He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, January 8, 2024

The Battle Lines Are Drawn

  There’s been so much going on in the world today, it’s hard to keep up!  Our world has been hit by weather extremes, a COVID  pandemic only a few years past that still has people on edge, there's a war raging in Israel and political discontent here in the U.S. with upheavals all over the country from people trying wreak havoc on all that is traditional, and even good.  Given the terror threats in some areas, the military have been called in, extra police officers and other protection protocols to maintain civility!

I don’t have the answers to any of this, but the one thing that is clear to me is how Satan is manipulating our world, to the point of no return.  He and his minions have put into place people who choose to do his will, spreading hate and division, violence and destruction everywhere!  

The battle lines have been drawn.  Satan is trying to convince the world that everything is okay.  It’s perfectly fine to hate your neighbor; or have disdain for the good and right in the world.  He’s convinced ‘the powers that be,’ that to be immoral is the right thing to do; what was once wrong is now right, and to live life with total abandon with only our own wants and desires to be met, being the perfect way to live.  And of course, there are no repercussions for bad behavior.  It’s a game to see who can outwit who!

Recently my daughter shared with me several commercials she and her family have seen on TV, where Satan has a girlfriend.  In the commercials Satan is grinning and he and his girl are having the times of their lives.  While he is totally red with satanic horns, his friendly smile with perfect white teeth and pleasant voice belie the wickedness this evil has.  

But one thing I know.  I’ve read the ‘back of the Book’ and I know how it ends! Satan is real.  He’s not a comic hero or commercial icon that should be taken lightly and accepted as ‘the norm’ in our homes as families, with children looking on.  Satan is evil!  He is false and destructive and wants nothing more than to destroy the workings of the Lord.  And he thinks he’s going to win. —-  Well, in theory, because he’s read the back of the Book, too, and he knows —-and he fears God.  But his pride shoves him on into oblivion with a purpose:  to take as many people with him as he can.

Our world has walked over the edge.  We live in a realm of extreme depravity and this is a sure sign Jesus will return soon.  Obviously ‘soon’ is subjective and it’s still our responsibility to pray for God’s guidance and even a revival!  But it’s also up us as Believers, to recognize God’s impact in our world and not walk the slippery slope of acceptance to Satan’s plan.  He’s the chief fooler; master deceiver!  He’s causing even devout Christians to not fall on their knees in repentance, as he continues to worm his way into hearts and minds.

We need to pray for our young people as their world is filled with so many wrongs  as defined by the Bible, that have come to be commonplace in our lives.  When we as adults don’t recognize the evil behind what we see or hear, how can we teach our young ones?  It’s certainly something to think about.

Photo Credit:  https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/end-times 

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