He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Best Product Available

           One of my daughters several years ago began a small sales business. To get started, she sent many information packets about her adventure, via the internet, to friends and family.  Her goal was to get as much information out, to as many potential customers imaginable, in the quickest way possible.

            There are lots of venues and social media sites to use and many are free!  There is Face Book, LinkedIn, Twitter, outside billboards, newspapers, flyers in the mail, email and the best of all, is word of mouth.  If you have the funds to spend, there are always television commercials!

            Of course, once you become known, the internet will also accommodate, if your product becomes popular.  That is when a business begins making lists formed by “those in the know in the advertising world, (without an additional fee)!” 

            When doing a search on popular products in a particular geographic area, there are often many! There are so many, they are broken down into large categories.  From computers and gaming to digital health and fitness, home and autos to networking and security with many in between! In some areas you will find Farm Goat Milk Soap to Pointer Brand Jeans; or hot chili peppers to Chesapeake Bay crab cakes; or Sturgis Jerky to Black Hills Gold jewelry, along with many others!  These products, because they are known for their tried and true quality, receive rave reviews, which further encourages other people to try them!

            Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we, as Christians, were as exuberant about “selling” Jesus as my daughter is about selling her products or any of the well-known products we use everyday?  Imagine if each of us would contact everyone we know about the “greatest product available,” Eternal Life through Christ.   If we did, then Jesus would reach as many people as all sold products combined!  

            He would be easy to promote:  Loving, faithful, understanding, forgiving, Father, Savior, Comforter, Counselor, Creator of the world, the only One who can give peace, Healer, and on and on!  What a product!  How can anyone go wrong?

            Yet, many of us don’t live our lives that way.  We quickly share and “sell” a variety of other thingsevery day that brings us joy, but neglect to mention the person who supersedes all else: Christ, the Messiah.

            Christmas Eve is rapidly approaching (well….  It is still 91 away!) and it along with Easter is when most Believers will visit a sanctuary of their choice, because it’s the “thing to do!”  How sad a situation!  If we claim we know God, why do we usually find something else to do instead of worshipping with other Believers? 

            If we like a certain restaurant, we eat there often. If we have a favorite sports team, we will stay on top of the stats, players, when a game is televised or better yet, get excited on a date we can attend.
            The best aspect of our life, as a “product,” but more, as a real, living person who wants a relationship with us, is more often remembered when it’s “convenient,” tragic, or on a special holiday.

            I encourage you to remember the source of all good things, strength, faithfulness, forgiveness, eternal life and day to day blessing!  He is better and more special than any product you can imagine on earth! 

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