the answers and are quick to share their opinions whether you agree or not.  If the offense is great, you may get asked to leave, at least for a while until things are made right.  Yet, you are welcomed back, often like nothing happened, once amends have been made. 

            Sometimes when you don’t post in a while, there are those who may miss you, while others haven’t even noticed you’ve been missing!  Since I don’t post often, (except on my author page) people have no way of knowing when I haven’t been posting!  However, there have been times in a church body, where being absent from the congregation was never even noticed.

            Regardless, both venues, Face Book and church provide a sense of community. But somehow, that seems just wrong! Face Book can’t offer anything like a good, Holy Spirit filled church!  I admit there are similarities, unless you value feeling the Holy Spirit sweep into your soul and over your body in what I call “Holy Ghost bumps.”  This you likely won’t find on Face Book!

            Are there those who seem to carry the “holier than thou” mentality in church, like those on Face Book?  Probably. But as believers we have to understand there are those who have more knowledge than we do.  Should they be humble…and not act like they are superior? Sure.  But we need to be forgiving and study and pray that when we encounter someone, regardless of how someone projects themselves, we can have conversation from a Believer’s perspective out of kindness of heart.  

            We need to know The Word.  It’s important to remember the church body of which we are a part (along with all Believers around the world) are family.  Not everything is going to be perfect all the time.  We are people……people who make mistakes, but not usually on purpose.  But sometimes we can’t see the woods for the trees!  

            I encourage you, as we begin the countdown to the holiday season of both Thanksgiving and the Christmas, where we try to extend kindness and goodwill, to let these feelings continue throughout the entire year.  Our personal congregations should be a true extension of our personal families.  It’s designed to be that way!  

            I repeat, Face Book can’t offer what a good Holy Spirit church can.  Face Book is of this world, with worldly intentions. A good church with Jesus as “Head” offers salvation, peace and joy, which can be found nowhere else.

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