He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 2, 2022

Set Apart


     This has been a tough week.  I lost an elderly aunt a few weeks ago, and within the week of her death, also lost her husband, my uncle— my Dad’s brother.  The funeral for both of them was this past week and while it was time for grieving, it was also a celebration of life.

My uncle was a quiet man and rarely said much, even when asked a question. He’d often respond with a simple one word answer, but was as kind a human being as you can imagine and I loved him very much.  I’m glad he was a Believer, albeit a quiet one.

My aunt, on the other hand, was funny, and busy; really busy!  She knew everyone and loved them with her whole heart.  And more than this, she loved the Lord.  She was a Sunday School teacher for many, many years, and was a willing helper in most all occasions.  She extended kindness and grace to everyone she met!

I read a story about using a taxi as a mission field for Christ. The author of the story tells how she took a taxi one day and discovered the driver was happy to engage in conversation.  It was the perfect time to share the message of Christ, and she grasped the opportunity.  This became her passion as she availed herself of needed transportation.

My Aunt Betty was like that.  She shared the Good News with everyone she met.  She believed with all her heart and recognized opportunities because she asked God for them and then looked for them!

We all have opportunities within our daily lives to share this Message with others.  But how often do we avail ourselves of them?  I’m guilty of not bringing up the subject, afraid of saying the wrong thing, or for other reasons I don’t even recognize.  That’s not who I want to be!  

We are given amazing gifts and talents that puts us in unique positions to work for the Lord.  He’s coming back soon.  How are we using the gifts given to us?  Why are we so shy about sharing the best news in the world?  We’re quick to talk about a family member who has had success or does something we think interesting.  Why do we hesitate sharing the message of Christ’s saving grace?  It’s far more important than any other information we could share.

Jesus is the Good News!  He came that we may have eternal life.  He’s given us the gift of Salvation!  We need to be excited enough to share.  

I think sometimes we hold back because we are content with being ‘pew holders’.  Sure, we attend church, we might even pick up His Word and read a scripture or two throughout the week.  But do we believe it with our whole heart?  Do we trust God enough to give him our voice in situations open to sharing?

As Believers we are to be set apart for the Kingdom.  Can people see Christ in our lives?  Do our actions mimic our words or are there contradictions?  Do others want to have the joy we demonstrate as a Believer in the one and only God of the Universe?

       These are serious questions with eternal consequences.  Where do you stand?

Photo Credit:  free pictures of being set apart 

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