He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 29, 2021

Never Worthless In God's Eyes


       I heard a story about a little girl who collected used cans, write on used papers, then insert them in the cans, and leave them for people to find.  She was often ignored and thought of as stupid and worthless.

Eventually she went to church and heard the story from the Bible of the man in the cemetery who was an outcast and even considered insane.  Jesus saw his worth, however and with His love, saved the man who was changed forever.  God’s  perspective of people is often different than ours.

The little girl felt like the man described, and accepted Christ to be her Savior.  This decision changed her life, much like the man in the cemetery.  She grew up to be a great woman of God who shared His Word with every one she met.  This is a great demonstration of what God can do, and who he can use.  While Jesus was on earth, He chose twelve of the most unlikely men to become his main disciples.  

These men grew into a relationship with the Savior who would eventually carry on Christ’s mission after his resurrection.   While they passed on His Good News, others were brought into the fold, who also shared the Gospel to others, using their specific gifts and talents, strengths and experiences.

Many of us despair over what we consider our flaws.  We feel inadequate, unworthy and question our value to our world, friends, community, church family, biological family and even ourselves.  Satan uses these feelings of ‘defeatism’ to trample our feelings down even lower.

Not one person is greater than another in our world today.  The disciples weren’t of high education or wealthy, or in most cases particularly note-worthy.  But they believed, not only in Jesus as the Messiah, but in his ability to use them to further his Kingdom.

We are all significant in the environment God gave us.  We are given specific abilities to carry out the tasks given to us by a Great and Powerful God who has an imagination beyond compare!  This is demonstrated when you consider Him as the Creator of the Universe!  Who besides Him would be capable of doing this?  Our finite minds seem capable of doing only a tiny fraction of the accomplishments in a lifetime that He completed in a mere seven days.

Given that mindset, how difficult is it to accept ourselves as we are?  Do we believe we have worth, have something to offer, give or share, which God has designed deep down within us? Or, do we disagree with God and tell him (in essence) He’s wrong and doesn’t have a clue about who we really are, or about our talents and/or gifts?

Ultimately it’s about how we try to find out who we are, and what gives our life meaning and significance, that enables us to find success. Often we look to our spouse or other loved ones and our friends, to get 'clues' from them and then try to shape our lives around their expectations. That's not what God intended. He gave us life and put us here for THIS season. 

       His expectations and mission for MY life is far different than from those around me, who don't see me the same as God does. It's a journey, and I'm still getting there, but it's wonderful to know that God loves me despite my flaws and shortcomings, doubts and fears! It's about Him---It always MUST be about Him!

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