He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, March 20, 2017

Finding Focus

I read somewhere about how when we don’t have focus, the efforts of the body has issues; no direction, if you will.  We scatter everywhere, doing a little of everything and still get absolutely nothing accomplished.  I’ve done that; more times than I care to count.  It seems to happen most when I’m tired or when I’ve gotten news that somehow disturbs me.  It sets me off kilter and my mind just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with what I need to concentrate on.  It leaves me feeling frustrated, unable to complete anything with satisfaction and in a way feeling a “little lost.”

            Sometimes sleep is the answer.  When my body is just “done,” I do best when I can stop and get what I call a “power nap.”  These short naps last five to maybe fifteen minutes.  While that causes some people to unravel, it seems to take the “edge off” my brain fog, and I'm able to once again focus!

            As an older college student, I was surprised with the amount of young people taking classes who did not have a clue what they wanted to do with their lives.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing as a person begins college, because often, just out of high school, young people are still discovering who they are, what they like, (or don’t) and even where they want to be!  Careers are very much in the formation stage!

            But as degrees are attained, or nearly attained, and the student still has no idea if they are even really interested in the area their degree is in, it becomes a bit disconcerting.  They change their direction, taking a variety of classes, while still trying to find themselves.  Rather than getting a degree and going to work, they find themselves in another three or four semesters of classes!

            It seems our minds come to a standstill, while we mull along, without really making any forward progress.  We try to fit in, as best we can, but because of our indecisiveness, we become followers rather than leaders.  Now, understand, not everyone is born to be a leader, yet our divided mind can’t even choose, as it is easily swayed with whatever seems “easiest” around us, at the time.

When we become confused with life’s decisions, the best thing we can do is fall on our knees and have a “Holy Conversation” with the Lord!  This isn’t only relevant to big decisions, although, it’s very important here.  But it is also applicable to those day to day decisions that we often give barely a second thought!

Life has a way of interfering with our best intentions. We get busy and neglect to even pause to remember God, who is supposed to be in charge of our lives.  When we allow our “neglect” to grow, we have attempted to snatch God’s control of our circumstances and handle things ourselves.  It doesn’t work well!  We need to focus on “the big picture,” but even more important than this, we need to focus on God, His plan, and His guidance.  It’s the best way to get our mind, body and spirit to work together!

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