He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 17, 2022

Keep Singing


  My friends tells of a family member who, when he and his wife moved into an assisted-living facility found themselves in the position to help their neighbors within their community, quite by accident and surprise.  They discovered their cognitive abilities were above many of the other residents.  In fact, many living there, were sad, lonely and even experiencing depression. 

The ‘newbies’ to the community decided to have a ‘song-fest’ after dinner one evening.  They invited a friend who could play music and made sure all the residents were aware of the event.  The first night they were delighted when they had over thirty residents attend.  They used music from an old elementary school music book to share and they sang!

As the ‘song-fests’ continued, the couple shifted the music to the old familiar hymns most everyone knew.  As the residents sang, the Holy Spirit energized the group.  Those who were sad and depressed made some recovery from the dark place they were entering.  God’s Spirit raised the energy within the group as they rejoiced and sang worship songs.

We all face challenges.  Some days are harder than others, as we face a hostile economic climate; rising prices; more and more mandates; loved ones and friends becoming ill, some even crossing to the other side; isolation; finances; loss of jobs and on and on! 

When we need encouragement, one of the best ways to overcome, is to pray and read God’s Word.  Another way, however, is to turn the radio on and sing!  Sing with all the gusto you’ve got!  Worship and let God know your heart!  Remember that He is your strength and support.  Then use this new found energy, given by God, to share it with someone else; just like the couple who found themselves in an assisted-living environment, which created opportunities to share the Gospel!

God is good—-all the time—- and knows our needs, weaknesses and our strengths and can use each of these dimensions of who we are, to help someone else!

It’s good to know that research shows that singing is actually scientifically, healthy for you!  It can boost your immunity and help lower stress; improves sleep and mental alertness; tones stomach and facial muscles and even improves posture!  I admit, I didn’t know all that but how awesome is it that God provided this wonderful method of exhilaration to aid our health to boot?  It’s genius!

I love to sing, but unless I have someone next to me singing (or hear someone on the radio) I can’t usually carry the tune well.  With help, I manage nicely.  So….I encourage you to sing, even if you don’t believe you can.  God doesn’t care if you sing off key, say the wrong words, or can’t hold a note! He wants to hear your worship and that’s the most important element.  Go for it!  Sing!

For more information on the benefits of singing, check out this link!  It’s filled with wonderful information!


Photo credit:  music pics


  1. I love singing! I don't have a gifted voice, but, I do love to sing.

    1. Me too! I have been in the choir for special events (Easter or Christmas) and when we are around long enough at our home church, I've sung in the 'regular' choir too. But when I sing, I sing alto if who I'm standing next to is singing that, or the lower soprano if I'm standing next to them! I prefer alto! But I declare, on my own, I just can't find the note!😂😂😂😂 Once I have it with the person next to me....I do just fine! 😂 Singing is just joyful! ❤️
