He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 2, 2018

Leaving A Legacy

           I read a story about a husband, when retiring, began wondering if he was dying because his wife was nice to him!  I found that a bit humorous, and wondered how often we miss when our spouse does something nice for us.  Or, from the other side, how frustrated a spouse can get because it doesn’t feel like anything done out of love or kindness is ever appreciated.  Rather there seems only rebuke or reprimand.  It also made me wonder what kind of legacy I’m leaving my children?  Do my relationships (with my spouse, family and friends) leave any question about my love for God and His commandments?

            David was considered a man after God’s own heart.  David loved God and recognized God had a purpose for his life.  Because of his heart for God, he did all God asked. God knew David’s motives and love were genuine!  Because of this, David left a legacy for all of us to live up to!  I would like to leave a legacy like that!

            Leaving a legacy for generations that follow is important.  It helps define and characterizes who our children and those who know and believe in us become, even if not directly.  We all have the capability of impacting other lives. A positive influence is so much better than a negative one, and there are so many ways to do it!

            Museums across the United States trace the traditions of music, art and stories that allow visitors to re-experience, to a degree, what their ancestors left behind.  The paintings, documents and objects recovered from the Civil War and Reconstruction period, along with other significant stories of Native Americans and immigrants that came here, enables people from all over the country to research and study significant times in history.  The work exerted to draw all these pieces together as a legacy for generations after Wars and other significant changes, given the extent, is phenomenal.  

            But even as important as all these relics are, as they pertain to our history, culture and ultimately how we view the past, it is still only a tiny fraction of the importance of leaving a legacy of love and commitment to those we love and care about.  How we perceive the world, God’s Sovereignty, and our place within this realm is more important than any material artifact we could leave any person or group of persons.

            We are all designed with a significant purpose in this life.  There is so much more than collecting material goods, having a large bank account, nice house and expensive clothes.  How we treat others, respond to attacks on our faith, give of ourselves to those in need and take care of our planet are all ways, to name only a few of how we can leave a legacy of something fundamentally good.

            So I encourage you to reflect on your life regarding a legacy.  What will you leave behind when you leave this world? Are you living out the purpose God designed for you?  Are you like David: “A man/woman after God’s own heart?  What will be the single most important thing of value your family, friends, co-workers and even those who don’t know you, but meet on the street, remember?  Do they see your faith being demonstrated as a life testimony? It’s absolutely worth the look!

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