He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, June 21, 2021

Through The Dark Days


As a nation, we’ve been experiencing dark days and there seems to be no end in sight.  Our world as we’ve known it for years, is changing.  The culture, habits, opinions, even beliefs from friends and neighbors, to Pastors and leaders of our country, seem to change everyday, and for Believers, not in a way that is godly.  

I read a story about a little girl, who when traveling to visit a grandmother she loved dearly, closed her eyes as the family car passed through a long, dark tunnel.  She would peek out occasionally, just to see how close they were to the end and then wait for the sunshine to again hit her face.  Her wise father asked her if she really wanted to visit her grandmother.  She of course, answered yes, so the wise dad said, “We have to go through the dark tunnel to get there.  Be patient; it’ll pass, just keep remembering that.”

Life is like that sometimes.  We experience a particularly difficult season and want only to close our eyes and wait for it to pass, dreading another day or even moment to have to endure.  We were over a year just getting back to some semblance of ‘normal’ as we were required to stay in our homes, wear masks, and avoid interaction with our family and friends.  Even as we continue to enjoy the re-opening since the COVID pandemic, there are still many unanswered questions about what the virus is capable of, and further, what the vaccine can and can’t take care of; or how long it really ‘protects’ you.

Other significant events in our lives that can bring a period of darkness may include health issues which seem unsurmountable, a marriage breakdown, financial failure, destruction from a tornado, hurricane, fire, or other natural disaster, a death of a loved one, and the list could go on for pages!  

Regardless of what we are facing, or what tunnel we are going through, we are going to face darkness for a while.  Even Jesus faced darkness before going to the cross.  But there was rejoicing in the morning of the resurrection!  What unspeakable joy!  If we can hold on to the promise of our Lord; that he is with us in all circumstances we, too, can have hope for a joyous heart when the morning dawns, even if ‘that morning’ seems forever coming!

Darkness is going to attempt to dim our vision and hide the joy we have as a Believer.  Facing our dark days is difficult.  But I encourage you to think of your dark tunnels or dark days as a giant which can be destroyed with a simple sling and stone like David did when he slew the great giant.  He faced the monster with confidence in an all powerful God, who went before him.  We can display that same confidence when we rely totally on God, allowing him to work out the details, and again feel the warmth of sunshine hitting our face!

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