He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 9, 2017

Journey To The Light

               As I walk into my daughter’s house, the girls come running to the door, saying, “Gran, Gran!  Look!  We’re playing dress up!”  The girls will then model their latest outfit, which is usually something real frilly and pretty, with all the accessories they can find!  They love their hair curled for church on Sunday morning and delight in dressing in their “Sunday best” clothes, wearing their shiny patent leather shoes with their nails painted to match what they are wearing!

            These same little “girlie” girls enjoy having a bucket for digging or their “outside kitchen” with all the dishes filled with sand, sticks (spoons and other utensils) for stirring, cups for drinking, and leaves and pebbles placed across the plates for eating, while having dirt on them from head to toe!  They are extra excited when the last rain left water in their cups or other containers so they can make mud pies!

            It doesn’t matter to me whether these little ones are pristine clean, dainty and pretty or completely covered in dirt; those little ones still claim my heart!  That’s how it is with God, too.

            God loves all of us.  He sent his Son, Jesus to make us righteous in His sight.  He can take the “dirt” in our lives and cleanse us.  To the rejected He offers acceptance.  He turns hate into love, darkness into light and passive indifference in to positive purpose.  To those suffering from isolation He offers inclusion.  He takes the coldness of life and wraps us in warmth.

            These same attributes displayed through God and His Son, is given to all of us, as Believers, through the Holy Spirit.  By His power, we are able to demonstrate a godly life to someone in darkness, isolation, rejection and a life filled with guilt and remorse from living a life defined by evil.

            Even as Believers, however, there are times when we may all feel like we fit into one of those categories because we have forgotten our “first love,” – the love of Christ.  We’ve been enticed by the world’s allure and ventured down an unclean path on a spiritual journey of darkness.  While we are in this darkness we can’t experience God’s light in our lives.  We are very susceptible to feeling unclean, rejected, and isolated from God.  Just as God forgives those who never knew him, he forgives those who have known him, who make mistakes. 

But it takes the realization we have failed, to make a difference.  It’s when we reflect on our behaviors, actions, words, and motives and recognize God knows all, that we can make a change.  He will judge us according to our good and our bad.  He expects us to acknowledge our failures, and genuinely repent.  When we can do this, we will experience his acceptance; sense him wrapping us in His warmth, reviving our purpose, while turning our hearts to love and light.

What is your commitment to traveling in The Light?  Are you on a Spirit filled journey with Christ or has the world enticed you to places you never thought you’d venture?  It’s a brand new year, and a brand new day.  Begin your journey back.

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