He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, August 19, 2019

Multiplied Blessings

          I was chatting with a friend recently who shared how her granddaughter needed prayers, and how she’d be traveling across the country soon, to bring together and spend time with two elderly sisters, who hadn’t seen each other in years.  She commented that life gets really busy sometimes with the many directions she feels pulled.  But when she stops to look at where she is in her life, she is blessed.  

The scenario she shared resonated with me and probably every person who reads this blog.  Still every person deals with some level of anxiety, worry and fear.  It’s how we handle these situations that determines our emotional health and our view of “blessings.”  When we can let go of the stress factors, and leave it in God’s control, we can breathe a little easier.  But that said, ‘letting go’ and not ‘picking them up again’ can be challenging!  We are after all human!

            Watching “The Chronicles of Narnia” last evening, it was fascinating to see how the trees responded to the needs of the people, and sent messages to those needing important information.  Do you ever think of yourself as a “tree” in a giant forest?  That may sound a little bizarre, but think a moment of one person who needs to get so much done, so much information moved from place to place (ignore the fact for the moment, we now have instant access to computer and other media); with so many places to be and “personalities” to fill!  

            Each “tree” in the forest in the movie, did their part and shared the ‘leaves’ they could to disseminate the pertinent information.  Because they worked together the ‘blessing’ of being prepared before the enemy came, sustained the warriors of Narnia.

            We aren’t supposed to be standing alone, ever!  We all have a circle of friends, and family we can call upon to help us with whatever we are going through.  Sometimes it’s really hard to accept (or ask for) help from outside sources because we believe we are supposed to be strong and sturdy enough to deal with whatever challenges life throws at us.  Anything less is to be weak, insufficient or incapable.

            The thing is, when we allow other ‘leaves from other trees’ to sustain us, we are allowing for not only us receiving a blessing but also the other leaf.  It’s often as important to the giver, as it is the recipient.

            I’m not suggesting all family and friend circles are ideal for such scenarios but, in truth, we all need someone.  We are a human race designed to need each other.  We are the ‘trees’ in each other’s lives.  I came across this scripture and found it so comforting and reassuring of this thought:  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.   Psalm 1:3

            The next time you pass a forest, ask yourself if you are the tree in the forest ignoring all the other trees, even though your heart is screaming for understanding, comfort and care?  Or, are you the tree who can shake your branches and reach out to someone who may or may not display a need for kindness, encouragement or concern?

            If we focus on ways we can be ‘fruitful,’ being productive and prosperous would just come natural.

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