He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3a

Monday, July 28, 2014

Love That Tie!

            I do my best to look decent, but even with my best efforts there are days I just “am not feelin’ it!”  Today was one of those days.  We had to make a trip into Dover and was completely surprised when a lady looked at me and said, “What a pretty dress!”  I responded with, “thank you,” but she must have heard the doubt in my voice because she insisted.  “No! Really! That is such a cute outfit!”  To say the least it made me feel a little better.  Then while grocery shopping another lady (again, a stranger) said to me, “What a cute outfit!”  Oh my goodness!  I was stunned!  Now this isn’t a fancy dress, just a little outfit that I happened to put on this morning.

            My point is I needed to hear that!  I was feeling “down” on myself….a little ugly…and unattractive, tired and just not feeling “pretty” at all!  It was wonderful to get encouragement!

            I believe we all need that kind of encouragement sometimes. I remember at a Post Office business meeting at convention once, the speaker was talking about “harassment on the job.”  (I was there as a guest with my husband.)  He was quite detailed about what could be said and what was considered inappropriate.  The speaker finished and folks were milling about when another Post Master came near me.   I was quite struck by his tie and was quick to tell him so.  My husband burst out laughing and said, “Well, it’s a good thing you don’t work for the Post Office!  You just did hear the definition of harassment, right?”  I joined in the laughter as did the reciprocating Post Master.  Even though I had just heard all the reasons why you should not say something “nice” to someone, I immediately did!  

            Another time while traveling, we went to purchase the required tickets at the ticket booth and the girl who waited on us had eyes of sapphire.  They were stunning!  We left the booth and I had to return to tell her so!  I have commented on outfits, hair, shoes, even teeth!  After the initial shock of hearing something kind spoken, the recipient of kindness is usually quite pleased with the comments.  It brightens their day, and might be the only kind thing they hear all day long!  

So I ask you, what is wrong with telling someone something good?  Why do we hesitate to comment positively about, or to someone, when we think it?  Honestly, there are times when you have to do some “creative thinking” to say something good…especially if your first instinct isn’t something kind.  Sometimes…..  a genuine smile of friendship is a kindness revered by a stranger.

I challenge you every day, for the next seven days, to say something kind to someone!  It can be a stranger, but doesn't have to be.  Watch the recipient smile.  Take joy in doing something good!  Then share your story with others.  We would be glad to hear how you were able to make someone's day by a simple act or word of kindness.

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