He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, February 28, 2022

Called To Encourage


  The power of words is remarkable.  What we say (or hear) can break our hearts and our spirits.  They can build or break us, encourage us or put us in a place where we are unable to move forward.

A friend tells of the time she was asked to be Song Leader for their congregation.  She was sure she did not have the qualifications to lead in any manner, much less lead the music!  She’d heard for years from some within her family, she couldn’t carry a note.  Why would someone tell her different?

As she and her friend continued the conversation, she shared that she loved singing, but her sister was much better and her parents agreed, even to the point of laughing at her when she challenged them on the subject.  Because of this negative feedback, she heard the voices in her head (and heart) tell her she could not sing!  

Her friend encouraged her to just try.  It was still a month out before she finally had the courage to lead one Sunday when the person who usually led the music wasn’t there.  She was pleasantly surprised by all the positive comments she received following the service.

I’ve seen others who wanted to do something creative with their life, but the person closest to them were never encouraging; but instead negative, and continually badgering them for a very long time.  Despite the negative talk, including what was heard in their own heads, continued the pursuits, albeit quietly.  

Eventually, circumstances changed, and with persistence, the creative work became fruitful, while clinging all the while to the several scriptures in God’s Word, including the scripture when God tells Joshua to “Be strong and courageous!”  God is the greatest encourager of all, especially when he gifts us with a specific talent.  We are expected to use these talents to honor God.  

There are plenty of people we encounter every day who need encouragement.  Between the voices in our heads, and Satan using others to feed that negativity, a person can become discouraged easily.  It takes only a few words to let someone know you believe in them.  Sometimes we can encourage with a smile, a small compliment or just saying hello or saying something nice on a whim!  

Encouragement was demonstrated in a very personal way recently.  My husband just had open heart surgery and even though I didn’t think we needed it when it was suggested by the Pastor, our congregation brought dinners for us during that first week home.  I had no idea how much having food delivered, would add to our well-being.  

When I commented on this to the Pastor at the service this week, he said, “That’s what we are here for.  What a great way to encourage one another!”  He couldn’t have known this post was already nearly written!  What a great blessing from a church family!

People need to hear good words and as Believers we should offer generously, ‘good words’ at all times. It’s also a wonderful way to encourage when you can ‘do’ something for someone!  Sadly, it’s so easy to get caught up in our own situations and get side-tracked from that mission of encouragement I believe God has given us all to carry out. 

How can you encourage someone today?  Be creative, or do something simple.  Share a kindness and see how much encouragement you’ve given.  It feeds their soul and yours!

Photo Credit:  free pictures of encouragement

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