He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 6, 2021

Giving Freely


  Years ago I was part of a group of Believers who provided Christmas dinner to shut-ins and elderly who were living alone at the time.  Some of the women of the church cooked the turkey’s, some donated funds, and others brought in canned goods until finally the team assembled all the elements so they could be delivered.  The looks on their faces when the gifts were delivered made my day!

A friend shared the story of how she worked with an organization who provided meals for those in need.  During one of her deliveries, she noticed a repairman next door.  Their hot water heater was not working and the gentleman she was delivering food to, had secretly arranged for the repair.  His neighbor was going through a tough time and he wanted to help him.  

When asked why he hadn’t told the neighbor about his gift, he said simply, “Because I want the credit to go to the Lord, not me.”  I, like she, was amazed by his response yet, isn’t that the Biblical way?  Aren’t we supposed to give freely without an expectation of return; knowing fully, our reward will come in Heaven?

Giving can be providing funds for a neighbor, like the man who had no wealth of his own,  or taking Christmas dinner as we did many years ago, or it can be baking cookies and sharing with neighbors, or sitting with a Senior in a nursing home reading a book or the local newspaper.  It might be helping someone promote a worth cause, giving a fast food chain gift card to the homeless or someone else in need, leaving a water bottle in the mail box for a mail carrier during the heat of summer (as long as you do it right before you expect them!),  do yard work (or shovel snow!) for the elderly, or many other ideas. 

Sometimes we feel we don’t have enough to give any away.  In reality that may be exactly as things are, but like the man who funded his neighbor’s repairs, God has a way of providing for those who see to the needs of others.  We are to serve.  God honors our service in whatever ways He believes we need.  

When we give with a thankful and cheerful heart, especially from ‘our poverty’ God will bless us in ways we couldn’t imagine.  He may send an anonymous check in the mail to cover our most recent need or to pay a bill.  He may send a repairman to do work we couldn’t possibly pay for; or provide for us in ways we are amazed to witness.  It’s just what God does!

We as Believers claim the title of Christians—-  Believer in the Messiah.  As a claimant to be subject to God’s Kingdom we need to consider how Jesus tends his ‘lambs.’  By following his example, we are feeding his ‘sheep’ with whom we live and need to encourage.

Christmas is about giving.  Christ gave his life for us.  God saw our need and provided the perfect sacrifice for our sins past, present and future when we become followers, and His children, through acceptance in faith, of this truth.  What greater gift is this?  

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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