He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 24, 2022

Time To Switch Servers


      Cell phones!  What an amazing device technology has created!  It’s like holding a small computer right in your hand.  The first time I used a car phone, I could hardly believe it.  I was with friends who had one and allowed me to make a call.  Of course that required an antenna and much larger components than we have now, but at the time that was pretty remarkable!

Now we see almost every young person having their own phone.  They are often texting each other, taking pictures or videos, searching the internet for information, besides from all the ‘calls’ they can make.  And often this little phone does more than our very first computer!

I remember when we bought our first computer.  It was a ‘beast of a thing’ comprised of two very large boxes, and a smaller one!  The monitor was in one, the size of a small TV, the ‘computer itself’ was in another, and then the smaller box with all the electoral components, key board and mouse.  Now an entire computer, keyboard and monitor are in a single frame less than an inch thick and can come in at 7.7 inches square!  And these little dynamoes, have a ton more space, and capabilities than our original monster computer ever had!

And having internet…..that was pure elation!  It was awesome setting up to get email.  I loved knowing that I could send someone a message and they’d get it not only the same day, but within the hour!  Of course, it has now opened up virtual communication—that goes beyond face time, into ‘zoom’ meetings where a group of people across the globe can see each other and hold classes with hundreds of children at a time without ever leaving the comforts of home, or even ‘attend church services’, again while never leaving our personal space! 

I wonder, though.  As much as I appreciate the wonders of these technological masterpieces, is it possible in some ways we’ve lost ourselves?  Have these devices, in a twisted kind of way become idols for us?  I panic when I leave my cell phone behind when going out—-even to go to the garden, or to get the mail.  I wonder whose call I will miss!

Or….social media.  Thankfully, while I do have a business page on social media, that is usually where you’ll find me when I’m on it.  But again, it’s so easy to get lost and caught up in scrolling…..’just to see what’s out there’—-and there is plenty.  There seems to be nothing sacred anymore.  You can find anything, literally anything you want on the internet!  It can easily become an addiction—- or as I mentioned, an idol.

Someone made the comment once that she wondered if ‘it’s time to switch servers.’  What if we, who spend so much time on the computer, our phones, iPads, or other technological gadgets, switched our instant communication, to 'service for Christ'?  Do we spend time in God’s Word or even communicating with Him?  Are we so busy (and lost) in the world around us, with all the fake news, gossip, photographs of things we shouldn’t be looking at, or putting our own ‘stuff’ out there for others to see, that we no longer have any time for what’s really important? —- Our very souls.  

Christ will return soon.  I know that’s a line that’s been said for years.  But consider this.  Technology actually provided the means for some of the unfulfilled prophesies to be fulfilled, spoken of in Revelation 11:8-10.  We can see—and watch—news being made around the world in real time.  I’ve included a link you might find interesting about how the Bible talks about technology and especially how it could be used in the end times.  We are almost there.  I’m sure of it!


Photo credit: https://www.google.com/search?q=free+pictures+of+computers+in+the+1990s 

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