He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 29, 2024

God's Resources


  It’s not uncommon for me to say several times a week, that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done! Of course, that totally depends on the day and the list created in front of me.  Still, it seems every day, there is something on my list (even if it’s ‘an I’d like to do') that doesn’t get accomplished.  

That’s pretty much okay, given I’m currently reading a book on how to ‘un-hurry’!  Part of that process it realizing I can’t get everything done in one day, nor can I be everything to everyone, and some days I just have to say ‘no’.  That’s hard for me.

Recently I was reading about being a steward of our time.  I thought this was interesting, in that it applies to a truck driver, carpenter, dish washer, momma, and everything—note everything — in between!  There are 24 hours in our day, 168 hours in the week, and 535,600 minutes in a year.  (I didn’t do the math, but I suspect it’s accurate!)  But the point is, ALL those numbers applies to every living being.  It’s what we do with those minutes that matter!

Some people are very good at time management, and seem to accomplish so much.  Very often, these same people have found what they are good at and use the gifts God gave them to move forward and be productive.  Other people use those same minutes to focus on relationships, or make plans or dream of what they might like to do —some day.  While other people choose to use their moments watching TV or using precious moments playing video games, or scrolling on their electronic device.

Understand, watching TV, scrolling or playing games in themselves is not wrong.  But when time is wasted on these activities instead of choosing to use the gifts and talents God has given us, aren’t we cheating God of HIS time?  Everything is his after all.  He’s given it to us to see how we use it; yes even our time.  

Remember the Parable of the Talents?  Each was given s specific amount of talents, but one chose to do nothing with his and bury it.  He didn’t have the energy or interest to make any good use of it.  The Master promised to come back and he did.  And the Master was not pleased with the one who did nothing.

Are we ‘doing nothing’ with our time when we bury our talents?  Are we being faithful with the blessings we’ve been given?  We’re all accountable for what we do, as well as, for what we don’t, when it comes to using God’s gifts.  He has a designed plan and a purpose--- and has seen to it that each of us has something to offer; something that will move the Kingdom forward.  Are we doing that or are we not taking the Lord serious?   

We are given amazing possibilities every day.  It’s up to us to look for them and then respond as God directs us.  It’s a brand new week!  Let’s do our best to be alert to the Holy Spirit’s nudging and use our God given resources ---including our time--responsibly!  

Photo Credit: https://www.pexels.com/search/clock/ 

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