He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, April 9, 2012

Human Wisdom

Tax season is upon us and honestly, I am completely unable to comment with any amount of knowledge to any of the massive math problems and supposedly logical “fill in the blanks” on the forms in preparation of the filing process.  I am totally intimidated by the whole process, yet can’t escape it!  Thank goodness there are those who honestly can master the “beast” and those who even enjoy being the “tax beast slayer!”

Another area where I feel entirely lost is on the subject of UFO’s.   I was reading recently about a person who questions, yet leans towards the belief of UFO’s.  I admit, I’ve never seen one, and won’t claim to be wise enough to even have an intelligent comment on the subject!  I do know, however, that regardless of how wise any of us is, whether it be taxes, UFO’s or any other subject matter, compared to God’s wisdom it pales pitifully!  This includes how the world was made (I just know that God created it!), how our bodies are so intricately made, how seeds can grow into just the right plant, how the planets, stars and sun know just where they belong in outer space so our Earth doesn’t freeze or fry making it inhabitable, or how as humans we are filled with emotion, have a need to nurture, and desire our children to know of a great God.  

            Our daily lives require we use our minds to fulfill the needs that are necessitated by simply being alive and taking care of ourselves and our loved ones with the greatest care possible.  Yet often, even in this environment many people have difficulty.  The means may be available but our capabilities to tap into the means escape us.  Yet there are some who have amassed great wealth and seemingly have the means and capabilities and still fail at relationships causing their entire world to fall apart.  

            So where does this leave our “human wisdom?”  This knowledge, or lack thereof, leaves us with a great need for wisdom greater than our own.  We need God’s wisdom.  We are weak and even in areas where we seem to have strength we are fragile and frail compared to the strength of our Lord.  He is the great Creator who knows what we have done and where we’ve been and further, knows who we really are and where we’re really going!  

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.  1 Corinthians 1:25

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