He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 3, 2014

But God!

I write this blog today with a thankful heart.  My daughter introduced me to a song a few weeks ago called, “But God.” The song resonated through my being as tears rolled the entire time.  (I know, there I go again!)  But I believe we can all identify with being sad; with being down, yet for those of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior, know God is in control.  Does that make circumstances less painful?  No, but it can give us confidence that we will get through it and that ultimately there is a purpose we have traveled through this dry desert.  God is still up there on the mountain ready to pick us up and carry us if we only ask.
I am thankful I serve a God who allows me to be who I am because He created me and delights in my personality!  I am thankful I have a God who knows me, even my weaknesses and desires, and when I falter, reminds me He is there.  This is true to the point, that even when I may want to do something considered out of character that may dishonor him, (even the biting remark or mean thought) I can feel his gentle nudge saying: “But God!”   

We probably all face circumstances sometimes where despair throws us into a state of sadness that may even border depression.  We see no light at the end of the tunnel, no rainbow after the rain; ultimately little hope of recovery from where we find ourselves.  This is when it’s even more important to read God’s word, study it and humbly bow before Him in complete honesty, pouring out our souls to our Creator.  He knows the beginning from the end and how it’s all going to turn out.  This pouring out of our hearts to Him makes us vulnerable and helps us be dependent on Him.  It gets out into the open how we really feel and sometimes this is where healing can begin and answers will come.  

            At the end of the day, we are all accountable for how we’ve handled the situations in which we have found ourselves. Even as we face circumstances, we can be thankful decisions can be based on discernment and wisdom, when we seek God and his Word.   I want to be like Job who knew His God was powerful, never changing, could do all things and ultimately would reward him for the test he had endured.  Does that mean he didn’t ask hard questions and become filled with despair during the test?  No! He surely did.  But he held fast, despite all the bad advice from those around him--even from his wife who told him to curse his God.  

            God does answer all our prayers and is faithful.  And despite everything that would cloud our thoughts and judgments as we face the pain and suffering, questions and decisions, we can know God is steadfast and never changing.  In all life’s circumstances it is a wondrous thing to be able to say, “But God!”

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