He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, May 24, 2021

Being Intentional For Christ


        Our world is much divided, and contention is found on every corner.  Opinions run strong on the political front and surveys are suggesting that the number of Believers throughout the land are diminishing greatly.  I suspect Satan dances with glee about this circumstance, even knowing this is another sign of the ‘end times.’  Yet, this also provides us, as Believers, the opportunity to move forward with confidence to reach out to those who are having doubts about the love of God.

How do we ‘get there’ though?  How can we focus on spreading the Gospel when there is so much animosity between political groups doing their best to be dominant, and particularly against Believers in Christ?  One answer to this came from a church-planter who said “the key to growing a successful church is to remain focused on Jesus’ command to love God and love one another and his instruction to make disciples.”

Even with this mindset the question can still be asked, ‘Yes, but how?’  In a word, I suggest, be “intentional!”  Being deliberate about meeting new people, whether in restaurants, at community events, in our schools (regardless of the grade level), in the grocery store or other shopping venue, at the movies and any place we find ourselves provides a unique opportunity to share our personal story about our relationship with Christ.  

Sharing our story doesn’t have to be ‘I’ve gotta get this person saved.  It’s my responsibility to preach to them--and then promptly beat them over the head with the Bible!’  —-  Sharing a kindness and a genuine interest in someone else is the place to begin.  Then it’s about sharing what God has done in your personal life.  How has He made a difference?  Where have you seen Him move?  What was the changing point for you? Where were you (in life) when you gave God control?  Any of these questions during (or to start) a conversation can be the changing point in another person’s life!  

I’m not suggesting that sharing our story is necessarily easy, but by focusing on a single person at a time, we can be an opportunity for someone else to ‘see God.’  The way to prepare each of us to be able to do this comfortably, is by spending time with other Believers.  

One church, with which I’m familiar, takes this idea to a greater degree than any other I’ve ever seen, although I doubt it's unique!  Their idea for training includes attaching one to three different adults to a single youth.  Each boy is designated men of God mentors, while the girls are assigned strong female mentors.

These adults meet with the youth during the week at different times.  (Not necessarily all at once, but just the youth and at least one adult.)  They have a conversation about what is going in the teen's life and then discuss what the Bible says about it.  When is the last time you shared your faith with a young person, specifically about a situation going on in that youth's life--one on one?  

While this isn’t the only way to be intentional, it’s an idea.  Perhaps as we extend our love and kindness beyond our comfort zone, blessings of love, joy, peace and God's eternal mercy, in every area of our lives, God will shine and, others will see our faith live within us.  It’s in this place our faith will grow, other people’s lives will be changed, and our churches will become strong with genuineness that can’t be missed when a stranger walks through the doors.

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