He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, December 18, 2023

A Meaningful Life

  I read a story about a little girl whose parents were alcoholics and right after she turned three years old, she was taken, for her safety and put in an orphanage.  About a year later, she and her little brother who was also there, were adopted by a Christian couple who made sure they had an education, were introduced to Jesus and grew into the faith.

Stories like this happen often in our world.  It’s sad when a child is born into an environment so unhealthy.  It’s equally sad when a couple want children so badly but are unable to have them naturally.  What a gift, on both sides when an adoption can be made.

We sometimes have no control over our circumstances.  Life happens and we must change course in an instant.  It can be the loss of a loved one, a freak accident that leaves us disabled, financial ruin, a weather related disaster and these are only a few!  We live in a fallen world and ‘stuff happens.’

The little girl I mentioned in the beginning, has little memory of her biological parents, but appreciates and adores her adoptive ones.  She felt a little like Biblical Joseph because he was ‘adopted’ by the Pharaoh after a time and God used him in amazing ways.  She has now started college and wants to honor God with her life so she can glorify God and His Kingdom, even though currently, she isn’t sure how this will be defined.

It’s hard to wait for God to fulfill His purpose for us.  Joseph waited 13 years before the promise he was given by God was fulfilled; Abraham waited 25 years after God’s promise of a son; and Isaac had to wait 20 years before he had children!  David waited many years before he became king.  And there are others who also had to wait on God’s timing.  As I write this, I am stricken with guilt because I am impatient for things to happen after only a few years!

We all have a purpose.  Sometimes we struggle to determine what that is.  We get impatient for answers, while our expectations run all over the place.  We give up and say, ‘I have no purpose!’  ‘There is nothing I do well’!   It isn’t always about doing something grand, but ‘blooming right where we are.’  As Believers our lives are a testimony.  

Your life may be impacting someone on a daily basis, just because of how you live.  Your journey then, can be helpful —or detrimental— to the faith, depending on your walk with God.  There’s a song with the lyrics something like  ‘your walk talk is as important as your talk talk’.  There is so much truth in that!

My mind drifts to the Jesus.  Many generations waited for the Messiah.  Waiting is hard, but there is always a purpose.  Jesus came to set the world free, yet many who were alive at the time, totally missed it.  They had other expectations.  The last thing they expected was a tiny baby.  They wanted a grand warrior who would up-end their political scene at the time.  

There are those who still miss the Messiah.  We are getting ready to celebrate Christmas; the birth of the Christ Child.  His walk on earth was real, steady, truthful, pure, sinless, and life changing.

Our lives should mirror that of Jesus!  We are human, and will make mistakes and are not sin free.  While Jesus was human, he was still all God!  His life made a daily difference.  Our life purpose needs to be, to the best of our Christian ability, life changing to those around us.

Photo Credit:  https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/messiah-in-the-manger

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