He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Elephant In The Room

          Elephants are fascinating creatures and have quite the history!  Their massive size and huge tusks make them somewhat formidable when faced against a human!  I think that’s why when I see them being led by animal trainers in a circus or even in a zoo, I become a little overwhelmed!

            There are all kinds of symbolism across the world regarding elephants.  They are supposed to promise good luck and longevity.  Add the color white, which make a stunning animal, given how rare they are, legends will tell you they project power, purity, peace and are even considered sacred in some circles.

There is an expression, “there’s a white elephant in the room.”   This expression implies there is something in the “room” which is incredibly costly, yet totally useless.  An example of this might be planning a climb up Mount Everest, but being totally unable to carry out the plan because of training, health problems or funds. The conversation, while a huge desire, ultimately must turn to the reality of the situation, which is; the plan, regardless how carefully thought through, cannot be carried out.

In some regards, I can’t help but think about Christ in this situation.  There are those in our culture today who consider Jesus and those who believe in Him through faith, as being the “white elephant in the room.”  In their minds, they are uncomfortable with the passion Believers exude in God, and think it totally implausible that this is the Believer’s reality.

Recall Christ hanging on the cross.  The Believers knew Jesus didn’t deserve to die there.  He, like the elephant symbolism, offered peace, projected power and was sacred.  Yet He was chosen to sacrifice his life and take on the sins of the world, including yours and mine.  This kind of love is not only rare but unique.

His sacrifice was costly, (although not useless!) and brought sadness and grief to those who witnessed the event.  Yet those who were part of the angry crowd, looked at Jesus as being anything but pure, powerful or even sacred. He was different from what the ‘general population’ perceived as right, even though they’d been waiting for the Messiah for hundreds of years.  They couldn’t see how this man could possibly be the Messiah—or even sacred!  There was a tangible hostility in the air.  

As I reflect on our society today, it isn’t that much different.  While we’re not witnessing a person hanging on a cross, there are instances of pure hatred, rejection and persecution of those who believe in Jesus Christ.  In some areas there are physical instances of pain and abuse and even death for those who believe.  This began happening following the resurrection and continues in the world around us.

Consider even being the only Believer in a room of unbelievers. Depending on geography, this could be a death sentence to the one who Believes,  On the other side, if there are Believers meeting, The Holy Spirit is totally capable of letting the Believers in the room know, there is someone false in the room. They may even be led to pray fervently for the person, and yes, it can absolutely make a difference.

We, as Believers, while perhaps not "the elephant in the room”--certainly can create hostility, given our culture that is spiraling downward every day.  It’s time we begin fervently praying for God’s intervention, in our lives, our communities and in our world.  It’s not going to be long before Jesus returns.  Are we ready?


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