He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 7, 2019

Overcoming Strongholds

Video games are the rage for young people, and to be fair, there are adults who also get lost in all the action and interaction of the games.  There is tactical roleplaying in battle strategy and other role-playing which can cause some to become so involved in the game they lose sight of what is real.

            These games have changed the atmosphere of our culture, as the themes of some of the games can compromise the line of good and evil.  But this isn’t the only place a stronghold of behavior can be seen that can be detrimental to relationships and our health.  It can be something as benign as food, shopping, food or work, or as frightening as alcohol, drugs, and even shame.  It takes a lot of dedication and commitment to fight the struggles that threaten to overcome us.  

            When we are “addicted” to anything that isn’t Christ-like, we tend to want to hide from God, believing there is no way we can be forgiven or be accepted in the Kingdom.  But the Good News is that God does not see us where we are or what we’ve done, or even as a “recovering addict,” but rather, where or what he has “purposed” for our lives!  Our identity is not in what we were, but as a child of God!  

            Satan is “on top” of everything we do, and will use the words we use, to destroy us.  He is the great deceiver and whispers lies that sound like truth.  Yet, he is terrified and trembles with fear and anger with every Believer in Christ who chooses to turn his back on his personal “strongholds.” Still satan will use our doubts in, or of, our faith when we waver, if only for a moment.  

Because we are forgiven we are made new and whole in Christ, and therefore, can face what seems like insurmountable challenges, because in Christ we can leave our strongholds at the cross.  We can face satan and demand his retreat when we proclaim freedom from evil through Christ.   By God’s grace we are given spiritual weapons to work with.  We’ve been blessed by the written Word of God, the name and blood of Jesus, the word of our testimony, prayer and the Holy Spirit. 

It is said our lives mirror our heart.  Each of us face daily circumstances which demand attention.  How we handle given situations will determine the attachment we have to our “strongholds.” Our natural tendencies are to return to those things which seem to elicit immediate pleasure even when we know it is wrong.  

But Christ went to the cross so we could overcome whatever ties this world has holding us down.  We are given the freedom, through Jesus’s blood, to become washed clean; boldly proclaiming we are no longer slaves to the strongholds that once were.

It’s a New Year!  It’s a great time for new beginnings.  Are there strongholds in your life separating you from intimacy with The Lord?  Start a new day with freedom in Christ.  God is right beside you waiting for you to invite Him in!  Use the spiritual weapons available to stand your ground against anything that delights in being a stronghold in your life, that keeps you from Jesus.

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