He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 19, 2013

Time In The Word

            As I continue to consider ways to honor God I know along with prayer, Bible study is also extremely important.  It is the ultimate guidebook for life, yet I wonder how many Bibles which are opened in church Sunday morning do nothing more than collect dust the rest of the week?   We are commanded in scripture to read and study so we know how to live our lives in a godly matter.  It is also our responsibility.  I was interested when it was pointed out recently that when you break down the word, “responsibility” you can see “response – ability.” From this view it’s easy to see the word means we have the ability to choose our response.

            The Bible sitting on the night stand or book shelf, unless a person is actively interested and focused on reading it, has truth nuggets of the faith and direction which remain unknown.  The happiness and peace held securely between the book covers, remains there.  We must be pro active, and choose to sacrifice time now, so we can be prepared for what is to come.  Our behavior of “follow through,” with the specific action of Bible study, is a decision.  

            When we are pro-active about knowing God’s word we are less likely to become “reactive” when our physical environment closes in.  When we know God’s message on the situation and Satan starts smooth talking or sending tornado whirlwinds, rather than saying, “There is nothing I can do;” we can say, “Lord, show me some alternatives.”  Or rather than responding with, “I am so mad, I can barely stand it!” we can say, “God, you know my feelings, help me to respond in a manner pleasing to you.”

            Rather than reacting and focusing on what we see as weaknesses in other people, or in circumstances or conditions over which we have no control, being pro-active in Christ by knowing the word of God, enables us to focus on working things out in a positive way, instead of behaving negatively and in a way that opens the door for Satan to move in.

            Our behaviors and reactions not only affect our personal and spiritual lives, it can also affect people we don’t know or someone close to us who doesn’t know Christ.  As a child of God, everything we do has the potential to be scrutinized by a new Christian or a non-believer.  Our ability to look at the weaknesses of others with compassion rather than accusation is the difference between being a model for Christ or being hypocritical!  

            We can’t know how to be a model for Christ unless we are in the Word every single day.  I read recently in one of my Bible studies about a missionary who grew up in a household where three times a day the scripture was read.  Each place setting at the table held a Bible.  Before breakfast was served each person shared in reading a chapter of the Bible.  This process was repeated at lunch and dinner.  What a wonderful idea!  Can you imagine learning the scriptures this way?

            While we don’t do this in our own home, I try earnestly to start my day with Bible study, (and prayer) and read a chapter (at least I attempt the whole chapter!) in the Old Testament at night.  The one thing I’ve added recently, is reading the scriptures at lunch time.  I have found I cherish these moments with the Lord!  

            Honoring God, as I have said before is a greater challenge than I expected.  When done with my whole life, the spectrum is much broader than I originally thought!  What a wonderful test of faithfulness!  I hope my thoughts ignite your desire to find ways in your life to honor God, on a daily basis, as well.  Personally, I find the intimacy with my heavenly Father completely rewarding!   I trust you will, too.

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