He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 29, 2018

God Is Sovereign

           Hugging my friend, I asked, “How is Alisha?”

            “She’s doing well,” my friend responded.  “Most days you’d never know she has ever been sick.  She goes to school, plays and has a very positive attitude.”

            “She’s so brave.” I said. 

            “Well, she is, but it’s pretty much all she knows.  She’s been fighting it so long, this is her normal.”

            Another family has been dealing with a similar circumstance: a child who is fighting cancer.  This little guy has spent most of four of his five years in a hospital, with the emphasis, on “in.”   Yet, he’s a very positive, busy, loving little boy.

We adults cry as our hearts break, praying, asking, “Why my child? When will it be over?” We scream it’s not fair, spend sleepless nights wondering if it was somehow our fault and worry if everything is going to be all right.

            Then we look at these courageous children.  As my friend described: they play, they love, and persevere, all with child like faith that everything is going to be just fine.  There are times when we find them consoling us.

            One young man I know is fighting heart disease.  His mother told him she’d very much like to make him well, if there was just something she could do.  His response:  “I don’t.  That’s not God’s design.  God is Sovereign.  There is a purpose behind everything that happens.  God is in control and I will trust Him.  If He wants to heal me, he will.   If not, then I will deal and wait to see what God wants me to do with my life, and serve Him, even as I wait.”  What an amazing perspective!  

            Still as parents we wonder, even as we try to give the fight to The Lord.  Why my child?  But then, why any child?  Why anyone?  Why do we have deal with sickness, pain, sadness, violence, brokenness, poverty, hunger, death or anything that is ugly?  Why?

            We live in a fallen world.  While we can’t always “fix” what is wrong, we have choices.  We choose how we respond to situations.  We can choose to be angry, place blame, ask why, and allow our lives to be filled with bitterness.  Or we can choose to respond like those two young children fighting cancer, and the young man with heart disease; with the belief they were put on this earth for a reason and rather than foster ugliness in their heart, project joy, acceptance, and a positive attitude.

            God promises to always be with us.  It doesn’t mean we won’t face trials and have problems, sometimes really big ones!  And we won’t always understand why.  It’s even safe to say we won’t usually know why, but we don’t have to.   

           God is Sovereign and knows the beginning from the end.  Our job isn’t “to know”….  It’s to trust and lean on a God who loves us so much, He sent Jesus.  When we lean on Him, we can experience comfort and peace which passes all understanding.

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